OOTB's Political Thread . ..

No, I voted for Bill Clinton. I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. But I will vote for Trump in the next election.

I've never, in my 66 years, seen an American political party try to fix a Presidential Election like the Dems did in 2016. When that didn't succeed, they immediately stage a three year campaign to stage a coup and remove a duly elected POTUS. I will never forgive them for that. Never.

I know the dems rigged the primaries in favor of hrc but i’ve never heard any evidence of them rigging the gen election. Meanwhile theres a mtn of evidence the russians tried to affect it to benefit trump. (Of course he had nothing to do with it though <<cough>>)
I don't get the whole "rigging" an election unless you're literally stuffing ballots, having people vote twice, hacking the official count, etc.

Showing ads partial to one candidate isn't cheating in the way I see cheating. Even if the ads were lies, candidates have been telling lies about the other candidates since Quincy Adams vs. Jackson and they haven't stopped since.

The fact is more people in swing states voted for Trump than they did Hillary. Unless something shows that to not be true, the election was legitimate IMO.
I don't get the whole "rigging" an election unless you're literally stuffing ballots, having people vote twice, hacking the official count, etc.

Showing ads partial to one candidate isn't cheating in the way I see cheating. Even if the ads were lies, candidates have been telling lies about the other candidates since Quincy Adams vs. Jackson and they haven't stopped since.

The fact is more people in swing states voted for Trump than they did Hillary. Unless something shows that to not be true, the election was legitimate IMO.
I think most think Hillary cheated Bernie in the primaries. Super delegates and such. There was also the fact the Donna Brazille was feeding Hillary the debate questions ahead of time.
Republicans calling Romney a traitor illustrates the concern that so many people have about this administration. Anyone who opposes trump is a traitor. Any news that criticizes him is fake. And his supporters eat it up without a second thought.

Ironically it’s a very similar style of gatekeeping to what the super woke contingent does. If you don’t agree with their arguments then it must be because you’re a racist/sexist/homophobe. If you disagree with something trump does it’s because you irrationally hate him (“Trump derangement syndrome) and/or you’re a traitor. This strategy has been effective for both sides. Trump supporters love to use that argument to shut down criticism, and the super woke folks have no problem getting people ‘cancelled.’

No bueno.
Republicans calling Romney a traitor illustrates the concern that so many people have about this administration. Anyone who opposes trump is a traitor. Any news that criticizes him is fake. And his supporters eat it up without a second thought.

Ironically it’s a very similar style of gatekeeping to what the super woke contingent does. If you don’t agree with their arguments then it must be because you’re a racist/sexist/homophobe. If you disagree with something trump does it’s because you irrationally hate him (“Trump derangement syndrome) and/or you’re a traitor. This strategy has been effective for both sides. Trump supporters love to use that argument to shut down criticism, and the super woke folks have no problem getting people ‘cancelled.’

No bueno.
Same issue when obama was in office. The ones who opposed him had major backlash as well. Honestly, nothing will fix this divide, outside of some kind of major tragic event. Even then, it won't last long
Ah yes, thank you for reminding me of Billy's tick tock tick tock, that was a good laugh. Guess the clock broke before anything he said would happen, happened. Hope the guy is doing ok, he seemed to be unraveling quickly, and the way Trump has been humming along and not crashing and burning is probably sending the poor guy into a tailspin.

It's a shame because his non-political contribution to OOTB was top notch.
Same issue when obama was in office. The ones who opposed him had major backlash as well. Honestly, nothing will fix this divide, outside of some kind of major tragic event. Even then, it won't last long

Yes there was backlash but its definitely worse now. Obama didn’t go around calling people traitors or racists for opposing him. Some of his supporters may have done that but there’s a big difference between that and Trump going on Twitter and doing it himself. It’s the top down aspect that is so concerning. His supporters take their cues from him. It’s not a case of some idiots who happen to support him. They’re getting these talking points straight out of his mouth.
Republicans calling Romney a traitor illustrates the concern that so many people have about this administration. Anyone who opposes trump is a traitor. Any news that criticizes him is fake. And his supporters eat it up without a second thought.

Ironically it’s a very similar style of gatekeeping to what the super woke contingent does. If you don’t agree with their arguments then it must be because you’re a racist/sexist/homophobe. If you disagree with something trump does it’s because you irrationally hate him (“Trump derangement syndrome) and/or you’re a traitor. This strategy has been effective for both sides. Trump supporters love to use that argument to shut down criticism, and the super woke folks have no problem getting people ‘cancelled.’

No bueno.

solid af post
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Yes there was backlash but its definitely worse now. Obama didn’t go around calling people traitors or racists for opposing him. Some of his supporters may have done that but there’s a big difference between that and Trump going on Twitter and doing it himself. It’s the top down aspect that is so concerning. His supporters take their cues from him. It’s not a case of some idiots who happen to support him. They’re getting these talking points straight out of his mouth.
It’s a mistake to compare Trump to any other leader in America’s history. Years from now you won’t be able to find a soul who will admit they supported him.
It’s a mistake to compare Trump to any other leader in America’s history. Years from now you won’t be able to find a soul who will admit they supported him.

I agree that he’s completely different than prior presidents. But the American right proved it had no shame a long time ago.
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I agree that he’s completely different than prior presidents. But the American right proved it had no shame a long time ago.
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Yes there was backlash but its definitely worse now. Obama didn’t go around calling people traitors or racists for opposing him. Some of his supporters may have done that but there’s a big difference between that and Trump going on Twitter and doing it himself. It’s the top down aspect that is so concerning. His supporters take their cues from him. It’s not a case of some idiots who happen to support him. They’re getting these talking points straight out of his mouth.
Obama knew he had supporters saying and doing similar things. It's a failure on his part for not squashing it. He allowed division in race and politics. He simply allowed it to go on
Obama knew he had supporters saying and doing similar things. It's a failure on his part for not squashing it. He allowed division in race and politics. He simply allowed it to go on

Even if it were reasonable to blame him for not squashing that, it still would be nowhere near as bad as what trump does by intentionally stoking the flames for personal/political benefit. But realistically, you can’t reasonably blame Obama for people saying stupid things in defense of him. And you definitley can’t blame him for division in race and politics. That’s been going for several hundred years.

There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Obama, and it’s unfair to assume someone is a racist because they don’t like him. But there also was a lot of blatantly racist BS directed at him during his presidency. A lot of the divisiveness during his administration came from the reactionaries in the “alt-right” which is actually just the modern rebranding of white nationalists.
Come on, man...

The American "right" has no shame? Just the right?

I was responding to a post that specifically talked about trump supporters being ashamed one day. Whether or not the democrats or anyone else on the left is shameless was not relevant to that point so there wasn’t any need to bring it up. I never said anything about it just being the right.
Even if it were reasonable to blame him for not squashing that, it still would be nowhere near as bad as what trump does by intentionally stoking the flames for personal/political benefit. But realistically, you can’t reasonably blame Obama for people saying stupid things in defense of him. And you definitley can’t blame him for division in race and politics. That’s been going for several hundred years.

There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Obama, and it’s unfair to assume someone is a racist because they don’t like him. But there also was a lot of blatantly racist BS directed at him during his presidency. A lot of the divisiveness during his administration came from the reactionaries in the “alt-right” which is actually just the modern rebranding of white nationalists.
My point is both have allowed division to happen. One more passive, and one vocal.
Trump got my vote because he doesnt walk the line. I was fine with him changing the course for modern politics. Anyone with eyes and a brain can see the hard left has came at him with everything they could muster. With multiple sure fire plans to remove him being behind him, he should keep the same color in his bedroom at the White House for a few more years. He has thick skin and has weathered it all. He isn't a saint, and he sure hasn't sold out to anyone. But my work is far more intact, and I've made more money since he took office than I ever have. He may not have did all of that, but people who own small businesses like myself will continue to support someone who knows how things work outside of politics. All obama did for me was give me 2500 per month insurance for 3 people.
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My point is both have allowed division to happen. One more passive, and one vocal.
Trump got my vote because he doesnt walk the line. I was fine with him changing the course for modern politics. Anyone with eyes and a brain can see the hard left has came at him with everything they could muster. With multiple sure fire plans to remove him being behind him, he should keep the same color in his bedroom at the White House for a few more years. He has thick skin and has weathered it all. He isn't a saint, and he sure hasn't sold out to anyone. But my work is far more intact, and I've made more money since he took office than I ever have. He may not have did all of that, but people who own small businesses like myself will continue to support someone who knows how things work outside of politics. All obama did for me was give me 2500 per month insurance for 3 people.

Donald Trump is a lot of things, but he is certainly not thick skinned. The man can't go one day without lashing out at someone on twitter because he's so upset about them saying something negative about him.

Plenty of people outside of the hard left want him out of office. This impeachment trial made it crystal clear that he withheld foreign aid in exchange for a political favor. That's as clear of an abuse of power as we're ever going to see. Maybe that doesn't bother you but its unfair to suggest that this was just some partisan hit job.
"But my work is far more intact, and I've made more money since he took office than I ever have. He may not have did all of that, but people who own small businesses like myself will continue to support someone who knows how things work outside of politics. All obama did for me was give me 2500 per month insurance for 3 people."

yep! and THAT is why a lot of "undecideds" will vote for him. at the end of the day, American life is so much better now than it was under Obummer. it's not even close.
Ah yes, thank you for reminding me of Billy's tick tock tick tock, that was a good laugh. Guess the clock broke before anything he said would happen, happened. Hope the guy is doing ok, he seemed to be unraveling quickly, and the way Trump has been humming along and not crashing and burning is probably sending the poor guy into a tailspin.

It's a shame because his non-political contribution to OOTB was top notch.

yeah that stupid clock finally stopped ticking around a year ago, i think. like so many others he just couldnt get it through his head that Trump was here for the long run.
Donald Trump is a lot of things, but he is certainly not thick skinned. The man can't go one day without lashing out at someone on twitter because he's so upset about them saying something negative about him.

LOST: Donald Trump's Man Card
Possibly in the Meltdown Neighborhood between Invertebrate Boulevard and Weasel Avenue,
sometime on or before National Grab Pussy Day

If found please return to:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
Trump got my vote because he doesnt walk the line. I was fine with him changing the course for modern politics.

Ok...but how has he changed the course of modern politics? What specifically is different (that is good)?
LOST: Donald Trump's Man Card
Possibly in the Meltdown Neighborhood between Invertebrate Boulevard and Weasel Avenue,
sometime on or before National Grab Pussy Day

If found please return to:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

You wouldn't happen to be insinuating not being a man is an insult/negative, would you? Nah, couldn't be.
He's shown that you don't have to be an entrenched politician to be president. That's good in the sense that it could lead to more viable candidates and possibly even recognition for third party candidates.

I guess. I think that's overblown a bit though with people acting like he's the first guy to hold office who wasn't a politician. Ike, Taylor and Grant were both generals and had never even ran for public office before being President. A ton of guys were Governors for less than 3 years and Kennedy/Lincoln/Obama were junior senators in either their first or second terms.

Think about it, who is the last President that was a super experienced Washington guy before being elected? Bush Sr.? Before him? Nixon? That's 30 and 50 years ago.

I think people overstate our recent past Presidents as being these Washington lifers.
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Ok...but how has he changed the course of modern politics? What specifically is different (that is good)?
He's shown that you don't have to be an entrenched politician to be president. That's good in the sense that it could lead to more viable candidates and possibly even recognition for third party candidates.
See above. There will be others with a much steadier hand to take notes from his time in office. Could be someone rises that both sides will like.
I guess. I think that's overblown a bit though with people acting like he's the first guy to hold office who wasn't a politician. Ike, Taylor and Grant were both generals and had never even ran for public office before being President. A ton of guys were Governors for less than 3 years and Kennedy/Lincoln/Obama were junior senators in either their first or second terms.

Think about it, who is the last President that was a super experienced Washington guy before being elected? Bush Sr.? Before him? Nixon? That's 30 and 50 years ago.

I think people overstate our recent past Presidents as being these Washington lifers.
Most, if not all aspired to be politicians. Even lifers.
For the most part, the shoe had to fit to be president. Not anymore.