OOTB's Political Thread . ..

When is war popular? So we can only try to stop world wars if they poll well? And the things that he "correctly" did were partly responsible for Pearl Harbor.

Right after Pearl Harbor war was extremely popular. Not only did the Senate/House almost unanimously favor war but donations for the war came piling in.

Japan was attacking the US no matter what. The camps were awful, you'll never get me to defend FDR there, but they attacked because we (correctly) didn't let them control the Pacific for resources. Freezing their accounts didn't help but even if we didn't they still needed to expand and they couldn't do that without going to war with us.
...and then the trickle down effect of that was that for Lend Lease we built more factories, more innovation toward production and that not only helped us win vs. the Japs when we entered the war but it set us up to be the superpower that we are after the war.

None of that happens without FDR.
Lest we not forget FDR giving away the farm to Stalin at Yalta.
...and then the trickle down effect of that was that for Lend Lease we built more factories, more innovation toward production and that not only helped us win vs. the Japs when we entered the war but it set us up to be the superpower that we are after the war.

None of that happens without FDR.
Good post, Dadika. I don't know how much of it is attributable solely to FDR,
but the indisputable fact of why the Allies won World War 2 is primarily due to US industrial and manufacturing / energy dominance over the Axis.

US came into WW2 as a middle-of-the-pack developed countries economy, and by the end of it, had a larger industrial and manufacturing economy than the Axis powers combined. Axis just couldn't keep up with the planes, tanks, ships, subs, and weaponry the US economy was churning out....let alone Germany / Axis having to fight the Allies on two major fronts, and having no real way to place troops or machinery on US continental territory.

Historian Victor Davis Hanson's book called "The Second World Wars' is an excellent read: different sections on air, land, water, citizen culture, personalities and strategy of the leaders, geographic advantages / disadvantages of Axis and Allies, etc.
Lest we not forget FDR giving away the farm to Stalin at Yalta.

lol...dude you don't know what you're talking about. Sorry, but the hours and hours and hours I've had to spend studying WW2 from every angle knows you're very wrong.

The give and take at Yalta was incredible. You forget that us getting Stalin to pledge to fight Japan, at the time before we knew we had the A Bomb, was enormous. Russia just lost millions upon millions upon millions of their men fighting Germans and to that point we had just been fighting for 8 months.

Man, you're just wrong.
Good post, Dadika. I don't know how much of it is attributable solely to FDR,
but the indisputable fact of why the Allies won World War 2 is primarily due to US industrial and manufacturing / energy dominance over the Axis.

Nothing is solely attributable to anyone...but no one can argue the fact that FDR and his advisors went against heavy opposition in his decisions to help the allies before we entered the war and that decision is the reason that

1. Europe didn't fall to the Nazis
2. The USA defeated Japan
3. The USA emerged as a superpower

This isn't disputable.
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Right after Pearl Harbor war was extremely popular. Not only did the Senate/House almost unanimously favor war but donations for the war came piling in.
So we should only go to war after terrorist attacks. Makes sense.

Japan was attacking the US no matter what. The camps were awful, you'll never get me to defend FDR there, but they attacked because we (correctly) didn't let them control the Pacific for resources. Freezing their accounts didn't help but even if we didn't they still needed to expand and they couldn't do that without going to war with us.
I think that's debatable, but I think my original opinion that FDR's decisions weren't necessarily all correct is at least somewhat true. I don't think it's debatable that his domestic policies caused a lot of problems though. Those problems still exist in multiple ways today. At best FDR was a mixed bag. He certainly isn't the hero he's made out to be, but I realize I'm in the minority on this.
Nothing is solely attributable to anyone...but no one can argue the fact that FDR and his advisors went against heavy opposition in his decisions to help the allies before we entered the war and that decision is the reason that

1. 1/3 of Europe fell to the Soviets
2. The USA defeated Japan
3. The USA and USSR emerged as a superpowers

This isn't disputable.
So we should only go to war after terrorist attacks. Makes sense.

I think that's debatable, but I think my original opinion that FDR's decisions weren't necessarily all correct is at least somewhat true.

My point is you're nitpicking more minor decisions and ignoring the extremely important ones he got right. No President's decisions are all correct, no one claims them to be. When you get the big ones right, that's your legacy.

I get the blowback on FDR prior to 1940. Hell, the New Deal is everything I'm against in modern politics. I just felt it necessary for the depression since Hoover's disastrous ideas to privatize aid just made things worse.

Agree to disagree on FDR on the whole.
lol...dude you don't know what you're talking about. Sorry, but the hours and hours and hours I've had to spend studying WW2 from every angle knows you're very wrong.

The give and take at Yalta was incredible. You forget that us getting Stalin to pledge to fight Japan, at the time before we knew we had the A Bomb, was enormous. Russia just lost millions upon millions upon millions of their men fighting Germans and to that point we had just been fighting for 8 months.

Man, you're just wrong.
Lol. It's fine, you're a cold war Reagan Republican who doesn't know his history well enough to understand the incredible benefits of helping the USSR (and others) from 1941-1945.

Good day.
I’ll defer to to your obvious expertise on the situation. Where do you teach?
“Medal of freedom” award winner rush Limbaugh claims the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab and was “weaponized” for the purpose of bringing down trump. And btw he pointed out that Bernie sanders wants to turn the us into China.

yea we’ve really lowered the bar for receiving the medal of freedom evidently

no, that bar was forever lowered when Obama awarded it to Perve Biden.
Since when do you have a problem with "perv's"? When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Lol. You realize your boy Bernie published rape fantasies, right?
And if you let little kids touch each other's genitals you might prevent porn........Bernie sanders
That's not very eloquent. But, children touching each other isn't something we should make children feel "bad" about. I firmly believe that the society that associates shame and guilt (dirty, nasty, naughty) with sexuality- something that is perfectly natural, probably our most natural experience- is also going to have a lot of rape, perversions and other sexual dysfunctions.
Lol. You realize your boy Bernie published rape fantasies, right?
Okay? I'm not the one deriding people as being "perv's." Perverted is clearly subjective. I've read literature with graphic rape and sexual crimes. I dunno if the authors were "perverts."

YOUR BOY Trump openly brags about his non-consensual realities... not fantasies.
Okay? I'm not the one deriding people as being "perv's." Perverted is clearly subjective. I've read literature with graphic rape and sexual crimes. I dunno if the authors were "perverts."

YOUR BOY Trump openly brags about his non-consensual realities... not fantasies.
Have you read bernies writings? He's a sick puppy.
Have you read bernies writings? He's a sick puppy.
He very well could be. You support a man that has openly bragged about violating women. Bleed started bashing Biden for being a perv. That's pretty rich coming from a guy that openly supports a guy that has a lifetime of violating women.
yea I hear some even still claim Mexico is paying for the wall. Very sad indeed.

Not only are the paying, but they are paying a premium just because we told them to do so and they bent the knee.

You really need to be off enjoying the best economy in history- no doubt tons of people are flocking to Wilmington for vacation with money to spend.
Not only are the paying, but they are paying a premium just because we told them to do so and they bent the knee.

You really need to be off enjoying the best economy in history- no doubt tons of people are flocking to Wilmington for vacation with money to spend.

you’re broken. And I hate tourists
@UNC71-00 economy in history? Not denying it cause I frankly dont know. But Measured how?
Cause I’ve always heard real gdp is the most accurate measure and it’s grown under trump at basically the same rate it did under Obama and bush. Which is certainly good and I’m not complaining. But i don’t see how that’s the best in history.
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@UNC71-00 economy in history? Not denying it cause I frankly dont know. But Measured how?
Cause I’ve always heard real gdp is the most accurate measure and it’s grown under trump at basically the same rate it did under Obama and bush. Which is certainly good and I’m not complaining. But i don’t see how that’s the best in history.

This is what I mean by your terrible case of TDS. Maybe the worst I have ever seen. I am obviously trolling here over these last several pages but you are so hell bent on anything Trump does that you can't even recognize a C- level troll.

You gotta shake yourself out of this man. Drink some bourbon or smoke some weed or find some tourist to pick up for a 3 way. Anything to keep yourself from thinking about Trump cause it is obviously addling your coconut.
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This is what I mean by your terrible case of TDS. Maybe the worst I have ever seen. I am obviously trolling here over these last several pages but you are so hell bent on anything Trump does that you can't even recognize a C- level troll.

You gotta shake yourself out of this man. Drink some bourbon or smoke some weed or find some tourist to pick up for a 3 way. Anything to keep yourself from thinking about Trump cause it is obviously addling your coconut.

Sorry but Trolling you is way too entertaining to stop. Feeling the bern are we?
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I bet the rest of the world would love one of the Dems the Left is offering up. SNL could never be as good as these Dem debates.

Well they’ve had plenty of practice making fun of the dumb shit trump says on a daily basis.