OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It's a tragedy to his civil rights, but we seem to value the rights of illegals over the rights of our own citizens nowadays.

Nowadays? You realize the sentence you just typed has been uttered relentlessly since the beginning of America the sovereign nation.
The law was that way going all the way back to merry olde england. Had they ruled different, it would have been legislating from the bench because they wouldn't have followed the intent and language. I'm not defending NM. Never have. We are talking about the law you don't seem to understand. I'm taking credit for this Van Damme.

Nobody is talking about England.
The law was that way going all the way back to merry olde england. Had they ruled different, it would have been legislating from the bench because they wouldn't have followed the intent and language. I'm not defending NM. Never have. We are talking about the law you don't seem to understand. I'm taking credit for this Van Damme.
There you go again... acting like a massive authoritarian.
Nobody is talking about England.
If you don't think the basis of our laws can be traced back to England, then you don't understand this whole ruling. In order to interpret the meaning and purpose of a constitutional question without much precedent, you have to look at it's origin. Van Damme #3 before lunch.
Give me some examples of us being "more aware" in the past.

Well, there is a story I read about Davey Crockett voting for a disaster relief bill one time, and when he came back to his constituents one of them took him to task for it, saying it wasn't the governments job to do such a thing. I could probably tell the whole story, but the post would be so long nobody would want to read it. I'm sure there are plenty of other stories out there, but you should know them...being a history expert and all of that.
If you don't think the basis of our laws can be traced back to England, then you don't understand this whole ruling. In order to interpret the meaning and purpose of a constitutional question without much precedent, you have to look at it's origin. Van Damme #3 before lunch.

I didn't say that. You do realize that our laws aren't the exact same as those British laws, right? You can claim Van Damme all you want, but your arguments don't make any sense. You're conflating the issues now because you've been backed into a corner and it's your only play. You seem to do this a lot.
I didn't say that. You do realize that our laws aren't the exact same as those British laws, right? You can claim Van Damme all you want, but your arguments don't make any sense. You're conflating the issues now because you've been backed into a corner and it's your only play. You seem to do this a lot.
Man, this is a poor attempt by you. Not all laws are exactly the same, but if you knew why the court ruled the way they did then you would know why the origin was used. You should read up on something before you argue about it. There is no conflating the issue, because I've only been talking about this case. It's obvious you are in the corner because you haven't addressed the facts that the ruling is based on. You can't come at me with facts, which is normal for you.
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Man, this is a poor attempt by you. Not all laws are exactly the same, but if you knew why the court ruled the way they did then you would know why the origin was used. You should read up on something before you argue about it. There is no conflating the issue, because I've only been talking about this case. It's obvious you are in the corner because you haven't addressed the facts that the ruling is based on. You can't come at me with facts, which is normal for you.

What does the origin of the law have to do with the American version of the law if they aren't the same law? You're conflating the two laws in order to muddy the waters because you're on the wrong side of the facts. Between this and putting words in my mouth, those are generally the only two defenses you ever use.
Well, there is a story I read about Davey Crockett voting for a disaster relief bill one time, and when he came back to his constituents one of them took him to task for it, saying it wasn't the governments job to do such a thing. I could probably tell the whole story, but the post would be so long nobody would want to read it. I'm sure there are plenty of other stories out there, but you should know them...being a history expert and all of that.

The point is my historical expertise knows we are a million times more aware now of all sides of a law, bill, issue, etc. than we were at any point in the past. So I know, as per usual, your history is inaccurate.

Thank the communication/information age. No one excepts that anyone knows all because there are a million different opinions on every thing at your fingertips.

Think about the farmer who had one newspaper come once a week to get his information. You think he's more aware of anything than anyone today? To him, that newspaper told him how it was and he had no other option for a differing view point to become more aware.
The point is my historical expertise knows we are a million times more aware now of all sides of a law, bill, issue, etc. than we were at any point in the past. So I know, as per usual, your history is inaccurate.

Thank the communication/information age. No one excepts that anyone knows all because there are a million different opinions on every thing at your fingertips.

Think about the farmer who had one newspaper come once a week to get his information. You think he's more aware of anything than anyone today? To him, that newspaper told him how it was and he had no other option for a differing view point to become more aware.

Is there more communication? Sure. That doesn't mean that people are more educated on the subject. There are two problems with your statement.
  1. People don't pay attention nowadays as they would have in the past. There are too many "shiny objects" and a large portion of the population couldn't even tell you anything about the Bill of Rights.
  2. What information we do get is generally run by corporations today. This leads to a lot of intentional misinformation which hinders peoples' understanding of what the laws mean. Take the 2nd Amendment for example. It's pretty cut and dry, but for decades the media has pushed their own narrative about the Amendment.
What does the origin of the law have to do with the American version of the law if they aren't the same law? You're conflating the two laws in order to muddy the waters because you're on the wrong side of the facts. Between this and putting words in my mouth, those are generally the only two defenses you ever use.
Ouch. Two extremely poor post in a row from you. In order to under what the founders meant, you have to understand why it was written. That's a pretty simple concept and has nothing to do with conflating anything. How exactly am I on the wrong side of the facts? I'm the only one who has provided facts. Those facts show I'm right. All you have provided is opinion. Here's an idea. Offer a sound, legal argument saying why the decision was wrong. That's what it means to provide facts. Just saying they were wrong because you don't like it is opinion and all you have provided so far.
Do you know what the funniest part of all this is? I was ridiculed for my statement about how New Mexico infringed on this man's civil liberties, and now everyone has already ceded that point to me. 0910 is trying to change the subject and Strumm and Prlyles are lobbing insults and inane comments from the peanut gallery.
Ouch. Two extremely poor post in a row from you. In order to under what the founders meant, you have to understand why it was written. That's a pretty simple concept and has nothing to do with conflating anything. How exactly am I on the wrong side of the facts? I'm the only one who has provided facts. Those facts show I'm right. All you have provided is opinion. Here's an idea. Offer a sound, legal argument saying why the decision was wrong. That's what it means to provide facts. Just saying they were wrong because you don't like it is opinion and all you have provided so far.

Of course you think the post is poor, because you don't understand that the laws are not the same. BTW, what facts have you provided?
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Ouch. Two extremely poor post in a row from you. In order to under what the founders meant, you have to understand why it was written. That's a pretty simple concept and has nothing to do with conflating anything. How exactly am I on the wrong side of the facts? I'm the only one who has provided facts. Those facts show I'm right. All you have provided is opinion. Here's an idea. Offer a sound, legal argument saying why the decision was wrong. That's what it means to provide facts. Just saying they were wrong because you don't like it is opinion and all you have provided so far.

Here's what you said and I wanted clarification on:

The refusal of giving the man his Constitutional rights is pretty disturbing.

was ridiculed for my statement about how New Mexico infringed on this man's civil liberties, and now everyone has already ceded that point to me.
So, based on the above I never ridiculed anything about your NM statement. I even specifically said I'm not talking about the NM issue.

0910 is trying to change the subject
Nope. You started off by saying constitutional rights were violated. I've never talked about anything but that.

Of course you think the post is poor, because you don't understand that the laws are not the same.
It's clear to everyone here that you're the one who lacks understanding.

BTW, what facts have you provided?
I've provided the exact wording of what the Constitution says and told you why the court ruled the way they did. You've provided nothing.
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Do you know what the funniest part of all this is? I was ridiculed for my statement about how New Mexico infringed on this man's civil liberties, and now everyone has already ceded that point to me. 0910 is trying to change the subject and Strumm and Prlyles are lobbing insults and inane comments from the peanut gallery.
To be fair to me, the insults didn’t start until you were asked to explain your post. When you failed to do that then I might have insulted you just a little but not as much as you deserved.
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Do you know what the funniest part of all this is? I was ridiculed for my statement about how New Mexico infringed on this man's civil liberties, and now everyone has already ceded that point to me. 0910 is trying to change the subject and Strumm and Prlyles are lobbing insults and inane comments from the peanut gallery.
Are you sure that's the funniest part?

I don't remember "lobbing insults" at all.
To be fair to me, the insults didn’t start until you were asked to explain your post. When you failed to do that then I might have insulted you just a little but not as much as you deserved.

I did explain my post. You didn't like the explanation. So you, uncboy, and strumm do what you always do. You reverted to your three stooges act and started lobbing insults. It's all good. I've been here long enough to know what to expect.
Here's what you said and I wanted clarification on:

So, based on the above I never ridiculed anything about your NM statement. I even specifically said I'm not talking about the NM issue.

Nope. You started off by saying constitutional rights were violated. I've never talked about anything but that.

It's clear to everyone here that you're the one who lacks understanding.

I've provided the exact wording of what the Constitution says and told you why the court ruled the way they did. You've provided nothing.

We all know what the Constitution said and how SCOTUS changed the law. If those are your "facts" then you're in trouble. Let's put it this way, the law doesn't state that the court has the power to deny bail, it just doesn't. However, it does talk about not allowing for excessive bail. So, it allows for bail, just not excessive bail. What part of that makes you think that it gave the courts the power to revoke bail?
I love the Joe Rogan bit about originalism with the constitution.

“You guys didn’t write any new shit? I wrote that with a feather.”

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