OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I know absolutely nothing about her platform, but I might have to do a write in for her just for that.
She's got some guts. And, of course, every die-hard Democrat is calling her a Russian plant. They instinctively shun her because, for some reason, there are Trump supporters who actually like her... perish the thought! The last thing you wants is someone who could pull support from Donald.
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Who do you think he would take as a running mate then? I’m not saying he’ll get the nomination, I’m saying he’d take her if he did get it
I don't have any idea. But, I would be shocked if he won the nomination and then chose her- the candidate that the Democrats are smearing.

I know that Gabbard is getting a lot of coverage. She's getting people's attention. I like her platform. She's got some humility. She's not likely to sell the American people down the river and she puts the people before the party. The DNC does not like candidates that don't tow the line.
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I don't have any idea. But, I would be shocked if he won the nomination and then chose her- the candidate that the Democrats are smearing.

I know that Gabbard is getting a lot of coverage. She's getting people's attention. I like her platform. She's got some humility. She's not likely to sell the American people down the river and she puts the people before the party. The DNC does not like candidates that don't tow the line.

That’s why they screwed Bernie out of the nomination in 2016. But they have a lot in common, plus she’s a beautiful articulate woman which appeals to the woke identitarian crowd.
That’s why they screwed Bernie out of the nomination in 2016. But they have a lot in common, plus she’s a beautiful articulate woman which appeals to the woke identitarian crowd.
Gabbard will be persona-non-grata in the Democrat field now.
Once the nominee is chosen I don’t know how much the dnc can really do to choose a running mate
I'm sure they all shut up and tell the nominee "Pick anyone you want! We'll back you no matter what!"

I'm sure they all shut up and tell the nominee "Pick anyone you want! We'll back you no matter what!"


What would they do about it? Pull the nominee? Or turn on them and help trump win? They have no leverage at that point and the conventional wisdom is that the VP isn’t that important anyways
What would they do about it? Pull the nominee? Or turn on them and help trump win? They have no leverage at that point and the conventional wisdom is that the VP isn’t that important anyways
I really don't know. I don't trust the DNC at all, okay? And, after the last 24 hours, watching Democrats turn on Gabbard like she's Trump with tits, I really don't care. They'd rather lose with one of these fossils who bang the impeachment drum than get behind someone who could get votes from Trump because they're pissed that she gets on Fox News. She's willing to expose the DC bullshit.
There's a lot of patty-cake in this thread. Does anyone want to go on record...with references of course? It seems like a lot of people who hate Trump, on this board, have a problem with backing up their statements. I feel that it's time that we require evidence from everyone.
I really don't know. I don't trust the DNC at all, okay? And, after the last 24 hours, watching Democrats turn on Gabbard like she's Trump with tits, I really don't care. They'd rather lose with one of these fossils who bang the impeachment drum than get behind someone who could get votes from Trump because they're pissed that she gets on Fox News. She's willing to expose the DC bullshit.

I was just talking to my mother tonight, who is a total Evangelical, and I said almost those exact same words. I don't know how you missed the Trump Train, but I wouldn't be upset in the least if Tulsi was the next president.
Tulsi isn’t hated by progressives. She is a progressive. Her platform is like 98% identical to Bernie’s. They just focus on different talking points. If he won the nomination I would bet the farm that she would be his running partner.

Give the sellout a rest. Nobody is interested in his next heart attack.
I really don't know. I don't trust the DNC at all, okay? And, after the last 24 hours, watching Democrats turn on Gabbard like she's Trump with tits, I really don't care. They'd rather lose with one of these fossils who bang the impeachment drum than get behind someone who could get votes from Trump because they're pissed that she gets on Fox News. She's willing to expose the DC bullshit.

I don’t trust them either. I’m just saying I don’t see any other option for them. They can’t threaten to not back a nominee that’s already been chosen. It wouldn’t help them at all. I’m sure members of the DNC might try to steer someone away from tulsi but if they decided to go in that direction then there’s nothing they could really do from what I can tell.
I don't have any idea. But, I would be shocked if he won the nomination and then chose her- the candidate that the Democrats are smearing.

I know that Gabbard is getting a lot of coverage. She's getting people's attention. I like her platform. She's got some humility. She's not likely to sell the American people down the river and she puts the people before the party. The DNC does not like candidates that don't tow the line.

I liked Gabbard from the beginning, and thought she would be one of the few running that I'd vote for in a general election. Now that it turns out the Dems, Clinton, and some of the ultra-left hate her - I'm in even more!
Anybody following the news? Apparently three dozen republicans crashed a closed hearing and even brought in their cell phones. Bizarre tactics, but not really surprising at this point. They delayed the testimony by over five hours.

Kinda sad when it gets to the point of political stunts attempting to prevent the impeachment inquiry. Maybe Gaetz is trying to beef up his rap sheet...
Just saw that a new Quinnipiac poll shows Warren leading Biden by 7 percentage points. The same poll also had a majority think Biden had a better chance of beating Trump. Dis gon' be gud.
Anybody following the news? Apparently three dozen republicans crashed a closed hearing and even brought in their cell phones. Bizarre tactics, but not really surprising at this point. They delayed the testimony by over five hours.

Kinda sad when it gets to the point of political stunts attempting to prevent the impeachment inquiry. Maybe Gaetz is trying to beef up his rap sheet...
Who's getting impeached?
Anybody following the news? Apparently three dozen republicans crashed a closed hearing and even brought in their cell phones. Bizarre tactics, but not really surprising at this point. They delayed the testimony by over five hours.

Kinda sad when it gets to the point of political stunts attempting to prevent the impeachment inquiry. Maybe Gaetz is trying to beef up his rap sheet...
Does trump have anyone in those hearings representing him? No saying what the pubs did is right, but is he allowed representation in those talks? Seems fairly selective if not
Does trump have anyone in those hearings representing him? No saying what the pubs did is right, but is he allowed representation in those talks? Seems fairly selective if not
What makes you think he should be represented in an inquiry? The inquiry is to determine if someone has done something illegal. Once that is detiermined and someone is charged, then they can be represented. The stunt was stupid, if they wanted to know what was going on in there why didn’t they just ask the dozen or so republicans who are on the committee?
What makes you think he should be represented in an inquiry? The inquiry is to determine if someone has done something illegal. Once that is detiermined and someone is charged, then they can be represented. The stunt was stupid, if they wanted to know what was going on in there why didn’t they just ask the dozen or so republicans who are on the committee?
Uh, that was my question if there was anyone in his party there. I know what they did was wrong.
Does trump have anyone in those hearings representing him? No saying what the pubs did is right, but is he allowed representation in those talks? Seems fairly selective if not

Yes there were republicans in the room. And this isn’t a trial, it’s an inquiry. There was zero excuse for storming into a closed hearing and causing a security breach on top of that by bringing in cell phones.

What do you think would happen if one of us stormed into a closed congressional hearing? We’d be sitting in a jail cell right now.
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I know you're a registered Republican...but I wonder why? Not trying to be a smart ass just curious if you still feel aligned with the party.
I know you're a registered Republican...but I wonder why? Not trying to be a smart ass just curious if you still feel aligned with the party.
I am very aligned with real conservative values but the GOP has lost its way and backing Trump was the last straw. Hell, Bill Clinton was a better conservative than any in the GOP today and I hated the guy. The GOP lost its way when they got into religion, gays, abortion, etc. A real conservative believes religion has its place but not in government, the government has no right to tell a woman what to do regarding her body, and it’s none of the government’s business what your sexual preference is. The government’s responsibility is to protect us and supply the people with services that we have agreed to pay for with a reasonable tax.
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I am very aligned with real conservative values but the GOP has lost its way and backing Trump was the last straw. Hell, Bill Clinton was a better conservative than any in the GOP today and I hated the guy. The GOP lost its way when they got into religion, gays, abortion, etc. A real conservative believes religion has its place but not in government, the government has no right to tell a woman what to do regarding her body, and it’s none of the government’s business what your sexual preference is. The government’s responsibility is to protect us and supply the people with services that we have agreed to pay for with a reasonable tax.
See, to me... that doesn't sound liberal or conservative. It just sounds... reasonable.
I am very aligned with real conservative values but the GOP has lost its way and backing Trump was the last straw. Hell, Bill Clinton was a better conservative than any in the GOP today and I hated the guy. The GOP lost its way when they got into religion, gays, abortion, etc. A real conservative believes religion has its place but not in government, the government has no right to tell a woman what to do regarding her body, and it’s none of the government’s business what your sexual preference is. The government’s responsibility is to protect us and supply the people with services that we have agreed to pay for with a reasonable tax.
Religion, gays, abortion have been a hot topic for pubs since forever. You hated Clinton, but I'm sure you voted for his wife last time.

As for most of what you said about what conservative, I can agree
Religion, gays, abortion have been a hot topic for pubs since forever
You hated Clinton, but I'm sure you voted for his wife last time.
No it has not it started in the 80’s with Jerry Falwell.
Of course I did, she was bad, without a doubt, but not as bad as Trump.
The GOP had a choice of dozens of people running in the primaries who would have beaten Clinton but they picked the only person worse than her (Trump)

As for most of what you said about what conservative, I can agree
No it has not it started in the 80’s with Jerry Falwell.
Conservatives were against abortion long before Falwell came along as well as against gays and pro religion. The views of younger conservatives are steadily increasing to fit in with more of what you say, so you actually fit in more with normal conservatives today than ever before.
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I guess I'm the opposite. I chose the candidate that was the lesser of 2 evils. She has proven herself unworthy in all her dealings for years. Trump doesn't for the model of politician. He is an ego maniac. He is unfiltered. He has broke the mold for access to the highest office in the land. He is not a conservative either. But he also has not nuked anyone. Hasn't started any wars. The economy seems fine.
I know the never trumpers has a different view. I understand it. I didn't like Obama. But we made it thru his terms with some good things as well as some bad things. It will be the same with trump. And I think you are wrong that the pubs could have beaten Clinton with any other canidate.

By the way, Christian's need a voice and platform as much as any other group.
I am very aligned with real conservative values but the GOP has lost its way and backing Trump was the last straw. Hell, Bill Clinton was a better conservative than any in the GOP today and I hated the guy. The GOP lost its way when they got into religion, gays, abortion, etc. A real conservative believes religion has its place but not in government, government has no right to tell a woman what to do regarding her body, and it’s none of the government’s business what your sexual preference is. The government’s responsibility is to protect us and supply the people with services that we have agreed to pay for with a reasonable tax.
If the government expects me to pay for contraception, abortion, and gender reassignment you damn well better believe I will have something to say about it.
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