OOTB's Political Thread . ..

She made a mistake by not retiring at the beginning of Obama's second term. She didn't want a republican to appoint a replacement. Now there is a good chance that is what will happen.

That was my immediate thought as well. However, I think Trump's two nominations have been good ones. I've seen both of them side with both "wings" of the court, which I think is a good sign. We need more judges like Gorsuch and less like RBG, Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Kagan, or Sotomayor. We need judges who interpret the Constitution, not attempt to change it.
Actually I am. If I remember correctly, @dadika13 has called out liberals before for saying shit like that. Makes you a pretty shitty person to be happy about someone dying because you disagree with their politics.

I don't hate him because I dislike his politics. I hate him for the same reason I hate George Soros. They're scumbag billionaires who use their wealth as a cudgel against the citizens of this country.
I don't wish anyone a slow and painful death. I don't "hate" anyone.

Koch was the epitome of an oligarch. He paid for the government to allow him to enhance his power and wealth and to influence the conditions that have done a lot of harm. That is not what our government was formed to do. People like Koch are the antithesis of what makes a democratically-elected republic work. They are an impediment to the survival of it. It becomes a government of the already-wealthy, by the already-wealthy, to empower the already wealthy.

He wasn't a genocidal dictator, but he did a lot of harm to society. It's all a matter of degree. I'm sure there will be two more to take his place. He was almost 80, so it wasn't like he died young. I'm sad for those who really love him and care about him, and those who were close to him. But, that is the case for literally anyone who dies... usually. Hitler had legitimate mourners when he died! I'm not personally going to miss the guy.
No nerves touched. Just surprised you said it. Everyone's a hypocrite about something though.

It was mostly tongue in cheek. I dislike him for the same reasons as Nole and it was more one of those “won’t miss this guy”

Didn’t think it’d rile so many people up.

You know who else riled people up? HITLER.
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I don't hate him because I dislike his politics. I hate him for the same reason I hate George Soros. They're scumbag billionaires who use their wealth as a cudgel against the citizens of this country.
I’d say that most scumbag billionaires use their power and influence to gain more power and influence, thus solidifying their rule over the masses.
After listening to Gabbard in several interviews, unless the American public can produce and elect more like her, it doesn't really matter. I don't mean to imply that she is infallible. Far from it, I'm sure. Justin Amash is another congressman that seems to be prepared to represent his constituents and not his party and the blank checks who walk through the door.

It was mostly tongue in cheek. I dislike him for the same reasons as Nole and it was more one of those “won’t miss this guy”

Didn’t think it’d rile so many people up.

You know who else riled people up? HITLER.
Who exactly has it riled up? Two people said it was a shitty thing to say. Not sure why you called that being riled up. You're exaggerating just like Hitler used to do.
After listening to Gabbard in several interviews, unless the American public can produce and elect more like her, it doesn't really matter. I don't mean to imply that she is infallible. Far from it, I'm sure. Justin Amash is another congressman that seems to be prepared to represent his constituents and not his party and the blank checks who walk through the door.

Looks like she's wearing red in that video. Hitler used to wear red as well.
TRump was a no show for the climate change sit down at the g7. Too bad he didnt get to discuss his idea on using nukes to disperse hurricanes
Well when you have more poor people than any other country on earth its probably easy to take the number one spot in that competition. He needs a new campaign manager though. Idk who thought it was a good idea to make that comment.
Luckily for him, Biden is still in the race and you can always count on Biden to say something cringe worthy. He'll top what Bernie said in a couple of days.
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Psst It was Bernie.

Candidates have a staff who vett their talking points. The statement was probably quantitatively accurate, but creates terrible optics. That's the kind of stuff a policy wonk won't always appreciate which is why you bring in PR type people.
Luckily for him, Biden is still in the race and you can always count on Biden to say something cringe worthy. He'll top what Bernie said in a couple of days.

Biden is a nightmare. If he gets the nomination then I'd say trump has a 90% chance of being reelected. The DNC just doesn't have their finger on the pulse of the american public anymore. Populism is the flavor of the day. If you run some DC insider right now you're gonna get hammered.

I should say I don't think Biden is a bad person. Just a bad candidate.
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So as of oct 29 children born to service members overseas will no longer be automatically given citizenship. Their parents will have to apply for it. Of all the ****ed up ****ing shit this **** faced **** nut has ****ed with this is the most ****ing ****ed up thing he has ever ****ed. Someone please educate me on why this is necessary
So as of oct 29 children born to service members overseas will no longer be automatically given citizenship. Their parents will have to apply for it. Of all the ****ed up ****ing shit this **** faced **** nut has ****ed with this is the most ****ing ****ed up thing he has ever ****ed. Someone please educate me on why this is necessary
I've told you over and over that you need to stop holding-back just how you really feel.

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