OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Come on, let's Grift AGAIN, like we did last summer! Let's grift again, like we did last year!
and there you back to your old ways, the way of the board numbskull. I'm not enamored of what he's doing here, but if he's not hoodwinking anyone, how is it a grift? I read that the offering sold out in no time, and the buyers got exactly what he said they would.. If I could do that I would and I suspect you would too....and then I'd defy you to suggest it was a grift.

Why not just say it's a tad sleazy (your opinion) and leave it at that.
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So, the debate is back on. All that hand wringing yesterday for nothing . . .


Kamala welcomes her own new team members:

" In response to the letter, Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, said in a statement to NBC News that the letter was “hilarious” and claimed “nobody knows who these people are.”

“They would rather see the country burn down than to see President Trump successfully return to the White House to Make America Great Again,” Cheung said. "

those two hundred votes though....two hundred votes from anti-Trumpers that weren't being counted on to begin with. Oh Lord, the end is nigh.
" In response to the letter, Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, said in a statement to NBC News that the letter was “hilarious” and claimed “nobody knows who these people are.”

“They would rather see the country burn down than to see President Trump successfully return to the White House to Make America Great Again,” Cheung said. "

those two hundred votes though....two hundred votes from anti-Trumpers that weren't being counted on to begin with. Oh Lord, the end is nigh.
They don't know who Jean Becker, Chief of Staff under George H.W. Bush is? Or Beverly Barrett, Special Assistant for Cabinet Affairs and Christopher Barton, Director of National Security Council under George Bush? Or Sally S. Bradshaw, Chief of Staff for Jeb Bush? Or Rob Freeman, Deputy Staff Director for John McCain? Shall I continue?

The Trump campaign might think the list of signees is hilarious, but their votes still count as much as any run-of-the-mill cult member. (I think it's nervous laughter we're talking about, anyway.)

I would say the joke's on you.
So, the debate is back on. All that hand wringing yesterday for nothing . . .

All your hand wringing and claims of power aside, it was never off. The debate is EXACTLY as it was originally agreed to with CNN rules. To review, they had an agreement, she made new demands, got told no, and she buckled. She's one tough prosecutor!!!!
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All your hand wringing and claims of power aside, it was never off. The debate is EXACTLY as it was originally agreed to with CNN rules. To review, they had an agreement, she made new demands, got told no, and she buckled. She's one tough prosecutor!!!!
I wasn't wringing my hands. Far from it. In fact, I was the one suggesting everyone take a deep breath and let the candidates work it out, which they did. And the debate may have never been off, but there for a while it was teetering:

I wonder if Beetlejuice Beetlejuice will suck twice as bad as Beetlejuice did?

They don't know who Jean Becker, Chief of Staff under George H.W. Bush is? Or Beverly Barrett, Special Assistant for Cabinet Affairs and Christopher Barton, Director of National Security Council under George Bush? Or Sally S. Bradshaw, Chief of Staff for Jeb Bush? Or Rob Freeman, Deputy Staff Director for John McCain? Shall I continue?

The Trump campaign might think the list of signees is hilarious, but their votes still count as much as any run-of-the-mill cult member. (I think it's nervous laughter we're talking about, anyway.)

I would say the joke's on you.
I would say YOU'RE the joke, trying to make 200 votes seem to matter more than...200 votes.
So, the debate is back on. All that hand wringing yesterday for nothing . . .

I assume you mean all the handwringing by the dem camp over the use of notes. Looks like they must have found a workaround of some kind. Says they aren't going to be given the questions beforehand. Doesn't say anything about the answers though.
Why not just say it's a tad sleazy (your opinion) and leave it at that.
that's exactly what I did... no more, no less. I didn't even do that much. I just made a mild grifting joke - using Chubby Checker's song. You take derision toward Trump so personal.

It's like him selling his Trump bibles! Sleazy grifter.
that's exactly what I did... no more, no less. I didn't even do that much. I just made a mild grifting joke - using Chubby Checker's song. You take derision toward Trump so personal.

It's like him selling his Trump bibles! Sleazy grifter.
in other words; 'I said he was a grifter but I didn't even say he was a grifter. All I did was say he was a grifter. But I didn't say he was a grifter. I only said Chubby Checker said he was a grifter. Wait, maybe Alice said that, when she was ten feet tall. Maybe she told Chubby Checker he was a grifter. Go ask Alice, I think she'll know.

You take my idiocy so personal.'

You're right. I'm offended by unwarranted character assassination. I was brought up better than those who purposely mischaracterize and slander out of spite like butthurt teenage girls. Too bad I can't say that about you.
in other words; 'I said he was a grifter but I didn't even say he was a grifter. All I did was say he was a grifter. But I didn't say he was a grifter. I only said Chubby Checker said he was a grifter. Wait, maybe Alice said that, when she was ten feet tall. Maybe she told Chubby Checker he was a grifter. Go ask Alice, I think she'll know.

You take my idiocy so personal.'

You're right. I'm offended by unwarranted character assassination. I was brought up better than those who purposely mischaracterize and slander out of spite like butthurt teenage girls. Too bad I can't say that about you.
You say so much about me that it's hard to keep track, so I usually just read the last sentence.
Pige got 3 reactions on that deep thought. Probably needs to do some engagement farming to get those numbers up. Feels unfair for so few to be graced with that kind of wisdom from this particularly seasoned 26 year old, Gen Z, Trump hater.
Other than your obsession, who cares about "reactions"?
I guess my point was to say, who gives a shit what some random Gen Z kid with no life experience has to say about anything, let alone, the current political climate?
Maybe you couldn't see what this person was responding too, but I agree with them. Maybe you have a better explanation for the dramatic change? (both being pro-Bernie in 2016).
Are you trolling?

Beetlejuice is genius. Michael Keaton is one of the most underrated actors of my life and his performance in that movie is brilliant.
Keaton actually improv almost all of his lines in the movie, so that makes it even more impressive. Everyone working on the movie has said that part of Burton's demands were that he be allowed to make it the same as last time. That includes actual props instead of a bunch of CGI.
Maybe you couldn't see what this person was responding too, but I agree with them. Maybe you have a better explanation for the dramatic change? (both being pro-Bernie in 2016).

The poast they were responding to was deleted.

Better explanation for what change?
Weren’t Biden and B.O. against gay marriage? Until they weren’t? And when they made the switch, wasn’t I told that people “evolve”?

Are Tulsi and RFK not allowed to “evolve”? Or maybe, they’ve both seen the train wreck of the last few years and are holding their nose as they join forces with whom many believe is the guy that can stop the downward spiral.
WTF, what kind of God Damn idiot gives a thumbs up at the gravesite of dead servicemen?

There's a potential for a new ... Product. Trump-stones. Trump caskets, too. Have his smiling, big head emblazoned on the casket with his serial killer autograph. Then a Trump tombstone and photo-op with the former president giving a tiny thumbs up. A very tiny thumb, but it's his thumb.

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