Yeap, right after 2024. Trump switched jobs. The one he has now has term limits, as should the one Bernie has.Why should he retire? Trump is also retirement age. So you think he should retire too?
Yeap, right after 2024. Trump switched jobs. The one he has now has term limits, as should the one Bernie has.Why should he retire? Trump is also retirement age. So you think he should retire too?
Yeap, right after 2024. Trump switched jobs. The one he has now has term limits, as should the one Bernie has.
I never said anything about the alt right. And I’m pretty sure I’m a lot further from alt right than the actual right winger. You just sound stupid trying to make that argument. Next you’ll be telling us that Sam Harris is alt right
You’ve linked to breutbart constantly since you showed up here. The source doesn’t change the fact that you are a right wing puppet.
Claiming there’s no difference between beeirbart and The NY Times is next level stupid
Now you’re going full retard. He doesn’t drive a fancy sports car and his only properties are in his home state of Vermont and in DC where he works. And he wants his own taxes raised. 0/10
He could always pay more in taxes if he wanted. That's an option. I wish I had three houses.
Yeah because a few thousands dollars more in taxes from one man will solve all of our problems. Do better.
Congress doesn’t even think he’s dirty. They just want him to be dirty. Stall tactic to handcuff the executive branch, and appease all the wackos that hate Trump.This is what I'm talking about. I could see Congress subpoenaing records if there was some probable cause. However, "we think he's dirty" isn't probable cause. I also don't understand why they think the president doesn't deserve the same right to a legal defense as any other citizen.
Are you guys really trying to compare Sanders to Trump?
Yes , Repulican? We are. Clean up on isle 4.Are you guys really trying to compare Sanders to Trump?
Absolutely true.No, Trump is at least a businessman. He's created jobs. Sanders is a career politician and a leech.
“Businessmen” don’t create jobs. Demand creates jobs. Those jobs dry up real quick whenever people stop buying the good/service that the jobs produce.
The whole “job creators” shtick is nonsense. Consumers are the job creators. There is a market for labor like everyone thing else. Business owners purchase labor from the market, they don’t create it.
I hate Bernie Sanders politics but he is a good man with a track record in the Civil Rights arena that has few rivals.
Don’t let party politics let you talk down someone who has done much more good than bad in his career.
I would have agreed with this up to the point where he sold his constituents out. He may have done some good in the past, but he revealed himself to be just another smarmy politician.
50 plus years of good got erased in your head cuz he did something you didn’t agree with recently? Yeah that sounds smart.
And “may have done some good in the past” is a bullshit way to describe his life and you know it.
You realize that a business owner has to create something that consumers want to buy, right? Oh wait, you believe in the government forcing people to buy stuff they don't want, don't you?
It sure made him look self-serving and casted a shadow over a lot of the good he did. He's a poor man's Ron Paul...with zero gumption.
He swallowed his pride and backed Hillary because he felt that trump would be much worse for the US than hillary. That’s the opposite of “self serving.”
It’s almost like you’re addicted to saying stupid shit.
Yeah, he's a punk-ass sellout. He endorsed everything he railed against in the primaries. He has no scruples anymore...if he ever did have any.
You realize you’re talking to the only person on this board with a degree in economics, right?
Innovators try to create products based on where they think demand will go. They can create all the products they want, but if there isn’t demand then the jobs will still dry up. Demand is what drives markets.
Lol you’re a dumbass. He pushed Hillary to basically support most of his platform, not the other way around. He almost completely rewrote the democratic platform.
So, tell me what consumers will do if there isn't a product they deem worthy to buy? Will they just buy it anyway?
Sure he did. And I bet you believe that Hillary actually changed at the end, don't you?
I clearly just said that without demand a firm will go out of business. You’re clearly not following the plot here. Bless your heart.
I despise Hillary more than most on this board. Can you at least put together a coherent though before your next post?
And what f'ing sense does that make? It isn't on the consumer to find a product to buy. It's on the business man to make an item that the consumer wants to buy.
I'll try to dumb it down...
Bernie = sellout.
No demand means no sales. Without sales there is no revenue, and a business will fold and employees lose their jobs. Demand is what keeps those people employed. This isn’t rocket science.
He swallowed his pride and backed Hillary because he felt that trump would be much worse for the US than hillary. .
It's getting old and if they keep going it will assure a Trump 2020 victory. That and they good economy.Interesting numbers, but not surprising.
The numbers that both parties should focus on are the independents. That's the thing those parties don't seem to understand. You can mostly ignore your base, because they are your base. They will vote for you no matter what unless there is some dramatic change in the candidate's views. Independents win you an election. Your base just donates to your campaign.It's getting old and if they keep going it will assure a Trump 2020 victory. That and they good economy.
The numbers that both parties should focus on are the independents. That's the thing those parties don't seem to understand. You can mostly ignore your base, because they are your base. They will vote for you no matter what unless there is some dramatic change in the candidate's views. Independents win you an election. Your base just donates to your campaign.