OOTB's Political Thread . ..

you seem to think Trump is a more effective orator
This has become a habit. Instead of reading what was actually written, you reply with words like "you seem to think" or "this sounds like" or "what you're saying is" or some other nonsense that allows you to twist one's words to fit YOUR desired agenda. However, YOUR supposition is far different from reality and you don't get away that easily with the deflection attempts. Remember, reading is your friend and you are either not understanding simple words or you are doing this on purpose. I think it's the latter.

Just like I never said Trump was well-spoken in the last post you attempted to manipulate, I never said above that Trump was "a more effective orator". Your constant attempt to avoid the actual point speaks about its validity. The fact is that Trump often engages in public appearances where he speaks spontaneously and off the cuff. That is, he goes off the script. The fact is that KH rarely engages in public appearances where she speaks spontaneously and off the cuff. That is, she stays on script.

You can try again to twist that into whatever narrative you desire and we can debate effectiveness from a campaign standpoint, but it does not change the facts that Trump speaks openly and relentlessly (sometimes to his detriment) while Kamala has proven only to be a great actress/news anchor reading her teleprompter. Obviously, those things both have pluses and minuses. However, there are a few certainties that can be drawn. The biggest takeaway and the entire point of this line of discussion is that KH has handlers who will not allow her to do anything but read a prewritten script that surely has been polled and focus grouped to death. She also apparently has low self confidence or she would take those opportunities to engage regardless of what she is being instructed to do.
I'll tell you right now, I won't argue this point to the bitter end because 1) I don't give much of a damn about what happens in the Middle East
You should. It impacts us greatly.
, and 2) I'm not well-informed about the current state of affairs over there (see my first point). Despite all of this, like many/most Americans, I support Israel's right to exist and defend itself. I have Jewish friends and coworkers and I never bring up Middle East politics with them because I don't want that to shape our friendship.
I don't think you are alone on these points. My guess is that most of your Jewish friends/coworkers are extremely supportive of Israel and the war against the various factions, but will be split on Netanyahu. And that isn't even just based on current events as he has always been a such a figure who elicits such reactions.
What I do know regarding Oct. 7 and the fallout since I've seen on television (from both the mainstream media and occasionally FOX News.) Below I will link a few articles I found with minimal effort that suggest Netanyahu bears some of the blame for the Oct. 7 attack,
This is likely always the case with any such events and he along with all leadership should be looked at.
but what I really don't like about him these days as a world leader has been the indiscriminate bombing of innocent populations in Gaza.
THIS is something which I seriously have to question. Exactly where are you getting the evidence for such claims? Other than terrorists, what are your sources? Are you on campuses protesting and shouting "From the river to the sea" as well? If one's enemies choose to hide behind civilians, how does one attack that enemy without that innocent shield being attacked as well? You do realize that the IDF isn't just randomly bombing hospitals and such because it gains them popularity don't you?
Another thing that bothers me is those on the right trying to place the blame for this current Middle East conflict on Joe Biden.
Regardless of his weakness/fragility/senility and all the things that flow out of that, there is very strong evidence that good ole Joe is directly responsible. There is no question that Joe's actions have benefit Iran economically and there is also very little question that they are behind the funding of these various groups. I know you are not a rocket scientist, but this is not that hard. Biden is, of course, not entirely responsible, but he certainly has played his role in these events.
If it were up to me, America would cut all ties with these countries and allow them to sacrifice each other in the name of God/Allah and be done with it.
Careful. That's not the current D playbook to be involved in as much foreign conflict as possible. And, woops, staying out of such things sounds awfully close to Big T's attitude about such things.
But I realize it's not quite that simple.
It never is.
I didn't say that you said it. I wrote that is seems like that's what you think based on comments like this:
You can pretend and fantasize all you want, but no such words were written. No judgment on quality was expressed or implied. I could think he is a bad orator from what was said there. You IMAGINED that implication. I simply said he has diarrhea of the mouth quite often and she reads what she is permitted to read. That says NOTHING about my opinion of their capabilities.

However, and this is the point you never want to admit, it does say volumes about her handlers' opinion of her abilities.
There is a debate tonight. Sadly, they'll have him under control and toned down, so we won't see this version of Timmy:


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