OOTB's Political Thread . ..

So as of oct 29 children born to service members overseas will no longer be automatically given citizenship. Their parents will have to apply for it. Of all the ****ed up ****ing shit this **** faced **** nut has ****ed with this is the most ****ing ****ed up thing he has ever ****ed. Someone please educate me on why this is necessary

Gimme a link and I will give you an education
So as of oct 29 children born to service members overseas will no longer be automatically given citizenship. Their parents will have to apply for it. Of all the ****ed up ****ing shit this **** faced **** nut has ****ed with this is the most ****ing ****ed up thing he has ever ****ed. Someone please educate me on why this is necessary

Do you have a link or something? This seems pretty crazy.

Something isn't right. From that same website.

"A policy clarification from the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service published Wednesday does not revoke automatic citizenship for children of U.S. citizens born abroad, including troops and federal workers, Homeland Security Department officials said Wednesday."

This whole thing is really strange, which leads me to believe this angst isn't justified. The media has lied way too much about Trump for me to just take their word at face value.
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"Effective Oct. 29, parents serving overseas in the U.S. armed forces or other agencies of the federal government would need to go through a formal application process seeking U.S. citizenship on their children’s behalf, the policy states.

Currently, children born to U.S. citizens stationed by their government in a foreign country are legally considered to be “residing in the United States,” allowing their parents to simply obtain a certificate showing the children acquired citizenship automatically.

But an 11-page “policy alert” issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said the agency found the prevailing policy to be at odds with other parts of federal immigration law. Beyond that, the rationale for the policy change remained unclear.

“USCIS is updating its policy regarding children of U.S. government employees and U.S. armed forces members employed or stationed outside the United States to explain that they are not considered to be ‘residing in the United States’ for purposes of acquiring citizenship,” the memorandum said.

The number of government and military personnel affected by the change was not immediately known, but the revised policy sparked immediate consternation on the part of some organizations representing members of the armed forces.

“Military members already have enough to deal with, and the last thing that they should have to do when stationed overseas is go through hoops to ensure their children are U.S. citizens,” said Andy Blevins, executive director of the Modern Military Association of America.
"Effective Oct. 29, parents serving overseas in the U.S. armed forces or other agencies of the federal government would need to go through a formal application process seeking U.S. citizenship on their children’s behalf, the policy states.

Currently, children born to U.S. citizens stationed by their government in a foreign country are legally considered to be “residing in the United States,” allowing their parents to simply obtain a certificate showing the children acquired citizenship automatically.

But an 11-page “policy alert” issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said the agency found the prevailing policy to be at odds with other parts of federal immigration law. Beyond that, the rationale for the policy change remained unclear.

“USCIS is updating its policy regarding children of U.S. government employees and U.S. armed forces members employed or stationed outside the United States to explain that they are not considered to be ‘residing in the United States’ for purposes of acquiring citizenship,” the memorandum said.

The number of government and military personnel affected by the change was not immediately known, but the revised policy sparked immediate consternation on the part of some organizations representing members of the armed forces.

“Military members already have enough to deal with, and the last thing that they should have to do when stationed overseas is go through hoops to ensure their children are U.S. citizens,” said Andy Blevins, executive director of the Modern Military Association of America.

Yeah, I read the article.
This is a good idea. Children born overseas to brown soldiers who are fighting for our country don’t deserve to be US citizens.
This is just more media bs clickbait for the TDSers

Ahh yes the media conspiracy against trump. I forgot. So kids born to soldiers stationed overseas are still granted automatic citizenship and dont need to file for it then? And the various groups representing military families are angry over nothing?
Ahh yes the media conspiracy against trump. I forgot. So kids born to soldiers stationed overseas are still granted automatic citizenship and dont need to file for it then? And the various groups representing military families are angry over nothing?
Ask Lawrence O'Donnell about media conspiracy........
Ask Lawrence O'Donnell about media conspiracy........

Hes an editorialist (and yes a pos) but hes Not a reporter. Plus he recanted his claim about trumps loan if thats what you’re referring to. Now if he and cnn and others had communicated with each other and agreed to promote the lie then you would have a point.

Theres no media conspiracy against trump. The media would launch their own grannies off a rooftop if it gave them a story. The notion they’re all agreeing and cooperating to lie about trump is beyond delusional. Do some slant stories? Oh yea. Just look at fox news, the master of slanting stories. No doubt cnn and msnbc do slant stories as well to fit their audience. But the facts pertaining to this post are 100% correctly stated in my post. Children born to soldiers overseas are no longer granted automatic citizenship. They now have to apply for it. No fake news. No slant. Thats the fact. Its idiotic and puts an unnecessary burden on the service members. To do it now given the atmosphere around immigration and birther babies absolutely reeks of political bullshit partisanship at the expense of military families stationed abroad. Anyone denying that is naive or willing to put partisan beliefs ahead of common sense. I suspect trump is closing a loophole ahead of an executive order denying citizenship to babies simply cause they’re born on us soil. If thats the case, to do this for political gain at the expense of military fams abroad, hits a new low for the bloated lying sack of shit which i didnt think was possible.
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Ahh yes the media conspiracy against trump. I forgot. So kids born to soldiers stationed overseas are still granted automatic citizenship and dont need to file for it then? And the various groups representing military families are angry over nothing?

that is correct. I thought I poasted a link.
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Here's a link to a story about a potential mass shooter in North Carolina who was thwarted/arrested within the last day. At first I thought it was a student at UNC-Chapel Hill because the story stated "North Carolina university potential shooter arrested."

I believe this actually occurred High Point College or University in North Carolina. I'm not familiar with that college. I thought some of you might live close to High Point or know people who attend there. It's great that this was averted.

On Twitter - and possibly on the ABC video story, I believe it stated that his roommate turned him in. I hope the roommate gets appreciation, and instead does not get hassled or have to go through a bunch of legal / police questioning stress.
Hes an editorialist (and yes a pos) but hes Not a reporter. Plus he recanted his claim about trumps loan if thats what you’re referring to. Now if he and cnn and others had communicated with each other and agreed to promote the lie then you would have a point.

Theres no media conspiracy against trump. The media would launch their own grannies off a rooftop if it gave them a story. The notion they’re all agreeing and cooperating to lie about trump is beyond delusional. Do some slant stories? Oh yea. Just look at fox news, the master of slanting stories. No doubt cnn and msnbc do slant stories as well to fit their audience. But the facts pertaining to this post are 100% correctly stated in my post. Children born to soldiers overseas are no longer granted automatic citizenship. They now have to apply for it. No fake news. No slant. Thats the fact. Its idiotic and puts an unnecessary burden on the service members. To do it now given the atmosphere around immigration and birther babies absolutely reeks of political bullshit partisanship at the expense of military families stationed abroad. Anyone denying that is naive or willing to put partisan beliefs ahead of common sense. I suspect trump is closing a loophole ahead of an executive order denying citizenship to babies simply cause they’re born on us soil. If thats the case, to do this for political gain at the expense of military fams abroad, hits a new low for the bloated lying sack of shit which i didnt think was possible.

There is no media conspiracy against Trump, I agree. There is tremendous media bias against him though, and it has apparently addled your brain as badly as it has done to poor Lyles.

Children born to soldiers are still granted automatic citizenship. You are repeating a lie. That story was fake news and it was published due to the bias that the media has against Trump, as well as for click bait for the Orange Man Bad NPCs.
There is no media conspiracy against Trump, I agree. There is tremendous media bias against him though, and it has apparently addled your brain as badly as it has done to poor Lyles.

Children born to soldiers are still granted automatic citizenship. You are repeating a lie. That story was fake news and it was published due to the bias that the media has against Trump, as well as for click bait for the Orange Man Bad NPCs.

My opinion of trump has NOTHING to do with media bias. (And yes i admit it exists). He mocked a disabled person. Fact. He cheated on his wife and lied about it multiple times. Fact. He bragged about sexually assaulting pageant contestants. Fact. He said there were “good people on both sides” in reference to a man plowing his car into a group of protestors in va killing one. Fact. He promised mexico would pay for the wall. Fact. These facts, not media bias in reporting them, have shaped my opinion of him. Not to mention Throw in my opinions based on his actions; i think hes a bully, a narcissist, a liar, and has no problem lying and misrepresenting himself as a christian to evangelicals to get their support while at the same time patronizing racist groups for the same reason. Some people are willing to write all that off for the economy or appointing pro life scotus judges. So be it. Hes still a pos though.
In case there are too many big words in the link I provided, here is the essence of your rationale.

- Individual A robbed one bank.
- Individual B robbed three thousand banks.

You: Individual A is should receive the same prison sentence as Individual B because their crimes are equivalent.
Its hard to quantify objectively why i do or dont trust or like people. Maybe its just a feeling or picking up subliminal messages. I dont really know. As “being a person” goes i liked obama and bush. I felt they were both men of integrity. I didnt trust or like clinton at all. I had mixed feelings on reagan as i was worried about his mental state. First bush i didnt like. Jimmy carter may have had the most integrity of any president in my lifetime. Liked him a lot but didnt vote for him cause of his politics.
Its hard to quantify objectively why i do or dont trust or like people. Maybe its just a feeling or picking up subliminal messages. I dont really know. As “being a person” goes i liked obama and bush. I felt they were both men of integrity. I didnt trust or like clinton at all. I had mixed feelings on reagan as i was worried about his mental state. First bush i didnt like. Jimmy carter may have had the most integrity of any president in my lifetime. Liked him a lot but didnt vote for him cause of his politics.
If I'm understanding you correctly here, the Presidency is not or shouldn't be a popularity contest? What Trump policies do you dislike? I'm not asking why he's a crappy human, what policies do you disagree with?
Ahh yes the media conspiracy against trump. I forgot. So kids born to soldiers stationed overseas are still granted automatic citizenship and dont need to file for it then? And the various groups representing military families are angry over nothing?

It sounds like they don't understand the law, at least from what I've read.
In case there are too many big words in the link I provided, here is the essence of your rationale.

- Individual A robbed one bank.
- Individual B robbed three thousand banks.

You: Individual A is should receive the same prison sentence as Individual B because their crimes are equivalent.

Okay, let's play this game. The previous two presidents have drone bombed a lot more kids than Trump has. Obama was the worst about it.
My opinion of trump has NOTHING to do with media bias. (And yes i admit it exists). He mocked a disabled person. Fact. He cheated on his wife and lied about it multiple times. Fact. He bragged about sexually assaulting pageant contestants. Fact. He said there were “good people on both sides” in reference to a man plowing his car into a group of protestors in va killing one. Fact. He promised mexico would pay for the wall. Fact. These facts, not media bias in reporting them, have shaped my opinion of him. Not to mention Throw in my opinions based on his actions; i think hes a bully, a narcissist, a liar, and has no problem lying and misrepresenting himself as a christian to evangelicals to get their support while at the same time patronizing racist groups for the same reason. Some people are willing to write all that off for the economy or appointing pro life scotus judges. So be it. Hes still a pos though.

Jesus, this all gets so tiring.

1) He wasn't mocking a disabled person's disabilities. He was mocking him for being a shitty journalist. In other words, he was treating that person the exact same as he treats everyone else who goes at him. Not saying that is right, but this has nothing to do with any disability.
2) Considering the person who said she slept with him recanted her story, I'm not sure what you are talking about.
3) The "both sides" comment is the best example of media bias. Read his quote in full for yourself instead of relying on someone else to tell you what he said.
4) He did promise Mexico would pay for the wall. Do tourists pay for the roads in Wilmington?

None of what you posted are facts. Your opinion is uninformed at best and I have no idea how you developed it, but one source seems obvious.

I can't really translate the rest of your poast, so please elaborate.
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Its hard to quantify objectively why i do or dont trust or like people. Maybe its just a feeling or picking up subliminal messages. I dont really know. As “being a person” goes i liked obama and bush. I felt they were both men of integrity. I didnt trust or like clinton at all. I had mixed feelings on reagan as i was worried about his mental state. First bush i didnt like. Jimmy carter may have had the most integrity of any president in my lifetime. Liked him a lot but didnt vote for him cause of his politics.

This is a good point. My position is that I don't trust any politicians nor think that any of them are men (or women) of integrity, at least at the federal and state levels.

Interesting that you bring up trust though- how many campaign promises has Trump fulfilled versus any of those you listed?

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