I mean, Tobacco, just being around is pretty harmlessYou gotta fix it just right and then get addicted to it.
And, I'm less-inclined to ban things like tobacco or alcohol (or, heroin, or cocaine). I wouldn't ban any of them, personally. I don't know if that would start a nationwide addiction or not. I just think the crime and illegal profit motive is worse than just having them legal to obtain and ingest.
The difference, for me, with these high-powered firearms, is trying to lower the overall body count and the trauma these events are having. It may not be worth the effort. I do think there must be something that is making America the unique exception with all these factors.
Bro, a .308 bolt action rifle is a high-powered firearm. There's really nothing special about a .223 round. A 9mm round is bigger than a .223 (5.56mm).