OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I needed evidence to accept your resignation? I think not.

You aren't stupid, dude. Do some extra research. Sure, it means you have to expend some of your resources to watching videos you wouldn't normally watch, but it just comes down to what you want most. To get educated, you need to sacrifice other aspects of your life.
I'm waiting on evidence that says I'm wrong. It's your responsibility to provide that. If you can't provide it that's fine. I won't get upset at you.

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue what you're talking about. This back and forth is getting kind of tiring and it saddens me to keep embarrassing you. If you can actually provide proof that I'm wrong then feel free. If you can't then I'll be happy to move on so I don't have to embarrass you anymore.
I'm waiting on evidence that says I'm wrong. It's your responsibility to provide that. If you can't provide it that's fine. I won't get upset at you.

As for the rest of your post, I have no clue what you're talking about. This back and forth is getting kind of tiring and it saddens me to keep embarrassing you. If you can actually provide proof that I'm wrong then feel free. If you can't then I'll be happy to move on so I don't have to embarrass you anymore.

Education is something that You have no clue?

My original argument is that the Vietnam War was an immoral money grab by the Military Industrial Complex, and I was cheering for anyone who didn't buy into that lie.

So...where are you embarrassing me again?
Education is something that You have no clue?

My original argument is that the Vietnam War was an immoral money grab by the Military Industrial Complex, and I was cheering for anyone who didn't buy into that lie.

So...where are you embarrassing me again?
That's actually not the argument we were having, but I have no problem switching gears. All wars are a money grab. That's nothing new.
So, since Trump, and his family realized that Vietnam was an abomination the guys can't respect those who were forced to give their lives by the same "deep state" that he's fighting against? You, sir...are either a hypocrite, or a moron. I'll let you decide which it is.
Did you see the source of the tweet? THE ONION! It was... a joke!


"Deep State?" What is that?
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No, no... he has been banned-from/kicked-off-of the other boards.

Mental illness is a sad thing. Dude has racked up almost half as many posts as I have since he showed up, and I’ve been posting on these boards since 2008. I’m guessing he didn’t get enough attention as a kid or something.
No, no... he has been banned-from/kicked-off-of the other boards.

You love this argument, don't you? It's your "go to" argument for anything against me. Of course, you tend to inflate the situation more than it is. I'm guessing that's why you never answer me when I'm asking you tough questions. We all know that you're dating a black chick...I've dated a black chick. Hot pussy is hot pussy. I don't discriminate...unlike the political party you seem to be supporting. However, that another situation that you would like to explain to the board.
No, nor do I care. Where is the tweet?
You quoted the post I made... that featured The Onion tweet of Trump and the fake Vietnam commemorative. It's a good thing you didn't care enough to respond, and even better to not care to pay attention to what you were responding to, I guess.

But, always licking Trump's boot, even when it's just a spoof.

You quoted the post I made... that featured The Onion tweet of Trump and the fake Vietnam commemorative. It's a good thing you didn't care enough to respond, and even better to not care to pay attention to what you were responding to, I guess.

But, always licking Trump's boot, even when it's just a spoof.


I have zero idea of what you are talking about. I think the Vietnam War was immoral, and I would salute anyone who avoided that war. Do you disagree?
You love this argument, don't you? It's your "go to" argument for anything against me. Of course, you tend to inflate the situation more than it is. I'm guessing that's why you never answer me when I'm asking you tough questions. We all know that you're dating a black chick...I've dated a black chick. Hot pussy is hot pussy. I don't discriminate...unlike the political party you seem to be supporting. However, that another situation that you would like to explain to the board.

You were kicked-off and banned-from those boards. I dunno how "inflated" that is, but you were. I dunno what the black chick has to do with anything. But... maybe you're just trying way too hard tonight.

You were kicked-off and banned-from those boards. I dunno how "inflated" that is, but you were. I dunno what the black chick has to do with anything. But... maybe you're just trying way too hard tonight.

You love this argument, don't you? It's your "go to" argument for anything against me. Of course, you tend to inflate the situation more than it is. I'm guessing that's why you never answer me when I'm asking you tough questions. We all know that you're dating a black chick...I've dated a black chick. Hot pussy is hot pussy. I don't discriminate...unlike the political party you seem to be supporting. However, that another situation that you would like to explain to the board.
Who says you have to wade through my posts, you effin' drama queen.


What posts? The posts where you grandstand about shit that doesn't matter or your grandstanding about...Horus, I'm not exactly sure of your beliefs, because you just have no real convictions. How do you traverse life without any kind of conviction?
This is insane. The US just joined Russia to veto a UN Security Council resolution sponsored by our European allies — France, Germany, Belgium, the UK and Poland — condemning Turkey's invasion of Syria.
trump’s post re: fox news is freakin hilarious...he got me today, consider me sucked.

“oh well, i’m president”
if you follow him on Twitter, you "get" one of these beauties nearly every day. A couple recent examples:

" [politician X] is too dumb (stupid) blah blah blah..." the clarifying "dumb" with "stupid" - what a stable genius...

he went on a rant about (his words) liddl' Adam Schiff.... when press attacked him for using a "hyphen" (he thinks this - an apostrophe - ' - is a "hyphen" - he got into a Twitter fight about whether or not he knew how to spell.

There are dozens of examples - at least - proving he is a "stable genius" on a near daily basis. It'd be comical if it wasn't also scary. Makes one worried about how he interacts with the competent people he has had around him occasionally..... Mattis, Pompeo, Barr, etc.
@heelmanwilm is a good man, but he isn't "down the middle". At some point you'll have to prove that.

Well i’m pro gun, happy with current abortion laws and enforcing immigration laws, against sanctuary cities, against universal health care, pro environment, against the wall, think we kiss israels ass too much, registered independent, voted for mccain, romney, clinton, clinton, bush.
Well i’m pro gun, happy with current abortion laws and enforcing immigration laws, against sanctuary cities, against universal health care, pro environment, against the wall, think we kiss israels ass too much, registered independent, voted for mccain, romney, clinton, clinton, bush. And I fricken hate tourist
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What posts? The posts where you grandstand about shit that doesn't matter
Grandstand? Aw, you're giving me way too much credit. All I was doing, like everyone else here, was stating my opinion and standing by it. But thanks for the compliment. I suppose as a Seminole you're pretty much looking up to everybody these days.

And if you think Trump allowing Turkey to sweep into Syria "doesn't matter" then you're more foolish than I originally thought.
You're talking about like 0.1% of the voting population.

I like to think I'm more informed than 95% of Americans (as most of us in this thread are) and I honestly won't think twice about the Kurds when I go into a voting booth. Plus, I'm a moderate Republican that you mentioned.

Economy, economy, economy.

I thought this article was quite well -esearched and well- written, regarding the facts and history of the Kurds in the Syria / Turkey / Iraq / Iran region.

I don't for a second give credit to DJT for 5% of this writer's level of assessment or consideration or thought - in deciding to pull out some of the troops. The point is: it's not as black and white as most make it out to be. But few voters / readers seem to have the attention span or interest to learn the details. (I'm not referring here to anyone on this board).

But the article does describe how "our Kurdish allies" aren't all noble and altruistic with noble goals, and that we do have some legal obligation to Turkey.....

….but most of all, we should be way more hesitant and thoughtful and - I don't know - maybe go through congress like the Constitution requires? when intervening in these foreign conflicts - so we could determine what the US goal is, what the US plan is, how exactly does our involvement/intervention further US interests, and how do we know the mission is accomplished, so we don't have to have US troops stationed there forever, with no stated end goal in sight, no way of the conflict ever ending.

Note: there were over 2,000 troops in Syria last year. There are 1,000 today. DJT's proposed removal of around 100 in the Kurd / Turk conflict will bring the number stationed there still - to about 900 US soldiers (family members of US citizens).

Is it a bad move to abandon people who have fought with us against ISIS in that region? No question - I don't dispute that for a minute. Leaving the Kurds twisting in the wind, is very bad. But how did we not see this coming, when we first got involved, unless we were implicitly signing up to be in the region forever?
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I thought this article was quite well -esearched and well- written, regarding the facts and history of the Kurds in the Syria / Turkey / Iraq / Iran region.

I don't for a second give credit to DJT for 5% of this writer's level of assessment or consideration or thought - in deciding to pull out some of the troops. The point is: it's not as black and white as most make it out to be. But few voters / readers seem to have the attention span or interest to learn the details. (I'm not referring here to anyone on this board).

But the article does describe how "our Kurdish allies" aren't all noble and altruistic with noble goals, and that we do have some legal obligation to Turkey.....

….but most of all, we should be way more hesitant and thoughtful and - I don't know - maybe go through congress like the Constitution requires? when intervening in these foreign conflicts - so we could determine what the US goal is, what the US plan is, how exactly does our involvement/intervention further US interests, and how do we know the mission is accomplished, so we don't have to have US troops stationed there forever, with no stated end goal in sight, no way of the conflict ever ending.

Note: there were over 2,000 troops in Syria last year. There are 1,000 today. DJT's proposed removal of around 100 in the Kurd / Turk conflict will bring the number stationed there still - to about 900 US soldiers (family members of US citizens).

Is it a bad move to abandon people who have fought with us against ISIS in that region? No question - I don't dispute that for a minute. Leaving the Kurds twisting in the wind, is very bad. But how did we not see this coming, when we first got involved, unless we were implicitly signing up to be in the region forever?

That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out poast. Now what % of voters do you think will go to the trouble to educate themselves as you have?

I'm gonna go .01%.
That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out poast. Now what % of voters do you think will go to the trouble to educate themselves as you have?

I'm gonna go .01%.
The news, and therefore your average voter, has basically already forgotten about the story. It wasn't listed anywhere in the dozens of top stories on my google news feed. When I went specifically to US news there were a couple of stories that talked about some members of the GOP not liking the move. It didn't even mention the Kurds were getting slaughtered. So yeah, no one is going to be considering this in the voting booth. They won't even remember it happened in a couple of weeks.
Taxpayers have paid about $100k so far to the new wh press secretary whose primary job is to inform the public of the goings on in the exec branch. In seven mos on the job:

Zero briefings
Zero press confs
Zero questions answered
Zero info provided
Taxpayers have paid about $100k so far to the new wh press secretary whose primary job is to inform the public of the goings on in the exec branch. In seven mos on the job:

Zero briefings
Zero press confs
Zero questions answered
Zero info provided
That's probably the second best thing Trump could do. The first being getting off of Twitter.
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Grandstand? Aw, you're giving me way too much credit. All I was doing, like everyone else here, was stating my opinion and standing by it. But thanks for the compliment. I suppose as a Seminole you're pretty much looking up to everybody these days.

And if you think Trump allowing Turkey to sweep into Syria "doesn't matter" then you're more foolish than I originally thought.

Like cutting off some of my post? Have fun, drama queen.
Well i’m pro gun, happy with current abortion laws and enforcing immigration laws, against sanctuary cities, against universal health care, pro environment, against the wall, think we kiss israels ass too much, registered independent, voted for mccain, romney, clinton, clinton, bush.

Talking points:
  • What is your exact gun stance?
  • What is your belief for abortion laws?
  • What are your immigration views?
  • What are your views about the environment?
Edit: Look, dude. You seem like a good guy, and I can respect you. Of course, if you respond to this post then you're going down the rabbit hole. There have been a lot of people who I was cordial with before this happened, and who I would like to be cordial with post debate...but they didn't feel the same way. I just want you to know that this debate won't be personal, and regardless of what happens I wish you the best the rest of your life.
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Talking points:
  • What is your exact gun stance?
  • What is your belief for abortion laws?
  • What are your immigration views?
  • What are your views about the environment?
Edit: Look, dude. You seem like a good guy, and I can respect you. Of course, if you respond to this post then you're going down the rabbit hole. There have been a lot of people who I was cordial with before this happened, and who I would like to be cordial with post debate...but they didn't feel the same way. I just want you to know that this debate won't be personal, and regardless of what happens I wish you the best the rest of your life.
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Talking points:
  • What is your exact gun stance?
  • What is your belief for abortion laws?
  • What are your immigration views?
  • What are your views about the environment?

Only change to fed gun laws i would favor would be outlawing hi cap magazines

No late term abortions except for mothers health

Enforce current immigration laws on the books. No sanctuary cities. Quit hiring illegals. No need for a wall.

Defer to the science regarding climate change instead of the politicians, pastors, and media personalities.
Only change to fed gun laws i would favor would be outlawing hi cap magazines

No late term abortions except for mothers health

Enforce current immigration laws on the books. No sanctuary cities. Quit hiring illegals. No need for a wall.

Defer to the science regarding climate change instead of the politicians, pastors, and media personalities.

Agree on all except I’d probably go a bit further on guns, which I feel is just a regional disagreement between us.

I think most at least half way intelligent moderates agree with your post.
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Trump last night at campaign rally:

Claimed id is required to buy groceries. Lie

Claimed theres large voter fraud in calif where illegals are allowed to vote. Lie

Claimed he issued permits for the cameron LNG plant and obama refused to do so. Lie

Claimed he created veterans choice program. Lie

Claimed the whistle blowers account of his phone call was “phony”. Lie

Yet those ignorant knuckle dragging backer chewing dumbshits lapped up every bit.
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