OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Yep. Conservatives are really getting the shaft. That's why people like Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin are raking in the cash on youtube, and leveraging it into speaking tours that are even more lucrative. Prager University ads are all over pretty much every social media platform...

The majority of the "pundits" who have been banned from social media are obnoxious edge lords that say stupid shit then whine when there's backlash. People like Sargon of Akaad and Milo are immature, arrogant shitposters that love getting themselves banned so that they can drum up a bunch of financial support on Patreon for basically doing nothing. Then a bunch of wannabe pseudo-intellectuals that think being conservative is some kind of counter-culture movement, eat that shit up and regurgitate it all over the internet.
Yep. Conservatives are really getting the shaft. That's why people like Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin are raking in the cash on youtube, and leveraging it into speaking tours that are even more lucrative. Prager University ads are all over pretty much every social media platform...

The majority of the "pundits" who have been banned from social media are obnoxious edge lords that say stupid shit then whine when there's backlash. People like Sargon of Akaad and Milo are immature, arrogant shitposters that love getting themselves banned so that they can drum up a bunch of financial support on Patreon for basically doing nothing. Then a bunch of wannabe pseudo-intellectuals that think being conservative is some kind of counter-culture movement, eat that shit up and regurgitate it all over the internet.

BTW, some of these guys are making money despite being targeted. Just look at non-violent "right" people who are getting banned, meanwhile you still have active accounts for people like ANTIFA and HAMAS who are actually inciting violence. No matter what you think about Sargon or Milo, they are nowhere near as dangerous as active terrorist groups who are using social media as a call to violence.
Can there be a rule where you can't account for more than half of the posts on an entire thread page?
Can there be a rule where you can't account for more than half of the posts on an entire thread page?

Sure, I could start a thread for each post. All I'm doing is responding to people, who responded to me, and posting some articles that I find relevant. Why are you so butthurt over this?

You were a crybaby over multiple individual threads, so I obliged you and put them all in this thread. Now your being a crybaby over this. It sounds like you're just a crybaby at this point.
Sure, I could start a thread for each post. All I'm doing is responding to people, who responded to me, and posting some articles that I find relevant. Why are you so butthurt over this?
who are these posters you’re replying to?
Sure, I could start a thread for each post. All I'm doing is responding to people, who responded to me, and posting some articles that I find relevant. Why are you so butthurt over this?

Your definition of relevant is suspect.
Our President is, we aren't.

Most countries are smart enough to know that a majority of the US population didn't vote for him.

I don't even believe that's true. A lot of world leaders don't like him because they're globalists and he's doing what is best for the US. I get that, but it doesn't mean they think he's a laughing stock. They just hate him like they hate Farage, Salvini, and Orban.
I don't even believe that's true. A lot of world leaders don't like him because they're globalists and he's doing what is best for the US. I get that, but it doesn't mean they think he's a laughing stock. They just hate him like they hate Farage, Salvini, and Orban.

I don't agree with that. I think they think he isn't worthy of being the leader of the most important country in the world...and they are correct.

What's also funny about Trump...he claims some landslide victory in 2016...he lost the popular vote and only 2 times since 1980 has a President received a lower % of the electoral vote (Bush both times). Guy is a freaking joke.
I don't agree with that. I think they think he isn't worthy of being the leader of the most important country in the world...and they are correct.

What's also funny about Trump...he claims some landslide victory in 2016...he lost the popular vote and only 2 times since 1980 has a President received a lower % of the electoral vote (Bush both times). Guy is a freaking joke.

But they think that because he flies against everything they believe in. They believe that world leaders should be globalists. They're scared because this neo-liberal globalist agenda is imploding before their very eyes, and even though Trump didn't start it (BREXIT and Farage did), Trump is the most recognizable anti-globalist due to his position. Just look at what the leaders say about him. Most of them don't attack his intellect, they try to misrepresent his position. Most of the "you're stupid" attacks come from insipid Twitterati like Hollywood, or some equally inept Joe Schmoe on the street who don't understand the issues.
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Trump just declared reports of protests against him in london as fake news.

The protests are in plain sight from the press bldg where trump was being interviewed.

We have a new “baghdad bob” it seems.

What a ****ing idiot
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I don't even believe that's true. A lot of world leaders don't like him because they're globalists and he's doing what is best for the US. I get that, but it doesn't mean they think he's a laughing stock. They just hate him like they hate Farage, Salvini, and Orban.
He's doing what he thinks is best for Donald Trump.
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But they think that because he flies against everything they believe in. They believe that world leaders should be globalists. They're scared because this neo-liberal globalist agenda is imploding before their very eyes, and even though Trump didn't start it (BREXIT and Farage did), Trump is the most recognizable anti-globalist due to his position. Just look at what the leaders say about him. Most of them don't attack his intellect, they try to misrepresent his position. Most of the "you're stupid" attacks come from insipid Twitterati like Hollywood, or some equally inept Joe Schmoe on the street who don't understand the issues.
What exactly is a "globalist" again? I keep forgetting.
Trump calls protests "fake news"
The president then went on to say many reports of protesters are "fake news," insisting that the only protesters he saw were a very small group. "There were thousands of people cheering," the president insisted.

Trump says he saw only a small demonstration and says media reports of the much larger protest are “fake news.”
What exactly is a "globalist" again? I keep forgetting.

The EU is globalist. Giving up national sovereignty in order to join some larger governing body. You could say that the UN is globalist, or the changes in the US post Civil War were globalist. It's the concentration of power. It also is often referred to as a supply chain tactic in order to deal with the inflation of the 70's. Due to massive overspending, the economic community has put more of an effort on keeping costs down as opposed to employment and wages. It's what has led to bills like GATT, NAFTA, and the TPP. It's also what has driven mass immigration and open borders. It's also a big reason why we have a massive pay gap in the US. See graph below:

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