OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What exactly are you laughing at?
Only you promoting the forecast for the next election by an analytics company who admits to getting it wrong in the last election.
I'm not promoting it, just sharing it. They've been wrong only once going back to 1980 and pretty much no one got 2016 right.
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Only change to fed gun laws i would favor would be outlawing hi cap magazines

No late term abortions except for mothers health

Enforce current immigration laws on the books. No sanctuary cities. Quit hiring illegals. No need for a wall.

Defer to the science regarding climate change instead of the politicians, pastors, and media personalities.

That sounds reasonable, except for the "climate change" part. So, why do we disagree so much?
To be fair, nearly all the analysts got it wrong.
This just makes me laugh, shake my head, when DJT comes out and trashes Fox News for not publishing their "polls" to be "more strongly in favor of me, given I'm the GrEaTeSt pReSiDeNt eVer" and all that junk.

Shows he has a sub- pre-K understanding of even what a poll is, and how they work, what they represent and communicate.
Don't forget how to spell her name, because you'll have to write it in.
Hey... I'm fully aware that Americans have no interest in leaders that are qualified and might actually benefit them in places of leadership! Why would you want someone competent that BOTH SIDES seem to share some kind of support for and share policies? That's not going to work when the objective is to choose the candidate that allows for people to be divided and argue incessantly? It's never any fun agreeing on things.
Speaking of Trump, yesterday was his 1000th day in office (I know, I know, it only seems like it's been longer). In those 1000 days:

* Trump has spent 310 days, roughly a third of his time in office, away from Washington at Trump-branded properties.
* He has spent 237 days at Trump-branded golf properties.
* He has made13,438 false or misleading claims (that's as of last week, so a few more since then) according to the Washington Post which logs all of them.
* He has an 80% turnover rate of senior officials around him, by far the highest rate of cabinet turnover in the modern history of our presidency.
* It has been seven months since the last White House press briefing. The administration has simply given up on trying to at least seem transparent.
** And let's not forget how much time Trump wastes EVERY SINGLE DAY tweeting to the world his semiliterate and often untruthful and inaccurate shit-garbage.
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Speaking of Trump, yesterday was his 1000th day in office (I know, I know, it only seems like it's been longer). In those 1000 days:

* Trump has spent 310 days, roughly a third of his time in office, away from Washington at Trump-branded properties.
* He has spent 237 days at Trump-branded golf properties.
* He has made13,438 false or misleading claims (that's as of last week, so a few more since then) according to the Washington Post which logs all of them.
* He has an 80% turnover rate of senior officials around him, by far the highest rate of cabinet turnover in the modern history of our presidency.
* It has been seven months since the last White House press briefing. The administration has simply given up on trying to at least seem transparent.
** And let's not forget how much time Trump wastes EVERY SINGLE DAY tweeting to the world his semiliterate and often untruthful and inaccurate shit-garbage.
And, yet, despite all of this, we're all still able to come here and offer our incredible insight and support ourselves and our families.
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Speaking of Trump, yesterday was his 1000th day in office (I know, I know, it only seems like it's been longer). In those 1000 days:

* Trump has spent 310 days, roughly a third of his time in office, away from Washington at Trump-branded properties.
* He has spent 237 days at Trump-branded golf properties.
* He has made13,438 false or misleading claims (that's as of last week, so a few more since then) according to the Washington Post which logs all of them.
* He has an 80% turnover rate of senior officials around him, by far the highest rate of cabinet turnover in the modern history of our presidency.
* It has been seven months since the last White House press briefing. The administration has simply given up on trying to at least seem transparent.
** And let's not forget how much time Trump wastes EVERY SINGLE DAY tweeting to the world his semiliterate and often untruthful and inaccurate shit-garbage.

If you average 1 minute per poast it would take you 167 hours to complete 10,000 poast.
OOTB much?

One minute? You don’t read this board much if you think that much thought goes into the average OOTB poast

And just so you know, a couple of hours ago White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney confirmed what we already knew but what Trump has been denying all along: that indeed there was quid pro quo between the administration and Ukraine. I don't think you'll have any trouble finding a link since it is all over the news right now.

I tell you, the worse it gets the better it gets.
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lol, Brian Williams at MSNBC. That's a guy you can trust.

"...the Washington Post has logged 13,438 false or misleading claims" hahahahahahahaha, the Washington Post has logged that. I haven't logged anywhere near that.

"the turnover rate of most senior people around him, 80% according to Brookings" What is that supposed to even mean? It's a made up stat to portray Trump in a negative light. It's what MSNBC does.

Fake news, or corrupt news. Take your pick.
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lol, Brian Williams at MSNBC. That's a guy you can trust.

"...the Washington Post has logged 13,438 false or misleading claims" hahahahahahahaha, the Washington Post has logged that. I haven't logged anywhere near that.

"the turnover rate of most senior people around him, 80% according to Brookings" What is that supposed to even mean? It's a made up stat to portray Trump in a negative light. It's what MSNBC does.

Fake news, or corrupt news. Take your pick.
You're just as stupid today as you were three years ago. Go ahead, numbnuts, and bury your head in the sand like the typical Trumpanzee. The very fact that I had to provide you with a link rather than searching for it yourself is only the latest indication of your limited formal education.

Don't look now but there's more breaking news:
Energy secretary Rick Perry just announced he will go ahead and resign his post earlier than expected, probably due to his involvement in pressuring the new Ukraine president to try to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

And earlier today Republican Senator Mitt Romney called out President Trump on his most serious blunder yet (which my crystal balls are indicating will ultimately cost him the 2020 election):

I guess you'll try to suggest MSNBC is guilty of overdubbing the Senator's speech . . .
You're just as stupid today as you were three years ago. Go ahead, numbnuts, and bury your head in the sand like the typical Trumpanzee. The very fact that I had to provide you with a link rather than searching for it yourself is only the latest indication of your limited formal education.

Don't look now but there's more breaking news:
Energy secretary Rick Perry just announced he will go ahead and resign his post earlier than expected, probably due to his involvement in pressuring the new Ukraine president to try to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

And earlier today Republican Senator Mitt Romney called out President Trump on his most serious blunder yet (which my crystal balls are indicating will ultimately cost him the 2020 election):

I guess you'll try to suggest MSNBC is guilty of overdubbing the Senator's speech . . .

lol, Brian Williams at MSNBC. That's a guy you can trust.

"...the Washington Post has logged 13,438 false or misleading claims" hahahahahahahaha, the Washington Post has logged that. I haven't logged anywhere near that.

"the turnover rate of most senior people around him, 80% according to Brookings" What is that supposed to even mean? It's a made up stat to portray Trump in a negative light. It's what MSNBC does.

Fake news, or corrupt news. Take your pick.
After this shit show is over there will be research papers and books written by people trying to explain people like you.
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One minute? You don’t read this board much if you think that much thought goes into the average OOTB poast
Hard to guess how long one would spend on OOTB if you click each link, watch every video, read everyone's poast, reply to the pertinent ones, and come up with some of the content people share. So I think 1 minute per poast will average out. Unless it's game day of course
Might have to rethink your vote @strummingram. You don't want to vote for the Russian stooge.

Seriously though, why can't Clinton just go away? Will she ever learn that no one wants her around anymore?
Yes... the Russians are awesome scapegoats. Clinton is kissy-kissy with Russians as much as anyone ever was, or will be, and this choice to play on people's ancient Cold War fears is fun to watch. Is Russia our nemesis now? Is it 1959? I dunno... I guess it could be. There is no such thing as Time! ;)

ETA: What an ideal choice for a a candidate to prop-up. A veteran, a National Guards-woman, a 7 year congresswoman, a woman who prefers peaceful diplomacy. That way, Russia can... do something really bad and get more stuff than America.
Might have to rethink your vote @strummingram. You don't want to vote for the Russian stooge.

Seriously though, why can't Clinton just go away? Will she ever learn that no one wants her around anymore?
I like Tulsi's demeanor and seeming common sense, at least someone that you can talk to and take some reasonable middle position (like her comments on abortion), more and more, the more I hear her. Even though she is likely left of me on most issues. At least she seems capable of discussion and debate without scorched earth extreme tactics.

But she hasn't signed up with the rest of the Dem candidates to try to outflank their opponents to the far left extremes, so she is hated by the progs and the Dem establishment, it seems. And the way she factually pointed out how the MSM (NYTimes and CNN) totally sabatoge her because she isn't their chosen, left / woke / establishment enough candidate.... they are surely out to take her down. Project Veritas released tapes where employees in CNN (on hidden recorder) admitted she is Dem candidate public enemy #1.

Not sure I've ever seen someone so self unaware as HRC. Except for maybe DJT. How we got to the clusterfk as those for our two choices for president, is really a sad statement on our country's politics - including the recent historical politicians who have sold out voters so often, they made DJT and HRC possible.

I do believe HRC really believes in her heart that somehow the election rules and results should have been interpreted differently (change game rules arbitrarily after game is over - "I can beat DJT again")-

just because it was her who lost, and it was her time and she deserved to win.... and that "how could most everybody not love her - the smartest person in the world?"

She still is so delusional that if she were in a room with 100 friends and advisors and 99 told her not to run, and 1 told her to run, she would run again. She is that self-unaware and high on herself. Or maybe she just doesn't think someone of her leadership and government prowess should be subject to this election, constitution BS. Being held out of her rightful spot as ruler over all, by a bunch of knuckle dragging idiot redneck peasants.

DJT is no better. The stupid stuff he says and does (G7 at Trump Doral, taking shots at everyone who works for him, even widely loved / respected General Mattis…) - all this stuff that is so completely avoidable....but really results in serious self-inflicted wounds....

….why can't we have nice things? Why couldn't there be someone who carries out some of DJTs policies, listens to people smarter than him, stays off Twitter, doesn't take gratuitous cheap shots at everyone, with nothing to gain (so petty)…. basically - why can't we get to someone who is not a total POS human being in every measurable way - and who has character and grace and integrity, and still has the backbone to stand up for / represent voters of every demographic, instead of selling them out.

(for me - I know he had his faults, but I'm thinking back to more of a Reagan type president).
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Tulsi isn’t hated by progressives. She is a progressive. Her platform is like 98% identical to Bernie’s. They just focus on different talking points. If he won the nomination I would bet the farm that she would be his running partner.
Tulsi isn’t hated by progressives. She is a progressive. Her platform is like 98% identical to Bernie’s. They just focus on different talking points. If he won the nomination I would bet the farm that she would be his running partner.
Which farm? I'll bet you your farm and several other farms that he won't.
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Which farm? I'll bet you your farm and several other farms that he won't.

Who do you think he would take as a running mate then? I’m not saying he’ll get the nomination, I’m saying he’d take her if he did get it

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