OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I just finished watching this on MeidasTouch.

It amazes me how the MAGA crowd puts all of their trust in this clown and his three-ring circus.
I didn't know what MeidasTouch was so I visited the site (but not by watching the video). It's basically an extremely and misleadingly biased hatchet job site against Trump and all things connected. It's so one way I felt like I needed a shower afterwords. In other words, it was pretty much how I feel after reading your body of posts. Yuk.
I watched the video and I believe this recent tweet you shared is dumb because it is disparaging Native Americans as well as school teachers for the simple purpose of taking a bumbling jab at liberals, and you're just as dumb for not seeing it as such.

To pile on, the claim that these "big forest fires" which "probably killed members of other tribes" is simply inventing a false history of America. I'm not saying NAs didn't murder each other, and apparently they sometimes did it by burning each other at the stake, but killing the enemy by way of out-of-control wildfires is about as preposterous as it gets. Even the "big forest fires" nonsense sounds completely made up. And to pile on further, how does this clown who titled his book Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me know that his grade school teacher wasn't a conservative Republican?
The best line the professor has in the interview was one that perfectly describes you. After laying out the romanticization that is put forth in Disney movies and even government guides for teachers that have been proven to be objectively false, he says:

"Well, I believed it too, because I was 8."

The fact is that humans are messed up as a group and will do all kinds of shitty things to each other and to those around them regardless of their own immutable characteristics or geography. To believe any particular group isn't subject to this reality is agenda driven. You think this is all dumb because it cuts against one of your core platforms, but that doesn't make it untrue. Now, run along and catch a rerun of Frozen or something.
pistol grips and detachable mags make these style weapons more effecient at killing people. Thatā€™s why they exist. It sure as fuk ainā€™t for huntin critters. Thereā€™s a reason every military on the planet chooses them.
that reason is not because they have pistol grips and detachable mags and are semi-auto, the way they are legally limited in this country. It's because they are fully auto when used militarily, and THAT is mostly what makes them more efficient at killing people.

I once owned a semi-auto shotgun, and I can assure you I could do a lot more damage with it in a crowd than you could with a legal AR-15. At a distance, not so much but the point is that fully auto is why the military finds this type of rifle more efficient at killing people

And hunters do shoot critters with them, and non-human target shooting is another popular use.
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We don't have a gun problem in this country. We have a parenting problem, same with public education. Look at this kids background and tell me I'm wrong.
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pistol grips and detachable mags make these style weapons more effecient at killing people. Thatā€™s why they exist. It sure as fuk ainā€™t for huntin critters. Thereā€™s a reason every military on the planet chooses them. To ignore that fact in the gun debate is stupid. But guns and abortion bring out the stupids for sure. Having said that I still donā€™t believe they should be outlawed. Being able to kill people efficiently should the need arise is why I have guns. As for this case for the dad to introduce a killing machine into a family dynamic of ugly divorce and threats to shoot up the school is criminal and Iā€™m glad to see him arrested.
Well, I suspect I won't be successful in trying to move your opinion on this . . . . But, you are partly right and partly wrong. For example, pistol grips do not make a firearm more efficient at killing anything. They do enable the firearm to be carried in a different manner and assist in shooting from different positions. But that applies to any firearm, not just AR's, and obviously handguns, hence the name. All magazines do is increase the capacity of any given firearm. The bigger the mag, the more capacity before one has to take a couple seconds and insert a new magazine. However, that is not unique to AR's and applies to all firearms with detachable magazines including the vast majority of rifles, all semi-auto handguns and even many models of shotguns including the slug shotgun I have used for hunting deer. There is nothing about "pistol" grips or magazines that is unique to AR's and that take is simply a part of the "they look scary" talking point of those who have received their firearm education from Hollywood or organizations like Brady.

Further, you are simply wrong that they "sure as fuk ain't for huntin critters." The AR is literally the most popular platform of any firearm purchased in our country and has been for sometime. It is available in a wide variety of calibers and used for all kinds of critter huntin. I think you'd be shocked at how often they are now used by hunters. But that topic is a complete misdirection that this issue even involves hunting and is exemplified when Biden says idiotic things like deer don't wear Kevlar vests. Thank you for not taking the bait and letting grabbers redefine hunting as the issue.
Well, I suspect I won't be successful in trying to move your opinion on this . . . . But, you are partly right and partly wrong. For example, pistol grips do not make a firearm more efficient at killing anything. They do enable the firearm to be carried in a different manner and assist in shooting from different positions to be more effecient at killing people But that applies to any firearm, not just AR's, and obviously handguns, hence the name. All magazines do is increase the capacity of any given firearm to be more effecient at killing people The bigger the mag, the more capacity before one has to take a couple seconds and insert a new magazine making it more effecient at killing people. However, that is not unique to AR's and applies to all firearms with detachable magazines including the vast majority of rifles, all semi-auto handguns and even many models of shotguns including the slug shotgun I have used for hunting deer. There is nothing about "pistol" grips or magazines that is unique to AR's
Having pistol grip and detachable mags is the definition of the platform
and that take is simply a part of the "they look scary" talking point of those who have received their firearm education from Hollywood or organizations like Brady.

Further, you are simply wrong that they "sure as fuk ain't for huntin critters." The AR is literally the most popular platform of any firearm purchased in our country and has been for sometime. It is available in a wide variety of calibers and used for all kinds of critter huntin. I think you'd be shocked at how often they are now used by hunters. But that topic is a complete misdirection that this issue even involves hunting and is exemplified when Biden says idiotic things like deer don't wear Kevlar vests. Thank you for not taking the bait and letting grabbers redefine hunting as the issue.
No, Iā€™m not partly wrong. Anyone educated on firearms knows the design of the weapon is to facilitate killing people. Not animals, not targets. Yea obviously you can use them to do that and people do. But those weapons were designed for military purpose and it wasnā€™t for the military to shoot squirrels. Gun rights defenders hate to acknowledge this cause itā€™s an argument of the left for banning the platform. but to deny it is just idiotic and defies logic and common sense and makes us look like morons. Just own it. The vast majority of gun owners own them for self defense. Self defense against what? Targets? So if youā€™re serious about the possibility of having to kill someone itā€™s only reasonable to have a weapon designed specifically to do so and I donā€™t fault anyone for recognizing that.
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No, Iā€™m not partly wrong. Anyone educated on firearms knows the design of the weapon is to facilitate killing people. Not animals, not targets. Yea obviously you can use them to do that and people do. But those weapons were designed for military purpose and it wasnā€™t for the military to shoot squirrels.
Is that why my turkey gun has a pistol grip?
The best line the professor has in the interview was one that perfectly describes you. After laying out the romanticization that is put forth in Disney movies and even government guides for teachers that have been proven to be objectively false, he says:

"Well, I believed it too, because I was 8."

The fact is that humans are messed up as a group and will do all kinds of shitty things to each other and to those around them regardless of their own immutable characteristics or geography. To believe any particular group isn't subject to this reality is agenda driven. You think this is all dumb because it cuts against one of your core platforms, but that doesn't make it untrue. Now, run along and catch a rerun of Frozen or something.
I didn't necessarily like the video that much in entirety because I thought it errant at times, but its point was valid. Basic human nature and the nature of life itself is not properly understood and considered by us, particularly not by the liberal crowd.

It's the feels that guides them instead of common sense and an understanding and acceptance of what the nature of humanity (and the world) is really like. What you bolded is much of the reason. They have never grown up emotionally. They haven't grown beyond the childish things they were taught growing up.

And before someone pipes up with 'oh, so we should accept cruelty and injustice?', I'll cut that nonsense off by pointing out that I absolutely despise cruelty and injustice and that what I'm accepting is that humans have an inherent nature that brings about cruelty and injustice; and that in order to truly limit those things, you have to understand and take into account the reality behind them. If you don't accept human nature for what it is, you'll only exacerbate the problems that it causes.
Is that why my turkey gun has a pistol grip?
I assume itā€™s because you find it the most effecient at killing turkeys. But in terms of the constitutionality of gun ownership shooting turkeys or hunting in general is irrelevant. The right to bear arms is the right to bear arms to defend yourself. And if thereā€™s a weapon thatā€™s more effecient than others in doing so then we should be able to own it.
The fact is that humans are messed up as a group and will do all kinds of shitty things to each other and to those around them regardless of their own immutable characteristics or geography. To believe any particular group isn't subject to this reality is agenda driven. You think this is all dumb because it cuts against one of your core platforms, but that doesn't make it untrue. Now, run along and catch a rerun of Frozen or something.
Where did I write that Native Americans were perfect human beings? Among competing tribes and European explorers, they could be as savage as any other murderous civilization that we know about. What I'm mocking is the author's method of blaming everything he doesn't like on liberalism simply because he has an obvious axe to grind. His history teacher was a liberal who taught him only lies. Environmentalists are liberals who, according to him, hold early civilizations in esteem as idealistic role models. What a pile of crap! The only liar here is him.

Also, his method is pretty stupid and shortsighted. For Native Americans, their homeland was sacred. That would include the forests and animals he claims they so callously destroyed by means of arson. I'm sure he would be hard-pressed to find any evidence whatsoever to support his claim that they were prone to destroying their lands just for the benefit of modern-day naysayers like him.
Where did I write that Native Americans were perfect human beings? Among competing tribes and European explorers, they could be as savage as any other murderous civilization that we know about. What I'm mocking is the author's method of blaming everything he doesn't like on liberalism simply because he has an obvious axe to grind. His history teacher was a liberal who taught him only lies. Environmentalists are liberals who, according to him, hold early civilizations in esteem as idealistic role models. What a pile of crap! The only liar here is him.

Also, his method is pretty stupid and shortsighted. For Native Americans, their homeland was sacred. That would include the forests and animals he claims they so callously destroyed by means of arson. I'm sure he would be hard-pressed to find any evidence whatsoever to support his claim that they were prone to destroying their lands just for the benefit of modern-day naysayers like him.
they do like some fire water I know that
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All kidding aside I worked in Cherokee for two miserable years and the alcoholism was rampant. Itā€™s weird how stereotypes can be based on reality. Then someone said ā€œhey letā€™s add a casino and give the alcoholics lots of money!ā€ Iā€™m so glad I wasnā€™t around for that.
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All kidding aside I worked in Cherokee for two miserable years and the alcoholism was rampant. Itā€™s weird how stereotypes can be based on reality. Then someone said ā€œhey letā€™s add a casino and give the alcoholics lots of money!ā€ Iā€™m so glad I wasnā€™t around for that.
There is a reservation near Chadron, NE. It is worse than Cherokee. I know teachers that work on some reservations, I want no part of it.
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No, Iā€™m not partly wrong. Anyone educated on firearms knows the design of the weapon is to facilitate killing people. Not animals, not targets. Yea obviously you can use them to do that and people do. But those weapons were designed for military purpose and it wasnā€™t for the military to shoot squirrels. Gun rights defenders hate to acknowledge this cause itā€™s an argument of the left for banning the platform. but to deny it is just idiotic and defies logic and common sense and makes us look like morons. Just own it. The vast majority of gun owners own them for self defense. Self defense against what? Targets? So if youā€™re serious about the possibility of having to kill someone itā€™s only reasonable to have a weapon designed specifically to do so and I donā€™t fault anyone for recognizing that.
Take away the fully auto firing function of military rifles and there is no difference in killing an animal or killing a human with any weapon. What facilitates killing one will facilitate killing the other. There is no design or feature other than the fully auto function that makes a rifle essentially more suitable for military action than for other purposes.

A gun used for self-defense is typically used in the home, and a rifle is not generally considered to be the weapon of choice in that situation. Most rifles are owned and used for sport, or just as collectibles.

America's rifle

"The AR-15 was developed in the late 1950s as a civilian weapon by Eugene Stoner, a former Marine working for small California startup called ArmaLite (which is where the AR comes from). The gun, revolutionary for its light weight, easy care and adaptability with additional components, entered the mainstream in the mid-1960s, after Colt bought the patent and developed an automatic-fire version for troops in Vietnam, called the M16.

With encouragement from the gun industry, the AR-15 grew popular not only among people who enjoyed owning the latest tactical gear, but also among recreational and competitive target shooters, and hunters. Many saw it as a pinnacle of firearms engineering ā€” ergonomic, accurate, reliable.

ā€œItā€™s kind of the standard, de-facto rifle now,ā€ said Evan Daire, 23, a gun-range worker in New Jersey who aspires to become a professional target shooter. ā€œNo matter what role youā€™re looking at, it pretty much fills that role.ā€ "
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I didn't know what MeidasTouch was so I visited the site (but not by watching the video). It's basically an extremely and misleadingly biased hatchet job site against Trump and all things connected. It's so one way I felt like I needed a shower afterwords. In other words, it was pretty much how I feel after reading your body of posts. Yuk.
I understand how someone as wrapped up in MAGA as you has a problem with the site and its message, but tell me this. What did you find that you consider "misleading"?
I understand how someone as wrapped up in MAGA as you has a problem with the site and its message, but tell me this. What did you find that you consider "misleading"?
at the MTN site? The one-sidedness for starters. In your postings? Pretty much everything.
at the MTN site? The one-sidedness for starters.
MeidasTouch doesn't claim to be an impartial news organization. Of course they are biased in their reporting. We have those types of independently owned and operated media companies on both sides that are driven by their own agendas. Are you new to all of this?

I'll challenge you again. What have you found in their content that is misleading?
MeidasTouch doesn't claim to be an impartial news organization. Of course they are biased in their reporting. We have those types of independently owned and operated media companies on both sides that are driven by their own agendas. Are you new to all of this?

I'll challenge you again. What have you found in their content that is misleading?

Latest News​

JD Vance Says School Shootings Are a Fact of Life

JD Vance Says School Shootings Are a 'Fact of Life'

this is literally the first thing I came across
Take away the fully auto firing function of military rifles and there is no difference in killing an animal or killing a human with any weapon. What facilitates killing one will facilitate killing the other. There is no design or feature other than the fully auto function that makes a rifle essentially more suitable for military action than for other purposes.

A gun used for self-defense is typically used in the home, and a rifle is not generally considered to be the weapon of choice in that situation. Most rifles are owned and used for sport, or just as collectibles.

America's rifle

"The AR-15 was developed in the late 1950s as a civilian weapon by Eugene Stoner, a former Marine working for small California startup called ArmaLite (which is where the AR comes from). The gun, revolutionary for its light weight, easy care and adaptability with additional components, entered the mainstream in the mid-1960s, after Colt bought the patent and developed an automatic-fire version for troops in Vietnam, called the M16.

With encouragement from the gun industry, the AR-15 grew popular not only among people who enjoyed owning the latest tactical gear, but also among recreational and competitive target shooters, and hunters. Many saw it as a pinnacle of firearms engineering ā€” ergonomic, accurate, reliable.

ā€œItā€™s kind of the standard, de-facto rifle now,ā€ said Evan Daire, 23, a gun-range worker in New Jersey who aspires to become a professional target shooter. ā€œNo matter what role youā€™re looking at, it pretty much fills that role.ā€ "
the weapon was designed and sold to the military as an effecient machine for killing people. Nothing you posted changes that. Thatā€™s its primary purpose. You can drive nails with it for all I care but itā€™s still designed for killing people. Not animals, not targets, not for show. If your point is that itā€™s used a lot for other stuff as well then fine. But itā€™s designed to be effecient in shooting people. And once again I have no problem with that. Thatā€™s why I own one. Iā€™m just being honest about it. But Iā€™ll go to the shooting range and fire off some rounds then come home and handle the squirrels in my bird feeder to magically alter its design purpose if that helps you defend the constitutionality of owning it.
And a total lie. No bias here.
Well it is a fact of life. I donā€™t know the problem here if he indeed said that. If a society has the right to own guns people are going to abuse that right and schools are fertile soil to cultivate the sick thinking and opportunity that enables it. Freedom comes with a cost. As things stand now kids getting shot in school is part of that price. Americans are not willing to sacrifice their rights necessary to stop it as far as gun laws are concerned.
Well it is a fact of life. I donā€™t know the problem here if he indeed said that. If a society has the right to own guns people are going to abuse that right and schools are fertile soil to cultivate the sick thinking and opportunity that enables it. Freedom comes with a cost. As things stand now kids getting shot in school is part of that price. Americans are not willing to sacrifice their rights necessary to stop it as far as gun laws are concerned.
He didn't say that is the issue. Let's take veterans and retired cops and put them in schools. Again this is a parenting issue.
He didn't say that is the issue. Let's take veterans and retired cops and put them in schools. Again this is a parenting issue.
Well yea thatā€™s a great idea. But itā€™s a great idea cause these shootings are indeed a fact of life. If he had said that I wouldnā€™t have a prob with it.
Well yea thatā€™s a great idea. But itā€™s a great idea cause these shootings are indeed a fact of life. If he had said that I wouldnā€™t have a prob with it.
The left is in an uproar over something misquoted and taken out of context which they are great at.
Having pistol grip and detachable mags is the definition of the platform

No, Iā€™m not partly wrong. Anyone educated on firearms knows the design of the weapon is to facilitate killing people. Not animals, not targets. Yea obviously you can use them to do that and people do. But those weapons were designed for military purpose and it wasnā€™t for the military to shoot squirrels. Gun rights defenders hate to acknowledge this cause itā€™s an argument of the left for banning the platform. but to deny it is just idiotic and defies logic and common sense and makes us look like morons. Just own it. The vast majority of gun owners own them for self defense. Self defense against what? Targets? So if youā€™re serious about the possibility of having to kill someone itā€™s only reasonable to have a weapon designed specifically to do so and I donā€™t fault anyone for recognizing that.

Firearms have more than one purpose but killing people is indeed one of them. I acknowledge that and in no way does that change my views on them. That's why I own a few. I want them for killing people if I feel the need to. That's it. That's the end. I don't hunt. I'll buy my meat. What I don't like is someone threatening my family or my way of life. And I am prepared to use my firearms to defend both. I also plan to use my firearms to defend my right to own my firearms. So you can come get them. Bullets first.
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the weapon was designed and sold to the military as an effecient machine for killing people. Nothing you posted changes that. Thatā€™s its primary purpose. You can drive nails with it for all I care but itā€™s still designed for killing people. Not animals, not targets, not for show. If your point is that itā€™s used a lot for other stuff as well then fine. But itā€™s designed to be effecient in shooting people. And once again I have no problem with that. Thatā€™s why I own one. Iā€™m just being honest about it. But Iā€™ll go to the shooting range and fire off some rounds then come home and handle the squirrels in my bird feeder to magically alter its design purpose if that helps you defend the constitutionality of owning it.
well, nothing I posted changes you saying that nothing I posted changes that. And it's true the weapon was designed, and it's true that it was subsequently sold to the military; but I give you AGAIN what changes what you have been trying to convey...

""The AR-15 was developed in the late 1950s as a civilian weapon by Eugene Stoner, a former Marine working for small California startup called ArmaLite (which is where the AR comes from). The gun, revolutionary for its light weight, easy care and adaptability with additional components, entered the mainstream in the mid-1960s, after Colt bought the patent and developed an automatic-fire version for troops in Vietnam, called the M16."

You are shading your contention. You've been trying to say that the design was specific to military use and that that design is what makes it a military weapon; and I provided the above to bolster my contention that this is not exactly the case. It was adopted by the military because it was a good design for their purposes of killing people (and not for hunting) of course, but it was good design for the multiple purposes of a rifle before the military latched onto it, and it still is.

In other words, it wasn't designed specifically for the military's purposes or even necessarily for the purposes of killing people as in your reply to @pooponduke; "But those weapons were designed for military purpose and it wasnā€™t for the military to shoot squirrels."

And BTW, I'm not defending anything. I'm just trying to correct the incorrect. That's what I do. Yes, I'm a truther.
Firearms have more than one purpose but killing people is indeed one of them. I acknowledge that and in no way does that change my views on them. That's why I own a few. I want them for killing people if I feel the need to. That's it. That's the end. I don't hunt. I'll buy my meat. What I don't like is someone threatening my family or my way of life. And I am prepared to use my firearms to defend both. I also plan to use my firearms to defend my right to own my firearms. So you can come get them. Bullets first.
100%. I donā€™t hunt, I donā€™t target shoot, itā€™s not a hobby, i donā€™t play GI joe, I own guns to kill people I feel are threatening my life or my familyā€™s and thatā€™s despite 30 yrs of martial arts training. I own different guns for different scenarios. Iā€™m a responsible owner and observe all laws regarding handling and permits and such. I think thatā€™s the truth with most gun owners. Why itā€™s politically incorrect to acknowledge that is beyond me.
well, nothing I posted changes you saying that nothing I posted changes that. And it's true the weapon was designed, and it's true that it was subsequently sold to the military; but I give you AGAIN what changes what you have been trying to convey...

""The AR-15 was developed in the late 1950s as a civilian weapon by Eugene Stoner, a former Marine working for small California startup called ArmaLite (which is where the AR comes from). The gun, revolutionary for its light weight, easy care and adaptability with additional components, entered the mainstream in the mid-1960s, after Colt bought the patent and developed an automatic-fire version for troops in Vietnam, called the M16."

You are shading your contention. You've been trying to say that the design was specific to military use and that that design is what makes it a military weapon; and I provided the above to bolster my contention that this is not exactly the case. It was adopted by the military because it was a good design for their purposes of killing people (and not for hunting) of course, but it was good design for the multiple purposes of a rifle before the military latched onto it, and it still is.

In other words, it wasn't designed specifically for the military's purposes or even necessarily for the purposes of killing people as in your reply to @pooponduke; "But those weapons were designed for military purpose and it wasnā€™t for the military to shoot squirrels."

And BTW, I'm not defending anything. I'm just trying to correct the incorrect. That's what I do. Yes, I'm a truther.
Yes itā€™s a good design for other purposes. But the original design and purpose was for killing people. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing incorrect with stating that. Also youā€™re lumping in my response to poop regarding the platform of ar style weapons with the ar itself. So to clarify. The ar was designed for the purpose of killing people. It was sold to the military on the basis that the military recognized its use in killing people. Was the ar itself designed specefically FOR the military or with it in mind? I Dont know and didnā€™t intend to imply that.
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How is that misleading? Are you denying that J.D. Vance made that comment?
and just as I knew you would, you verify the second part of my previous post that everything you post is intended to mislead. If you read @nctransplant 's article on this very thing, you'll see that the 'X' or whatever it's called was removed and the misleading title was changed by AP since it did not reflect what Vance's words were conveying AT ALL. But we all know that you know that already.
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