OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I don't really have a problem with them asking for it for the years he was in office. The years before he was in office is what somewhat bothers me. Using subpoena power on a private citizen just doesn't sit well with me. That goes for any politician, not just Trump.

I would generally agree, but the problem is that a president would likely be compromised before taking office. I think you run for President knowing fully well that your entire life is going to be turned upside down. You accept that cost when you decide to run. I’m not sure why financial records should be any different. There should be limitations, I don’t care what trump buys with his checking account for example. But things like credit history and liabilities are something that should be looked at IMO.
Just keep throwing crap against the wall, sooner or later something will stick. I got tired of the Hillary thing and I'm tired of this. Accept he's the President and move on. This treasure hunt is making liberals look small and petty.

If they’re just throwing crap against the wall then why doesnt trump release his own taxes and financial records to prove that they are just being “small and petty.”
They’ve been going after his financial records and taxes since before the Mueller investigation started. Wanting to know if the POTUS has conflicts of interest is a pretty sensible policy IMO. It’s not about proving he’s a criminal, it’s about figuring out who he owes debts to.
Well, I think it got started right after the election in 2016. They've been trying to find some angle to impeach, throw shade, make him appear to look worse than he does on his own. And, when they do it like this? It makes them look like they're overreaching. It makes them look desperate. It makes them look like they just cannot stand the fact that he beat their shitty candidate and the country hasn't caved-in in spite of all of this. This is coming from someone who fervently dislikes the man and how he has acted as president.

If he has broken the law, and they have probable cause, that's one thing. But, to keep looking for new angles when the last one didn't work is just showing how totally partisan this shit-show really is. For that, I am thankful. Because, it IS a partisan shit-show that has no interest in the people themselves. It's an institution that is hard-wired to maintain and preserve its own power and well being.

He won, he's president, and, if they don't stop spending all their time trying to get him kicked-out, he'll stay in there for 4 more years. It's a bad precedent to basically say "Hey! You're an asshole. You shouldn't have won, even though you did. Now, we're not going to leave you alone until we find SOMETHING that we think we can make stick so we can unsuccessfully try to impeach you." As much of an asshole as he is, he knows how to fight back. This is a Roy Cohn legacy! They're only making him stronger by trying to defile him.
Of course they’re right. If we don’t know who the POTUS owes debts to then we can easily be compromised as a nation. The founding fathers understood this idea, which is why they were careful to protect against people with foreign loyalties/obligations from becoming president.

Do you think the founders would support depriving people of their due process? That's pretty hilarious.
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Well, I think it got started right after the election in 2016. They've been trying to find some angle to impeach, throw shade, make him appear to look worse than he does on his own. And, when they do it like this? It makes them look like they're overreaching. It makes them look desperate. It makes them look like they just cannot stand the fact that he beat their shitty candidate and the country hasn't caved-in in spite of all of this. This is coming from someone who fervently dislikes the man and how he has acted as president.

If he has broken the law, and they have probable cause, that's one thing. But, to keep looking for new angles when the last one didn't work is just showing how totally partisan this shit-show really is. For that, I am thankful. Because, it IS a partisan shit-show that has no interest in the people themselves. It's an institution that is hard-wired to maintain and preserve its own power and well being.

He won, he's president, and, if they don't stop spending all their time trying to get him kicked-out, he'll stay in there for 4 more years. It's a bad precedent to basically say "Hey! You're an asshole. You shouldn't have won, even though you did. Now, we're not going to leave you alone until we find SOMETHING that we think we can make stick so we can unsuccessfully try to impeach you." As much of an asshole as he is, he knows how to fight back. This is a Roy Cohn legacy! They're only making him stronger by trying to defile him.

It's crazy that people have already forgotten the Bill Clinton impeachment fiasco.
That’s kind of silly. They don’t have his taxes or financial records so nobody knows if they’re grasping at straws or not. Obviously republicans weren’t going to provide any kind of check on Trump, so it’s time that somebody did.

IF they were grasping at straws then trump could release his taxes and holdings and it would be one of the biggest political wins ever. But that’s not going to happen because anyone with a functioning brain knows he has a lot to hide. Which is why he’s suing.

If you don't have any probably cause, then you're grasping at straws. LOL!
It's crazy that people have already forgotten the Bill Clinton impeachment fiasco.
No one forgot it, that I know of. They're just doing what they always do- "Your side is bad, my side is good."

Stop trying to find some gimmick that reveals "A-HA! See? You didn't really get more votes and the people didn't really prefer you over her." Yes, they did. He won the election within the parameters that they all have won. And, the funny part is, he really didn't even WANT TO BE PRESIDENT! It shows that their system is not perfect and doesn't always choose the pre-chosen. I was even shocked by that, myself.
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If they’re just throwing crap against the wall then why doesnt trump release his own taxes and financial records to prove that they are just being “small and petty.”
If I had to guess? I'd say that, in his mind, it doesn't look as impressive as it should TO HIM. I don't think there's anything "illegal" about it. No more than anyone that reaches that level of celebrity and wealth. People in his category are all guilty of screwing the system somehow... including Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and every other multi-millionaire politico, celebrity, whatever. They get to that station in life by crooking the system somehow. In fact, I'd say it's just as likely that they KNOW they crook the system and they're trying to look for flaws he should have by following the ways they all do it, in some hope that their activity will never be seen because they know how unpopular Trump is among the media and the general population.
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No one forgot it, that I know of. They're just doing what they always do- "Your side is bad, my side is good."

Stop trying to find some gimmick that reveals "A-HA! See? You didn't really get more votes and the people didn't really prefer you over her." Yes, they did. He won the election within the parameters that they all have won. And, the funny part is, he really didn't even WANT TO BE PRESIDENT! It shows that their system is not perfect and doesn't always choose the pre-chosen. I was even shocked by that, myself.

I wasn't shocked that he won. I wouldn't have put money on it, but I wasn't shocked. You could start to see the writing on the wall after BREXIT happened.
If they’re just throwing crap against the wall then why doesnt trump release his own taxes and financial records to prove that they are just being “small and petty.”

For the same reason people take the 5th even if they're innocent. Besides, this wreaks more of going after people with whom Trump has done business.
I wasn't shocked that he won. I wouldn't have put money on it, but I wasn't shocked. You could start to see the writing on the wall after BREXIT happened.
I was shocked that the pre-chosen wasn't chosen. I've always felt that the system was rigged. We always get one oligarch flunkie or the other.
For the same reason people take the 5th even if they're innocent. Besides, this wreaks more of going after people with whom Trump has done business.
And, they're never going to impeach HIM! They're never going to get him to leave. It might... just might... result in more underlings doing cushy time. And, even that will only have blowback that eventually works against them.
And, they're never going to impeach HIM! They're never going to get him to leave. It might... just might... result in more underlings doing cushy time. And, even that will only have blowback that eventually works against them.

Even if they impeached him they'll never remove him. This whole thing has been nothing but a classic attempt at misdirection.
Can't believe I'm saying this but Strum is winning this thread. Good job Strum.
I'm not trying to win anything. And, I don't like, or approve of, Trump any more than I did yesterday. He's still a jag-off. But, the Democrat politicos are looking so desperate. In a way, I'm enjoying THAT.
If I had to guess? I'd say that, in his mind, it doesn't look as impressive as it should TO HIM. I don't think there's anything "illegal" about it. No more than anyone that reaches that level of celebrity and wealth. People in his category are all guilty of screwing the system somehow... including Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and every other multi-millionaire politico, celebrity, whatever. They get to that station in life by crooking the system somehow. In fact, I'd say it's just as likely that they KNOW they crook the system and they're trying to look for flaws he should have by following the ways they all do it, in some hope that their activity will never be seen because they know how unpopular Trump is among the media and the general population.

You’re grossly oversimplifying here. Not everyone who is successful in politics got there by exploiting others like Trump. You think of “politicos” as this homogenous group when that’s not really the case. Bernie sanders and Donald trump are nothing alike.
Sure there is. What would that be?

I could give a long detailed list of indiscretions and known details about how he finances his real estate projects, but you’ve proven time and time again that facts are not your thing.
You’re grossly oversimplifying here. Not everyone who is successful in politics got there by exploiting others like Trump. You think of “politicos” as this homogenous group when that’s not really the case. Bernie sanders and Donald trump are nothing alike.
So Bernie hasn't exploited his lifelong political life for his own benefit?
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I could give a long detailed list of indiscretions and known details about how he finances his real estate projects, but you’ve proven time and time again that facts are not your thing.


Wait, that's racist to you, isn't it? LOL!
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[QUOTE="uncboy10, post: 1214361, member: 2822"]I could give a long detailed list of indiscretions and known details about how he finances his real estate projects, but you’ve proven time and time again that facts are not your thing.


Wait, that's racist to you, isn't it? LOL![/QUOTE]

Are you off your meds? Race hasn’t been mentioned anywhere during this discussion. You need to seek counseling.
You’re grossly oversimplifying here. Not everyone who is successful in politics got there by exploiting others like Trump. You think of “politicos” as this homogenous group when that’s not really the case. Bernie sanders and Donald trump are nothing alike.
I'm simplifying it, yes. It's not grossly oversimplified at all.

Sanders and Trump have a lot in common. Bernie Sanders has exploited people. He may not have done it in the deviantly-conscious way that we can conceive of it, but I have no doubt that he has done it. From an individual standpoint, he probably has good intentions. They all do when you ask them individually. When he becomes part of that governing institution, then there are insidious factors that he contributes to because there's no other choice. It's "the best we have", or that's how it's swallowed.

I'm not saying that Sanders stiffs contractors like Trump, or that he hauls people into court and beats them by attrition. No, that's a difference, for sure. But, I am quite sure that he takes advantage of all of the tax exemptions and loopholes that the system provides for people who have wealth that cannot be eradicated. There's nothing wrong with that. It's practical. But, Sanders is hardly a modest guy with his lifestyle. That's his choice, of course. It's not mandatory that he live a certain way at all. He's not as obscenely extravagant as Trump. But, as it's been said, it's harder to sell this all-for-one ideology when you're sitting on wealth like him.
It’s hilarious that you use this meme. You’re the right wing version of it. You parrot the right wing talking points that come out of Fox News and Breitbart then make fun of other people for doing the exact same thing.

Actually, I'm more of a Glenn Greenwald fan. There's no difference between Breitbart and the NY Times, or CNNPC and FAUX.

I tend to listen to Jimmy Dore, Ben Shapiro, and Glenn Greenwald. That's hardly an alt-right line-up. In fact, you're a lot closer to the alt-right than I am.
I'm simplifying it, yes. It's not grossly oversimplified at all.

Sanders and Trump have a lot in common. Bernie Sanders has exploited people. He may not have done it in the deviantly-conscious way that we can conceive of it, but I have no doubt that he has done it. From an individual standpoint, he probably has good intentions. They all do when you ask them individually. When he becomes part of that governing institution, then there are insidious factors that he contributes to because there's no other choice. It's "the best we have", or that's how it's swallowed.

I'm not saying that Sanders stiffs contractors like Trump, or that he hauls people into court and beats them by attrition. No, that's a difference, for sure. But, I am quite sure that he takes advantage of all of the tax exemptions and loopholes that the system provides for people who have wealth that cannot be eradicated. There's nothing wrong with that. It's practical. But, Sanders is hardly a modest guy with his lifestyle. That's his choice, of course. It's not mandatory that he live a certain way at all. He's not as obscenely extravagant as Trump. But, as it's been said, it's harder to sell this all-for-one ideology when you're sitting on wealth like him.

I’m sure he pays the tax rate that he is told to pay. The difference is that he advocating for his own taxes to be higher. That isn’t exploitation. Neither is selling books or inheriting a house from your wife’s family.

I’ve met Bernie Sanders. One look at his shoes was all it took to tell he is a modest guy. He’s a retirement age senator with a wife who also has worked most of her life. Of course he has some wealth. But it’s nothing like what you see on wall street or in Silicon Valley.
Actually, I'm more of a Glenn Greenwald fan. There's no difference between Breitbart and the NY Times, or CNNPC and FAUX.

I tend to listen to Jimmy Dore, Ben Shapiro, and Glenn Greenwald. That's hardly an alt-right line-up. In fact, you're a lot closer to the alt-right than I am.

I never said anything about the alt right. And I’m pretty sure I’m a lot further from alt right than the actual right winger. You just sound stupid trying to make that argument. Next you’ll be telling us that Sam Harris is alt right

You’ve linked to breutbart constantly since you showed up here. The source doesn’t change the fact that you are a right wing puppet.

Claiming there’s no difference between beeirbart and The NY Times is next level stupid
I’m sure he pays the tax rate that he is told to pay. The difference is that he advocating for his own taxes to be higher. That isn’t exploitation. Neither is selling books or inheriting a house from your wife’s family.

I’ve met Bernie Sanders. One look at his shoes was all it took to tell he is a modest guy. He’s a retirement age senator with a wife who also has worked most of her life. Of course he has some wealth. But it’s nothing like what you see on wall street or in Silicon Valley.
Then he should retire since he's retirement aged. His wife's employment record isn't great.

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