OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It is mathematically impossible for tariffs to not create a dead weight loss. And the state of our economy has virtually nothing to do with trump. The economy was in a bull run before he ever took office. The idea that trump is some economic genius that is taking care of America is completely false. Tariffs create a dead weight loss and transfer consumer surplus to producer surplus. This is basic economics.

Well, cutting corporate taxes and slashing oppressive regulations have helped the economy.
Have to smh at the people who wanna blame the shootings on factors that exist in every single country yet for some reason only trigger mass shootings in ours.

Political activism
Mental illness
Video games

Allllll exist in every country. Yet 99% of mass shootings occur in only one country. The country with practically all the guns. Its a gun problem. If you cant see that you’re delusional.

But nothing will be done. No repub politician nor most dems will risk career suicide to back any gun reform bill that actually makes a diff. And the red neck states will just refuse to enforce it any way cause as we know from watching fox news and listening to our pastors we all have to have an arsenal of lethal weapons to defend against the libs and the muslims who want to establish either socialism or sharia law depending on what day of the week it is. Just get used to the carnage. It aint going away. Take it bitches. Just pray it dont find its way to your town eventually cause praying is all you can do. Baseball, apple pie, and easy access to weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing large numbers of people in a fast and effecient manner, ‘merica.
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Mental health problems obviously only exist in the United States. o_O

America doesn’t have a monopoly on racism, sexism, other kinds of bigotry, mental illness, or violent video games. All of those things exist in civilized countries across the world, all of which with much less gun violence. What is unique about the US is that it makes it so easy for people with any motive or problem to obtain a gun.

This is fact. There is no debate.
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Have to smh at the people who wanna blame the shootings on factors that exist in every single country yet for some reason only trigger mass shootings in ours.

Political activism
Mental illness
Video games

Allllll exist in every country. Yet 99% of mass shootings occur in only one country. The country with practically all the guns. Its a gun problem. If you cant see that you’re delusional.

But nothing will be done. No repub politician nor most dems will risk career suicide to back any gun reform bill that actually makes a diff. And the red neck states will just refuse to enforce it any way cause as we know from watching fox news and listening to our pastors we all have to have an arsenal of lethal weapons to defend against the libs and the muslims who want to establish either socialism or sharia law depending on what day of the week it is. Just get used to the carnage. It aint going away. Take it bitches. Just pray it dont find its way to your town eventually cause praying is all you can do. Baseball, apple pie, and easy access to weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing large numbers of people in a fast and effecient manner, ‘merica.

Not to be a dick about this, because this is obviously a bad thing, but London is the king of fatal stabbings (they have more homicides per capita than NYC), and Sweeden is the king of explosions (they had fifty explosions in the first three months of 2019). There's more than one way to kill people.
I'm in. Let's get rid of all the illegal guns in the country and see if that puts a dent in the gun homicide and mass shooting figures. If not, then we can start scaling back on the legal guns too.

Obviously the issue is they are getting guns legally because the legal way to get a gun is too easy and that’s the main debate here.

How about we try to solve the actual problem?
If you start a sentence this way, you know there is only one thing you’re going to come across as...

That's because calling out the truth makes you a "dick" (or worse) nowadays. This isn't a time to glad-hand people. If you really think there's a big problem, there needs to be a discussion.
How did you try to solve anything? You just said people kill people in other ways. No shit.

Amazing intel from you and thank you so much for enlightening everyone as usual.

Maybe to prove the point that banning guns doesn't stop murders? Did you ever think of that? You only want arguments that you agree with. That isn't true debate.
Maybe to prove the point that banning guns doesn't stop murders? Did you ever think of that? You only want arguments that you agree with. That isn't true debate.

No one said it stops all murders. The argument, a rather simple one, is if you take away a very popular thing used to murder people that murder will go down.
what’s wrong with making it more difficult to purchase and own a gun?

why not universal background checks or raising the age of ownership, etc?...why aren’t steps taken to at least see if the steps taken work?

Because you're destroying peoples liberties in order to implement an experiment...and one that has been proven not to work.
what’s wrong with making it more difficult to purchase and own a gun?

why not universal background checks or raising the age of ownership, etc?...why aren’t steps taken to at least see if the steps taken work?

Stop being rational.

That’s all most level headed people want. Do these simple things and let’s see what happens. Certainly can’t make things worse.
Because you're destroying peoples liberties in order to implement an experiment...and one that has been proven not to work.

I have never owned a gun and feel Red White and freaking Liberty Blue. Most people who I know that don’t own guns feel the same way.

“Liberties” is a weak argument to hide behind an outdated bill of right.
I have never owned a gun and feel Red White and freaking Liberty Blue. Most people who I know that don’t own guns feel the same way.

“Liberties” is a weak argument to hide behind an outdated bill of right.

You realize that's a real sociopathic take on the problem, right? "It hasn't happened to me, so nobody else has a right to complain."
You realize that's a real sociopathic take on the problem, right? "It hasn't happened to me, so nobody else has a right to complain."

Moron, I just said most people I have spoken to feel the same way so I’m not isolating the thought process there.

This is why I hate going back and forth with you, you don’t (can’t?) comprehend what you read. Now go ahead and post weird videos from incredibly bias sites and we will all go back to ignoring them. Later dude.
Moron, I just said most people I have spoken to feel the same way so I’m not isolating the thought process there.

This is why I hate going back and forth with you, you don’t (can’t?) comprehend what you read. Now go ahead and post weird videos from incredibly bias sites and we will all go back to ignoring them. Later dude.

Yes you are. How many people are you talking to, compared to how many people there are in this country? The difference is that not just you are narcissistic (more accurate than sociopathic), all the people you know who believe this way are narcissistic. It isn't up to you to decide if other people get to defend themselves.

Edit: I especially loved the way he used ad hominem as a reason to put me on ignore. It couldn't have been that he was wrong. He never can be wrong, yet he can never argue his point. It's probably just better for him to ignore anything that might offend him, and head to his safe space. I don't know what people like this are doing in a political thread in the first place.

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My biggest concern would be avoiding any kind of Prohibition situation. Or, anything that resembles the present "War on Drugs." Now, guns are a whole different thing from drugs and alcohol. However, banning alcohol and marijuana and heroin and cocaine merely created a crime goldmine.

There is a way to bring these incidents down considerably. People on all sides must be willing to be reasonable and level-headed.

If the illegality only creates a lucrative black market, then try another way. You can't grow assault rifles like you can grow weed.

I do think that the acquisition and ownership of firearms through the same process as a drivers license might be a good start.
My biggest concern would be avoiding any kind of Prohibition situation. Or, anything that resembles the present "War on Drugs." Now, guns are a whole different thing from drugs and alcohol. However, banning alcohol and marijuana and heroin and cocaine merely created a crime goldmine.

There is a way to bring these incidents down considerably. People on all sides must be willing to be reasonable and level-headed.

If the illegality only creates a lucrative black market, then try another way. You can't grow assault rifles like you can grow weed.

I do think that the acquisition and ownership of firearms through the same process as a drivers license might be a good start.

That's a start, but nobody should be kept from defending themselves. If people are too dangerous, or too crazy, they should be housed as such. A man who has done time should be no less deprived than the common man when it comes to defending himself. The same goes to crazy people.
For all of you people *cough @strummingram cough* who think I'm a Trump fart sniffer, I give you this:

And this:

I would give you this:

But it has been removed by social media(This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech. Learn more about combating hate speech in your country.), which is all you need to know about social media.

So, Strumm and @uncboy10 can keep "fart sniffing" a man who sold out his constituents for a perceived political career, but we all now know who Bernie Sanders really is. Notice how they don't support a "similar" politician who has "no chance"? That's because they're really main-stream voters.
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For all of you people *cough @strummingram cough* who think I'm a Trump fart sniffer, I give you this:

And this:

I would give you this:

But it has been removed by social media(This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech. Learn more about combating hate speech in your country.), which is all you need to know about social media.

So, Strumm and @uncboy10 can keep "fart sniffing" a man who sold out his constituents for a perceived political career, but we all now know who Bernie Sanders really is. Notice how they don't support a "similar" politician who has "no chance"? That's because they're really main-stream voters.
I'm not supporting Sanders. I voted for him in the primaries in 2016, but, I wasn't a fervent supporter of the guy. He DID sell-out. I understand why he justified doing what he did, but he's not willing to go to the mattresses for what he really believes in. And, I think he's too old and out-of-touch, at this point.

And, I have been supportive of Gabbard from the time I first heard of her and her foreign policy stance. I don't know a great deal about her other than that. Any candidate that is blatantly pro-peace and opposes the MIC is going to be in the crosshairs of General Dynamics and Northrop-Grumman and so on. If Gabbard came out and criticized the Fed, I'd be tempted to get motivated again, like 2007. But, frankly, after the Ron Paul 2008 and 2012 cycles, I'm not holding my breath for anything that really makes me become active, on the streets, again. It's so bought-and-sold that it's hardly worth the effort. It was a labor of love for the two cycles I gave everything I had (much morethe 2008 campaign). It sapped me of my energy.
I'm not supporting Sanders. I voted for him in the primaries in 2016, but, I wasn't a fervent supporter of the guy. He DID sell-out. I understand why he justified doing what he did, but he's not willing to go to the mattresses for what he really believes in. And, I think he's too old and out-of-touch, at this point.

And, I have been supportive of Gabbard from the time I first heard of her and her foreign policy stance. I don't know a great deal about her other than that. Any candidate that is blatantly pro-peace and opposes the MIC is going to be in the crosshairs of General Dynamics and Northrop-Grumman and so on. If Gabbard came out and criticized the Fed, I'd be tempted to get motivated again, like 2007. But, frankly, after the Ron Paul 2008 and 2012 cycles, I'm not holding my breath for anything that really makes me become active, on the streets, again. It's so bought-and-sold that it's hardly worth the effort. It was a labor of love for the two cycles I gave everything I had (much morethe 2008 campaign). It sapped me of my energy.

Well, at least you've admitted it. That's better than @uncboy10.
Tulsi Gabbard was the most searched politician after her last debate. Where are the "liberals" on this board who will support an anti-war, anti-drug war, pro-civilian candidate? If you hate Trump, fine. Who do you support? If you support Biden or Bernie then you just support another GW Bush or Obama. Why can't we actually vote for someone who might make a difference?
1) Where specifically was the ad hominem?
2) How can a high murder rate be "lame"?

1) Exactly
2) Citing examples to an argument that no one is making is lame. When it's pointed out that the example is actually evidence against your belief you turn into Patches O'Toole (RIP).
It's amazing how many people disappear when cold hard truths are introduced...

I guess we need more safe spaces.

It was 2am that you posted this you psychopath.

Most of us have actual careers that require us to be awake early in the morning and have the neither the need nor desire to debate a troll at all hours of the night. Get lost.
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I do think that the acquisition and ownership of firearms through the same process as a drivers license might be a good start.

Ownership should also require insurance.

"But then poor people can't afford guns"
So what? Nobody likes the poor. The left wants to give them free money to keep them poor and the right wants to give them nothing so they will get a damn job that pays squat. WIN WIN.
Plus they will probably keep their gun next to their cell phone in their fancy refrigerator.
I posted this for @dadika13, because he, for some reason, needed some MSM coverage.

Again you don't comprehend what you read, at all. I said you shitpost videos from incredibly bias sites...then to try to prove me wrong you post a video from Fox News. Sigh.
what’s wrong with making it more difficult to purchase and own a gun?

why not universal background checks or raising the age of ownership, etc?...why aren’t steps taken to at least see if the steps taken work?
I've mentioned before that I'm ok with background checks and raising the age, but those don't actually make it more difficult to purchase and own a gun.
1) Exactly
2) Citing examples to an argument that no one is making is lame. When it's pointed out that the example is actually evidence against your belief you turn into Patches O'Toole (RIP).
Get used to it, that's the way he rolls......

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