OOTB's Political Thread . ..

He used a eulogy to push an agenda. Screw him and literally every single democrat politician on earth.
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Seriously you’d have to ask karentoe about the golden shower. He highly recommends it though. Republican conservative partisan sheep crave them it seems so no doubt you’d love it. Must be the reptile dna in trump’s piss. Do you have a lizard perhaps?
No I don't have one but I get it, you don't want me in your club. Just say so next time. Seriously, Facebook groups dedicated to golden water, farm animals, reptile DNA, lizards and piss. It all sounds a bit utopian, I don't believe you.
No I don't have one but I get it, you don't want me in your club. Just say so next time. Seriously, Facebook groups dedicated to golden water, farm animals, reptile DNA, lizards and piss. It all sounds a bit utopian, I don't believe you.

It’s basically a normal tuesday at the White House from what I hear
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Seriously you’d have to ask karentoe about the golden shower. He highly recommends it though. Republican conservative partisan sheep crave them it seems so no doubt you’d love it. Must be the reptile dna in trump’s piss. Do you have a lizard perhaps?
yet you're the one who first mentioned Trump pissing excellence. We have to assume you speak from experience. I think you enjoy being shit on even more though, and I am happy to contribute your lunch. Bon appetit.
It is not permissible according to the12th Amendment of the Constitution.

Not necessarily...

The Twelfth Amendment explicitly states the constitutional requirements as provided for the president also apply to being vice president. It is unclear whether a two-term president could later serve as vice president. Some contend that the Twenty-second Amendment and Twelfth Amendment both bar any two-term president from later serving as vice president as well as from succeeding to the presidency from any point in the United States presidential line of succession. Others contend that the Twelfth Amendment concerns qualification for service, while the Twenty-second Amendment concerns qualifications for election, and thus a former two-term president is still eligible to serve as vice president. The interaction between the two amendments has not been tested, as no twice-elected president has ever been nominated for the vice presidency.

Hillary Clinton jokingly said during her 2016 presidential campaign that she had considered naming her husband, twice-elected former president Bill Clinton as her vice presidential running mate, but had been advised it would be unconstitutional. This constitutional ambiguity has allowed for speculation in 2020 about whether twice-elected former president Barack Obama was eligible to be vice president.

That said, I think the other side would slam the side that tried skirting the constitution and dumb Americans would eat it up.

I do tend to side with it being not what the framers of the constitution had in mind (afraid of absolute power and all) but that's not why the 12th amendment was passed (Jefferson hated Burr).

Who knows. Doesn't matter anyway, Obama isn't going to accept any VP nom.
Personal responsibility is being mature enough to wear a mask so you don’t potentially infect someone else and end up getting college football cancelled.

and personal responsibility is being able to make the choice to stay home if you dont want germs from other people.
yet you're the one who first mentioned Trump pissing excellence. We have to assume you speak from experience. I think you enjoy being shit on even more though, and I am happy to contribute your lunch. Bon appetit.

actually I said “next thing we’re gonna hear is some flaming dumb**** mouth breathing dipshit partisan hack claiming trump pisses excellence” or something to that nature. Then right on cue triggered by your sheep mentality you did PRECISELY THAT and then doubled down describing the texture, composition, and taste of his shit as well. Speaking from Experience no doubt. Be careful if you have a nut allergy though with those orange danglers slapping you in the face while you eat.
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actually I said “next thing we’re gonna hear is some flaming dumb**** mouth breathing dipshit partisan hack claiming trump pisses excellence” or something to that nature. Then right on cue triggered by your sheep mentality you did PRECISELY THAT and then doubled down describing the texture, composition, and taste of his shit as well. Speaking from Experience no doubt. Be careful if you have a nut allergy though with those orange danglers slapping you in the face while you eat.
LOL, you're a sensitive little thing aren't you? As I said, you're the first one to mention Trump pissing excellence. Just admit you love dwelling in his excrement.
Two weeks ago Trump said he'd be releasing a health care plan today. There's no scheduled press conference, no release. Anybody had a chance to look over the new health care plan?
Two weeks ago Trump said he'd be releasing a health care plan today. There's no scheduled press conference, no release. Anybody had a chance to look over the new health care plan?
Yes, I’ve glanced at it. Basically, a free plan for all the deadbeats, but only those that vote for Joe will be taxed to pay for it. I think it’s good legislation.

Is this the Presidential equivalent to a 3rd grader being mad that someone didn't come to their birthday party?

Imagine being asked your opinion about someone as decorated as Lewis and your answer is "he didn't come to my inauguration."

This entire interview is such a shit show. I kinda wish the dems had someone sharp enough to debate him like this...but they've got Biden instead.

Is this the Presidential equivalent to a 3rd grader being mad that someone didn't come to their birthday party?

Imagine being asked your opinion about someone as decorated as Lewis and your answer is "he didn't come to my inauguration."

This entire interview is such a shit show. I kinda wish the dems had someone sharp enough to debate him like this...but they've got Biden instead.
what is it the equivalent of when someone so 'decorated' pointedly refuses to attend the inauguration of a duly elected President? Or his SOU speeches. That wasn't just a petty, leftist, third-grade level slap in the face of Trump; it was an affront to the rest of us and part of the real source of the division that the usual numbnuts blame Trump for. It's the equivalent of all those on the left who refuse to accept those who have differing points of view. Here is what he said about Trump, according to NBC.

"Lewis viewed Trump as a threat to democracy. He boycotted Trump's 2017 inauguration after telling NBC News that he did not view Trump as a "legitimate president" due to evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 election."

Trump was actually asked by a black dem congresswoman to not comment on Lewis. Where is that being reported along with Trump's remarks?

Fvck the SOB and the whole lot of the hypocritical left, may they all rot in peace.
Is this the Presidential equivalent to a 3rd grader being mad that someone didn't come to their birthday party?

Imagine being asked your opinion about someone as decorated as Lewis and your answer is "he didn't come to my inauguration."
It wasn't just John Lewis. Hardly anyone showed up for Trump's inauguration.

Is this the Presidential equivalent to a 3rd grader being mad that someone didn't come to their birthday party?

Imagine being asked your opinion about someone as decorated as Lewis and your answer is "he didn't come to my inauguration."

This entire interview is such a shit show. I kinda wish the dems had someone sharp enough to debate him like this...but they've got Biden instead.

That's exactly what it is. You'd think the President would be above that, but he's obviously not.

I think it's safe to say when Trump eventually kicks the bucket there will be high ranking politicians that will shit on him even worse than he did to Lewis here.

I can't say I completely hate the childish back and forth between Trump and the anti-Trump brigade, it's good entertainment. But it certainly is an example of how far Americans have let their high ranking officials (Prez, VP, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority and Minority leaders, countless senators, countless Representatives, etc.) fall.
what is it the equivalent of when someone so 'decorated' pointedly refuses to attend the inauguration of a duly elected President? Or his SOU speeches. That wasn't just a petty, leftist, third-grade level slap in the face of Trump; it was an affront to the rest of us and part of the real source of the division that the usual numbnuts blame Trump for. It's the equivalent of all those on the left who refuse to accept those who have differing points of view. Here is what he said about Trump, according to NBC.

"Lewis viewed Trump as a threat to democracy. He boycotted Trump's 2017 inauguration after telling NBC News that he did not view Trump as a "legitimate president" due to evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 election."

Trump was actually asked by a black dem congresswoman to not comment on Lewis. Where is that being reported along with Trump's remarks?

Fvck the SOB and the whole lot of the hypocritical left, may they all rot in peace.

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what is it the equivalent of when someone so 'decorated' pointedly refuses to attend the inauguration of a duly elected President? Or his SOU speeches. That wasn't just a petty, leftist, third-grade level slap in the face of Trump; it was an affront to the rest of us and part of the real source of the division that the usual numbnuts blame Trump for. It's the equivalent of all those on the left who refuse to accept those who have differing points of view. Here is what he said about Trump, according to NBC.

"Lewis viewed Trump as a threat to democracy. He boycotted Trump's 2017 inauguration after telling NBC News that he did not view Trump as a "legitimate president" due to evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 election."

Trump was actually asked by a black dem congresswoman to not comment on Lewis. Where is that being reported along with Trump's remarks?

Fvck the SOB and the whole lot of the hypocritical left, may they all rot in peace.
Hell yeah! No one has done more for Black Americans than Trump, right?
Hell yeah! No one has done more for Black Americans than Trump, right?
it's a shame you can't step back from your mindlessness and see how stupid this remark is. The truly soft-headed have been swept up in a wave of how we must be 'doing things' for black people, never letting that thought escape us even for a moment; while the sane understand that the key to equality is allowing black (and white and red and green) people to do things for themselves. In that respect, Trump has done as much as anyone, and more than most, for black if that has to do with anything anyway.

This is about an exchange of respect (or lack thereof) between politicians, and the color has nothing to do with it. Dumbasses like you automatically make it about race according to your indoctrination, and make it against Trump in knee jerk fashion as well. Those capable of thoughtful consideration see that Lewis got at least the same level of respect from Trump that he gave Trump, and probably more. I'd say it's a wash, and just another molehill being made into a mountain by the media-led lemmings.
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