OOTB's Political Thread . ..

the Donald, kicking ass and taking names even back in '90. BaBa WaWa was the one doing the whining, The Donald says get this slimy attack interview out of my face and do some honest reporting. His command of every situation is breathtaking.

Your constant defense of everything agent orange is breathtaking. It deserves a medal of its own lol
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Give it another hundred years. Well, I doubt people will be playing football in 100 years. At some point, people will finally realize that slamming your heads into each other, after obtaining maximum human physical size, strength and speed, is completely insane. And, paying those people hundreds of millions of dollars to "excel" at it, is also a little wacky. But, let's definitely focus on the obvious moral depravity of the stickers on the helmets and how the fans dress-up in the stands!

yepp enjoy football while it lasts. The guys keep getting bigger and faster and not if but when someone dies on the field from a hit that’ll be the end.
Iirc unc had the first 300lb Starting lineman in the the nfl, Brian Blados (blades). I remember the tv cameras couldn’t get enough of him for that reason. Now the avg weight is around 320 I would guess.
yepp enjoy football while it lasts. The guys keep getting bigger and faster and not if but when someone dies on the field from a hit that’ll be the end.
I dunno if that will happen, but I guess it could. I see no youth football anymore. If they aren't playing it until high school, and then if they eventually stop it in high school, it will be over. Every brain that gets donated is loaded with CTE. It does affect each one differently. If the extreme cases of living players gets worse, it won't take anyone dying on the field.

But, there's also a LOT of money at stake.
I doubt people will be playing football in 100 years. At some point, people will finally realize that slamming your heads into each other, after obtaining maximum human physical size, strength and speed, is completely insane. And, paying those people hundreds of millions of dollars to "excel" at it, is also a little wacky.
Are you still preaching this same ol' rant, strum? Football is going nowhere, man. Even the Coronavirus can't kill it!
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the Donald, kicking ass and taking names even back in '90. BaBa WaWa was the one doing the whining, The Donald says get this slimy attack interview out of my face and do some honest reporting. His command of every situation is breathtaking.
Dude, you must be mentally retarded.
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Reporter: Asks question about Russia
Trump: Let me tell you about India

Trump just sounds uninformed. "It didn't reach my desk" is a flat out lie, his briefings are made public for the most part (aside from NS). When people ramble it's usually a sign of not knowing the answer to a question.
It was simply my turn to knock the stuffing out of the resident punching bag. Just doing my part.
LOL, if that's what you think you did, more power to ya goober. But in reality, you're just another nitwit who's too dumb to know when he's got a hook deep in his gullet. Again, thanks for the gullibility and the obliviousness.

I swear I think you could head up a post with 'this is a troll' and some of you tards would still bite.
Trump tweeted support for the views on corona of a pediatrician who’s claimed in the past vagina problems are a result of having sex with demons and alien dna is being used in medical experiments. And oh yea...the govt is being run by lizard people.

Actually the lizard people thing seems quite plausible.
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Trump tweeted support for the views of a doctor who’s claimed in the past vagina problems are a result of having sex with demons and alien dna is being used in medical experiments. And oh yea...the govt is being run by lizard people.

Actually the lizard people thing seems quite plausible.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to find some dumb take he had in the past.

That was quicker than the people digging through a draft pick's tweets from 15 years ago looking for rap lyrics.
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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to find some dumb take he had in the past.

That was quicker than the people digging through a draft pick's tweets from 15 years ago looking for rap lyrics.

She’s claiming she has a cure that big pharma is keeping from people as part of a conspiracy so they can profit from a vaccine. I guess the irony is lost on her that her “cure” (hydroxychloroquine) is already making big pharma millions of dollars.

i do think I had sex with a demon once in the 80’s.
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How about if you want hydroxychloriquine as a treatment for your COVID, you can get it. And if you don't, then you don't get it. Seems reasonable.

I read this in a Ron Swanson voice.


P.S. Ron Swanson is a top 10 TV character of all time. Fight me.
LOL, if that's what you think you did, more power to ya goober. But in reality, you're just another nitwit who's too dumb to know when he's got a hook deep in his gullet. Again, thanks for the gullibility and the obliviousness.

I swear I think you could head up a post with 'this is a troll' and some of you tards would still bite.
Hey, blue balls, Trump called. He's ready to "inject" you with his Demon semen.

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