OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Right... but, he didn't mean she was "dirty"/nasty, as in unclean. He just meant that she showed contempt towards him and his presence/candidacy, whatever.

I understood it as saying she’s a nasty (as in mean) person for criticizing him. Not nasty as in unclean. I guess we’re all just nasty little NPC’s with TDS. Lol
I understood it as saying she’s a nasty (as in mean) person for criticizing him. Not nasty as in unclean. I guess we’re all just nasty little NPC’s with TDS. Lol

Disagreeing with Trump doesn't mean you have TDS. There are a few things that he's done that I really disagree with, and I rather doubt anyone here would accuse me of having TDS. TDS means that you just hate everything about the guy, even the little piddly crap that doesn't matter or that isn't even true. That's what TDS is all about.

Edit: There is a reverse side to that as well. A lot of people on the "right" had ODS during Obama's administration.
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Disagreeing with Trump doesn't mean you have TDS. There are a few things that he's done that I really disagree with, and I rather doubt anyone here would accuse me of having TDS. TDS means that you just hate everything about the guy, even the little piddly crap that doesn't matter. That's what TDS is all about.

Edit: There is a reverse side to that as well. A lot of people on the "right" had ODS during Obama's administration.
Fortunately, we have you as the North Star. :confused:

I say TDS means that you exalt The Donald as this figure who embodies everything you dislike about American Society, especially when it's from the basis of prejudice- immigrants, liberals, progressive, and any other platitude that you're scared of, or insist is a threat to society. Trump means an escape from it, or at least a WALL between you and whatever you believe is the culprit. Meanwhile, that fvckwit ran for president on a lark, to get publicity and out of spite, and now the low IQ base is glued to the man's legacy, and anyone intellectually above it has to reinvent language and interpretation in order to maintain any integrity. They KNOW he's a showman, but they lost the combination to the lock on the chain.
Fortunately, we have you as the North Star. :confused:

I say TDS means that you exalt The Donald as this figure who embodies everything you dislike about American Society, especially when it's from the basis of prejudice- immigrants, liberals, progressive, and any other platitude that you're scared of, or insist is a threat to society. Trump means an escape from it, or at least a WALL between you and whatever you believe is the culprit. Meanwhile, that fvckwit ran for president on a lark, to get publicity and out of spite, and now the low IQ base is glued to the man's legacy, and anyone intellectually above it has to reinvent language and interpretation in order to maintain any integrity. They KNOW he's a showman, but they lost the combination to the lock on the chain.

You can believe whatever you want. There are men out there who believe they're women. You be you, brutha!
Self-delusion is self-delusion, no matter how you try to cut it. If you purposely believe something, that's been established, isn't true because it offends your sensibility, then that's self-delusion. I'm not going to support your attempts at a "political sex change". ;)
TDS means that you just hate everything about the guy, even the little piddly crap that doesn't matter or that isn't even true.

Well ya, but I think there's a place for them as well. If it wasn't for the people that blow a gasket over everything he says, then all the stupid stuff he tweets would be...... well, just stupid. It only gets its entertainment factor from the misplaced outrage.
Ahh, yes...because everyone who disagrees with you needs medication. Could it just be that you can't get under my skin, no matter how hard you try? It does seem to be pissing you off.

That's rich. You go around saying that everyone who disagrees with you has TDS but now you want to play that card? lol

You really do need medication though. Anyone who hangs out on another team's off topic board, endlessly spamming political posts is probably not healthy. You have some serious issues that you need to get sorted out.
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That's rich. You go around saying that everyone who disagrees with you has TDS but now you want to play that card? lol

You really do need medication though. Anyone who hangs out on another team's off topic board, endlessly spamming political posts is probably not healthy. You have some serious issues that you need to get sorted out.

Wow! I have never made that statement on here. Way to put more words in my mouth, buddy.
Wow! I have never made that statement on here. Way to put more words in my mouth, buddy.

You play the TDS card literally every time someone says anything negative about trump. Then you tie yourself in a knot trying to spin everything he does/says. You're a clown and a sheep. Its no surprise that you aren't taken seriously by anyone on this board.
You play the TDS card literally every time someone says anything negative about trump. Then you tie yourself in a knot trying to spin everything he does/says. You're a clown and a sheep. Its no surprise that you aren't taken seriously by anyone on this board.

I play the TDS card for those of you who have constantly shown that you have TDS. TDS isn't a one issue sickness. TDS is a long-term collection of views. If you disagreed with Trump on tariffs, I wouldn't say you have TDS, but when you constantly accuse him of petty things, that you can't even back up with any kind of citation, then yeah...that's textbook TDS.

Edit: Do you know who you specifically sound like? You sound like the "Obama is a Muslim" crowd during the last administration.
I play the TDS card for those of you who have constantly shown that you have TDS. TDS isn't a one issue sickness. TDS is a long-term collection of views. If you disagreed with Trump on tariffs, I wouldn't say you have TDS, but when you constantly accuse him of petty things, that you can't even back up with any kind of citation, then yeah...that's textbook TDS.

Edit: Do you know who you specifically sound like? You sound like the "Obama is a Muslim" crowd during the last administration.
I'm not sure if he's being accused of doing anything. He IS DOING THEM, and then being ridiculed and mocked.
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A lot of the stuff you guys accuse him of isn't even true, and the majority of the stuff you guys blow your top over doesn't even matter. It has no effect on anything.
Blow our top over? For realz? Most of what is talked about is petty and it's moronic. But, that's what he serves-up. You look a helluva lot more unhinged by coming to his rescue every time.
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You're right, I didn't realize it was a joke. That's probably because I've never heard the reference.
There was no reference. I made it up... rambling.

That's not entirely true. I stole the foothills of the headlands from Yellow Submarine.
Blow our top over? For realz? Most of what is talked about is petty and it's moronic. But, that's what he serves-up. You look a helluva lot more unhinged by coming to his rescue every time.

Yeah, I'm the unhinged one because I'm not constantly talking about Twitter. I'm also not constantly regurgitating stuff that's been taking out of context in order to give the never-Trumpers something to scream about before it comes out that it's fake.

I'm the hysterical one...;)
Yeah, I'm the unhinged one because I'm not constantly talking about Twitter. I'm also not constantly regurgitating stuff that's been taking out of context in order to give the never-Trumpers something to scream about before it comes out that it's fake.

I'm the hysterical one...;)
You're starting all of this by embellishing people's responses to you. Have you completely missed that after being in confrontations with everyone else... who is still here?

No one is blowing their top. @heelmanwilm gets a little... demonstrative, occasionally.
I think I've posted about Mark Blyth before on this board, but he gives a pretty good explanation of what is going on.

I listened to this twice... all the way through. If this guy is going to continue to speak to American people, he needs to take some elocution lessons. He is harder to understand than Spud or Francis Begbie from Trainspotting. He doesn't sound like Shrek. I can understand Shrek. And, he's like most academics. He has a theory, or theories, and he's sure of himself because he's immersed in the part of the economic structure that has always had his attention. He might be right... he might not. In his case, we probably won't know because he talks like he's got a mouthful of St. Andrew's balls.
I play the TDS card for those of you who have constantly shown that you have TDS. TDS isn't a one issue sickness. TDS is a long-term collection of views. If you disagreed with Trump on tariffs, I wouldn't say you have TDS, but when you constantly accuse him of petty things, that you can't even back up with any kind of citation, then yeah...that's textbook TDS.

Edit: Do you know who you specifically sound like? You sound like the "Obama is a Muslim" crowd during the last administration.

You are delusional in the extreme. We've provided links to pretty much everything we've criticized him for, but you're still regurgitating the Fox News talking points about how every criticism is fake or irrelevant.

Also lets remember that Trump was one of the idiots claiming Obama's birth certificate was fake...

And that muslims were celebrating in the streets in NYC on 9/11...

But yeah, please defend him by saying we sound like birthers and the "Obama is a muslim" crowd.
You are delusional in the extreme. We've provided links to pretty much everything we've criticized him for, but you're still regurgitating the Fox News talking points about how every criticism is fake or irrelevant.

Also lets remember that Trump was one of the idiots claiming Obama's birth certificate was fake...

And that muslims were celebrating in the streets in NYC on 9/11...

But yeah, please defend him by saying we sound like birthers and the "Obama is a muslim" crowd.
. He does appear to lack the ability to be self aware among other things
And that muslims were celebrating in the streets in NYC on 9/11

Not to defend our resident Florida Man but they were celebrating in the streets of Paterson, NJ. Big muslim community there and my uncle lived a few blocks away and saw them.

P.S. What the hell is a TDS?
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You are delusional in the extreme. We've provided links to pretty much everything we've criticized him for, but you're still regurgitating the Fox News talking points about how every criticism is fake or irrelevant.

Also lets remember that Trump was one of the idiots claiming Obama's birth certificate was fake...

And that muslims were celebrating in the streets in NYC on 9/11...

But yeah, please defend him by saying we sound like birthers and the "Obama is a muslim" crowd.

I'm delusional? I'm not the one losing my s*** over Twitter comments. LOL!

Edit: And you do sound like the "Obama is a Muslim" crowd.

BTW, Trump put Bette Midler on blast last night. You should go check it out to get your daily rage! ;)
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Not to defend our resident Florida Man but they were celebrating in the streets of Paterson, NJ. Big muslim community there and my uncle lived a few blocks away and saw them.

P.S. What the hell is a TDS?

TDS is "Trump Derangement Syndome". It's what people like uncboy and prlyles suffer from. It's the same type of sickness that all the crazy Republicans used to suffer from when Obama was president.
I listened to this twice... all the way through. If this guy is going to continue to speak to American people, he needs to take some elocution lessons. He is harder to understand than Spud or Francis Begbie from Trainspotting. He doesn't sound like Shrek. I can understand Shrek. And, he's like most academics. He has a theory, or theories, and he's sure of himself because he's immersed in the part of the economic structure that has always had his attention. He might be right... he might not. In his case, we probably won't know because he talks like he's got a mouthful of St. Andrew's balls.

So, instead of giving any kind of rebuttal, you culture shame him? Nice! I have zero issue understanding him. He doesn't sound like Begbie, although Begbie was a hilarious character.
I'm delusional? I'm not the one losing my s*** over Twitter comments. LOL!

Edit: And you do sound like the "Obama is a Muslim" crowd.

BTW, Trump put Bette Midler on blast last night. You should go check it out to get your daily rage! ;)

No one is losing their shit, you dolt. And if you seriously think the only criticism of trump is how he behaves on Twitter then you really are a sheep.
Seems like I remember someone else spamming up this place with Trump stuff and ole Bobby 3 sticks. Anyone remember that guy?
All jokes aside, I do wonder what happened to him. He was acting as if his life really did depend on Muller getting Trump and his family. I sincerely hope he is ok.