OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well fortunately for Trump he didn't tie himself to Robinson at all.
But here's the thing about that. And, I say this fully admitting that both sides would be doing the same thing and jumping on this like dog on a bone.

If this is in fact Robinson and CNN's leapfrogging of connecting it to him are 100% spot on, how was Trump or anyone else suppose to know about it from up to 16 years ago when these revelations are just now emerging? Why not when he was running for Lt. Gov.? Why now when they not only crush Robinson, but can be used by to attack Trump?

The only answer is two possibilities. One is that this was known and put away to be used when most effective. But it had to be known by only a few because there is no way that this stuff was well known and Trump or anyone else would get behind him expecting it not to come out. The other possibility is that it literally was just discovered. If that's the case, then only the haters would hold it against orange. You can only judge someone with what is known. If that changes, opinions can also change.

There is the third possibility that it's all bs and is just an attempt at a "September Surprise" which is, of course, the current day version of the October Surprise created due to the advent of early voting, etc.
But here's the thing about that. And, I say this fully admitting that both sides would be doing the same thing and jumping on this like dog on a bone.

If this is in fact Robinson and CNN's leapfrogging of connecting it to him are 100% spot on, how was Trump or anyone else suppose to know about it from up to 16 years ago when these revelations are just now emerging? Why not when he was running for Lt. Gov.? Why now when they not only crush Robinson, but can be used by to attack Trump?

The only answer is two possibilities. One is that this was known and put away to be used when most effective. But it had to be known by only a few because there is no way that this stuff was well known and Trump or anyone else would get behind him expecting it not to come out. The other possibility is that it literally was just discovered. If that's the case, then only the haters would hold it against orange. You can only judge someone with what is known. If that changes, opinions can also change.

There is the third possibility that it's all bs and is just an attempt at a "September Surprise" which is, of course, the current day version of the October Surprise created due to the advent of early voting, etc.
You didn't need to know about the CNN stuff. What the man has said and did the last few years is enough. Trump was fine with knowing all that. Give Trump credit for knowing his supporters.
I also thought I'd share this info. I'm sure others can/will chime in on the validity of the study and the organization itself, but the results of this study are a HUGE issue related to much of what we've discussed here. This is a quote from the abstract that pretty much sums it up:

We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.
If Robinson was peeping on trannies, I’m sure the left would be applauding him. However, as we all know from the many “family friendly” drag shows, no peeping is needed with trannies. Those weirdos are more than happy to show you the goods - whether you like it or not!
It is you who is having trouble with comprehension, or are just too entrenched to admit the folly of your argument. The man's own words speak about an "infant" being born and only then deciding what to do with it. Viability has nothing to do with the fact that once the infant has been born, it is a baby and a human being. Doing something to end it's life at that point is not abortion because the pregnancy has already ended through the act of delivery. By definition, there is no longer any pregnancy and as such, there is no ability whatsoever to perform an abortion. Period. Accept that. End of lesson.

Now, if your point is that you don't need to do anything to end the baby's life because the child will die of natural causes as it is "nonviable", then you should just say that. Babies, sadly, die of natural causes all the time and that's an entirely different topic from the act of ending a pregnancy through abortion. But, just stop with the insanity of arguing that a baby that has been born can be killed, it's justified because it was nonviable, and we can all feel better because we'll artificially categorize it as "abortion". You're doing a disservice to everyone involved and undercutting your own cause. Taking your line of thinking and word salad along its logical line, you'll probably eventually try to tell me that what happened twice in the last two months is perfectly fine and a non-issue because someone was simply trying to perform an abortion on our former president.

"if your point is that you don't need to do anything to end the baby's life because the child will die of natural causes as it is "nonviable", then you should just say that."

That's the whole point of his quote. Lol. Can you now corrected all of the dopes who keep lying about his comments?

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