OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Well they’ve had plenty of practice making fun of the dumb shit trump says on a daily basis.

The whole race comes down to Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Trump wins 2 of those 4, it's curtains for the whoever the Dem nominee is. He won all 4 in 2016, so there's some considerable work to be done to flip 3 of the 4 that the Dems need.

They're so focused on who has more support from minorities, and who has better support in the South, and all this other garbage that doesn't matter one iota. They need to focus on who has the best chance to win those states, because that will decide the election.

Bernie's ban on fracking and the elimination of private insurance, two areas that produce a disproportionately large amount of jobs in PA, pretty much eliminates him from contention there, and would require a sweep of the other 3, if he were to end up the nominee.

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I'm looking forward to Bernie taking away my health insurance. I'm sure the new government plan will be much better. Heck the government will probably pay me to have it as well since mine is free now.
The whole race comes down to Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Trump wins 2 of those 4, it's curtains for the whoever the Dem nominee is. He won all 4 in 2016, so there's some considerable work to be done to flip 3 of the 4 that the Dems need.

They're so focused on who has more support from minorities, and who has better support in the South, and all this other garbage that doesn't matter one iota. They need to focus on who has the best chance to win those states, because that will decide the election.

Bernie's ban on fracking and the elimination of private insurance, two areas that produce a disproportionately large amount of jobs in PA, pretty much eliminates him from contention there, and would require a sweep of the other 3, if he were to end up the nominee.


He doesn't poll well in OH or MI either. He got crushed by Hillary in OH, barely beat her in MI, and carried WI. Winning WI of those 4 is the only realistic thing for him so he'd get smashed by Trump.

Also, you gave him VA, I say that's very 50/50 right now. He got demolished by Hillary in that 2016 primary, they hate him in that state.

Bernie can't win a national election, that's at least one thing the other stooges on the debate stage got right about him.
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I'd be shocked if Trump doesn't win VA this time. Governor Blackface is doing everything he can to ruin the Dems' chances here. People in VA are losing their minds with the radical left policies that our Gov and GA are behind.

I still can’t believe Northam went to VMI
I'd be shocked if Trump doesn't win VA this time. Governor Blackface is doing everything he can to ruin the Dems' chances here. People in VA are losing their minds with the radical left policies that our Gov and GA are behind.

What about Northam is radically left?

Then I’m asking you based on your own standards lol
Well no need to worry about the coronavirus response. A guy with no medical or science background, who was governor of Indiana during the worst hiv outbreak in the states history, who questions the link between cigarettes and lung cancer, and who claims the earth is 5000 yrs in charge.
Because he wants to implement minor gun control measures? Or is there something else I’m missing here?

I'm not sure how you define minor but I know you don't understand guns. There are plenty of other issues to boot- his stance on abortion immediately comes to mind.
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Well no need to worry about the coronavirus response. A guy with no medical or science background, who was governor of Indiana during the worst hiv outbreak in the states history, who questions the link between cigarettes and lung cancer, and who claims the earth is 5000 yrs in charge.

I heard a cruise ship full of Chinese tourists is heading for the Port of Wilmington. Maybe you should go down to the docks and welcome them.
The whole race comes down to Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Trump wins 2 of those 4, it's curtains for the whoever the Dem nominee is. He won all 4 in 2016, so there's some considerable work to be done to flip 3 of the 4 that the Dems need.


I believe if Bernie is the D candidate - other states instantly come into play, serious consideration for DJT to compete in: MN, NM, NV, CO, VA, maybe others....
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Well no need to worry about the coronavirus response. A guy with no medical or science background, who was governor of Indiana during the worst hiv outbreak in the states history, who questions the link between cigarettes and lung cancer, and who claims the earth is 5000 yrs in charge.
He probably thought it might be looked at as homophobic to ask men to stop buggering one another.
I'm not sure how you define minor but I know you don't understand guns. There are plenty of other issues to boot- his stance on abortion immediately comes to mind.

Well anything trying to limit any kind of access to firearms you probably consider radical right? His comments on abortion sounded rather cold I will give you that.
he advocates conversion therapy aka “pray the gay away” for that.
Per the CDC
Practice Abstinence. The surest way to avoid STDs is to not have sex.’s science.

Can we all stop for a minute and just pray that all these dudes in Indiana stop buggering one another!
If that doesn’t work we’ll get the state police in there to pull them apart.
Well no need to worry about the coronavirus response. A guy with no medical or science background, who was governor of Indiana during the worst hiv outbreak in the states history, who questions the link between cigarettes and lung cancer, and who claims the earth is 5000 yrs in charge.

this guy thinks your troll game needs work

this guy thinks your troll game needs work

A Republican Congressman running for reelection in Louisiana is supporting Trump? Color me shocked, again.

There are also plenty of doctors who have come out against Trump's plan.

As with everything in life these days:

Doctor likes Trump = Trump is right
Doctor doesn't like Trump = Trump is wrong
A Republican Congressman running for reelection in Louisiana is supporting Trump? Color me shocked, again.

There are also plenty of doctors who have come out against Trump's plan.

As with everything in life these days:

Doctor likes Trump = Trump is right
Doctor doesn't like Trump = Trump is wrong

Exactly and it has always been that way and will always be this way.
Good job! You found a 62 year old, white Republican senator from Louisiana that supports everything Trump does... even now. What a perfectly objective voice you managed to share with us! Gracias, senor!

He's every bit as objective as @heelmanwilm, right? Plus he has letters after his name, so mark yet another one down for me and the Trumpster.

He's every bit as objective as @heelmanwilm, right? Plus he has letters after his name, so mark yet another one down for me and the Trumpster.

A Republican Congressman running for reelection in Louisiana is supporting Trump? Color me shocked, again.

There are also plenty of doctors who have come out against Trump's plan.

As with everything in life these days:

Doctor likes Trump = Trump is right
Doctor doesn't like Trump = Trump is wrong

Trump broke YOU, dude. You're in a billion, shattered orange pieces.
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