OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It says "Kill." Take it up with the authors.

And, how do you know when the "barbarity ain't thought up?" You don't really believe that wars, executions, murder, and every other atrocity started after Moses came down from Sinai, do you? Abraham was told to kill... until God said "Just kidding." God killed a bunch of people during the Flood. That's before Moses, too. Not to mention, and more importantly, the Hebrews aren't the first human beings. You think people just discovered abortion in the last hundred years?
Wikipedia is as much a fairy tale as you call the Bible. You can’t use two fairy tales to prove your point.
You have proved that you can’t be trusted to tell the truth. Believe it or not but some people still place importance on telling the truth. You haven’t been showed that the last couple of years but it’s true none the less.
I haven't been on here for a couple of years.
You have watched your idol lie daily for the last two years and he’s not the only one but he has raised to a level people have never seen before. The point is the truth does matter to some people.
You have watched your idol lie daily for the last two years and he’s not the only one but he has raised to a level people have never seen before. The point is the truth does matter to some people.

Wow! I wasn't aware that lying politicians started with Trump.

The TDS is strong with this one.
Wow! I wasn't aware that lying politicians started with Trump.

The TDS is strong with this one.

Nowhere in any of his posts did he say that trump was the first politician to lie.

Anyone with a functioning brain can see that he lies with a frequency that is unmatched. It’s like he lies for sport. We’ve seen him change a story in the middle of one sentence.

“TDS” is probably the dumbest shit that the right has come up with in a long time. You’d have to be deranged to not be critical of this president.
Nowhere in any of his posts did he say that trump was the first politician to lie.

Anyone with a functioning brain can see that he lies with a frequency that is unmatched. It’s like he lies for sport. We’ve seen him change a story in the middle of one sentence.

“TDS” is probably the dumbest shit that the right has come up with in a long time. You’d have to be deranged to not be critical of this president.

Puhleese. You people act like his schtick is something new. It isn't, but you can't see that due to TDS. Do you even remember how many times Obama lied? And Obama's lies weren't stupid little lies. They were things like "you can keep your doctor" and "the NSA isn't spying on you".
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Trump is now filing lawsuits against banks to prevent congress from doing its job. This has gotten ridiculous. I have no idea how anyone could still support this clown. It’s impossible to take trump supporters seriously anymore.
Trump is now filing lawsuits against banks to prevent congress from doing its job. This has gotten ridiculous. I have no idea how anyone could still support this clown. It’s impossible to take trump supporters seriously anymore.

Congress doing its jobs? Really? That's laughable. What is their reasoning for wanting his financial records? It's insane that you don't think the guy has the right to due process.
Trump is now filing lawsuits against banks to prevent congress from doing its job. This has gotten ridiculous. I have no idea how anyone could still support this clown. It’s impossible to take trump supporters seriously anymore.
It's their job to look through his taxes? Thought that was the IRS. Just who is looking at the members of congress' financials?
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No it's not. Who has oversight over them?

Yes it is. Congress has the authority to subpoena the financial records of the president to look for conflicts of interest.

Did you not learn about checks and balances in high school? The three branches of government have oversight over each other.
Yes it is. Congress has the authority to subpoena the financial records of the president to look for conflicts of interest.

Did you not learn about checks and balances in high school? The three branches of government have oversight over each other.
So they want to go looking for a crime instead of first having evidence of a crime? Makes perfect sense. Again who's digging up crap on all the crooks in congress?
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Yes it is. Congress has the authority to subpoena the financial records of the president to look for conflicts of interest.

Did you not learn about checks and balances in high school? The three branches of government have oversight over each other.

I'm going to need some proof of this. Checks and balances don't allow you to invade someone's privacy and turn their life upside down, sans any kind of probable cause.
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Yes it is. Congress has the authority to subpoena the financial records of the president to look for conflicts of interest.

Did you not learn about checks and balances in high school? The three branches of government have oversight over each other.
I think this is going to be an interesting case. Their subpoena power is almost unlimited now. It will be interesting to see if that power extends to the time a person was a private citizen. It could also put some restrictions on their powers and might make them have to have more probable cause. This is something that might make it's way to the supreme court.
I think this is going to be an interesting case. Their subpoena power is almost unlimited now. It will be interesting to see if that power extends to the time a person was a private citizen. It could also put some restrictions on their powers and might make them have to have more probable cause. This is something that might make it's way to the supreme court.

This is what I'm talking about. I could see Congress subpoenaing records if there was some probable cause. However, "we think he's dirty" isn't probable cause. I also don't understand why they think the president doesn't deserve the same right to a legal defense as any other citizen.
So they want to go looking for a crime instead of first having evidence of a crime? Makes perfect sense. Again who's digging up crap on all the crooks in congress?

Most presidents release their financial info to prove there are no conflicts of interest. The fact that trump is willing to go so far to hide his is already suspicious enough to warrant further investigation.

Oversight committees can subpoena the financial records of other members of congress too. Nobody is picking on trump.
I think this is going to be an interesting case. Their subpoena power is almost unlimited now. It will be interesting to see if that power extends to the time a person was a private citizen. It could also put some restrictions on their powers and might make them have to have more probable cause. This is something that might make it's way to the supreme court.

It’s possible. I’m not an expert on congressional subpoenas but I think if a president refuses to release his taxes and financial statements then congress should have the power to subpoena.
Exactly. I think there should be a congressional council formed to look into every part of uncboy10's life, for as long as he lives.

As soon as I get elected president I’ll be sure to send you a copy of my taxes and financial statements.
I'm not in favor of partisan politics using their "power" to continue to try and incriminate someone because they're pissed that he's the president.

They're pissed because the Mueller Report didn't reinforce their insistence that Trump had the election rigged. They're probably resentful that the country is running along rather smoothly despite his childish behavior and abrasive attitudes. They're showing just how tribal the fvcking government really is by being sore losers and trying to incriminate the man for something so they can somehow appeal to the voters who chose him instead of Clinton in 2016. It's just as likely to backfire on them. And, I hope it does.

He's a royal asshole. But, that's not illegal. And, just because he is a royal asshole, that doesn't mean that he must have broken the law. And, if he did, it was just as likely that it was some white-collar law that they themselves have committed more than he has, but are in a position to keep their crimes hidden.
I'm not in favor of partisan politics using their "power" to continue to try and incriminate someone because they're pissed that he's the president.

They're pissed because the Mueller Report didn't reinforce their insistence that Trump had the election rigged. They're probably resentful that the country is running along rather smoothly despite his childish behavior and abrasive attitudes. They're showing just how tribal the fvcking government really is by being sore losers and trying to incriminate the man for something so they can somehow appeal to the voters who chose him instead of Clinton in 2016. It's just as likely to backfire on them. And, I hope it does.

He's a royal asshole. But, that's not illegal. And, just because he is a royal asshole, that doesn't mean that he must have broken the law. And, if he did, it was just as likely that it was some white-collar law that they themselves have committed more than he has, but are in a position to keep their crimes hidden.

They’ve been going after his financial records and taxes since before the Mueller investigation started. Wanting to know if the POTUS has conflicts of interest is a pretty sensible policy IMO. It’s not about proving he’s a criminal, it’s about figuring out who he owes debts to.
Oh yeah, because the president doesn't deserve any kind of privacy or the right to due process.

Oh yeah because it’s impossibke to have “any kind of privacy” if your taxes and financial records are public. This is basically the same thing as trying to install cameras in the White House bathrooms.

I'm not in favor of partisan politics using their "power" to continue to try and incriminate someone because they're pissed that he's the president.

They're pissed because the Mueller Report didn't reinforce their insistence that Trump had the election rigged. They're probably resentful that the country is running along rather smoothly despite his childish behavior and abrasive attitudes. They're showing just how tribal the fvcking government really is by being sore losers and trying to incriminate the man for something so they can somehow appeal to the voters who chose him instead of Clinton in 2016. It's just as likely to backfire on them. And, I hope it does.

He's a royal asshole. But, that's not illegal. And, just because he is a royal asshole, that doesn't mean that he must have broken the law. And, if he did, it was just as likely that it was some white-collar law that they themselves have committed more than he has, but are in a position to keep their crimes hidden.
Well said.
And the general public is getting tired of the whole mess. It's time to work towards HC fixes and infrastructure.
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It’s possible. I’m not an expert on congressional subpoenas but I think if a president refuses to release his taxes and financial statements then congress should have the power to subpoena.
I don't really have a problem with them asking for it for the years he was in office. The years before he was in office is what somewhat bothers me. Using subpoena power on a private citizen just doesn't sit well with me. That goes for any politician, not just Trump.
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They’ve been going after his financial records and taxes since before the Mueller investigation started. Wanting to know if the POTUS has conflicts of interest is a pretty sensible policy IMO. It’s not about proving he’s a criminal, it’s about figuring out who he owes debts to.
They've been grasping at straws for 2+ years now. Move on already.
That doesn't make them right.

Of course they’re right. If we don’t know who the POTUS owes debts to then we can easily be compromised as a nation. The founding fathers understood this idea, which is why they were careful to protect against people with foreign loyalties/obligations from becoming president.
They've been grasping at straws for 2+ years now. Move on already.

That’s kind of silly. They don’t have his taxes or financial records so nobody knows if they’re grasping at straws or not. Obviously republicans weren’t going to provide any kind of check on Trump, so it’s time that somebody did.

IF they were grasping at straws then trump could release his taxes and holdings and it would be one of the biggest political wins ever. But that’s not going to happen because anyone with a functioning brain knows he has a lot to hide. Which is why he’s suing.
That’s kind of silly. They don’t have his taxes or financial records so nobody knows if they’re grasping at straws or not. Obviously republicans weren’t going to provide any kind of check on Trump, so it’s time that somebody did.

IF they were grasping at straws then trump could release his taxes and holdings and it would be one of the biggest political wins ever. But that’s not going to happen because anyone with a functioning brain knows he has a lot to hide. Which is why he’s suing.
Just keep throwing crap against the wall, sooner or later something will stick. I got tired of the Hillary thing and I'm tired of this. Accept he's the President and move on. This treasure hunt is making liberals look small and petty.

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