OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Exactly. I want to hate it, but then I see how pissed off it gets the people who hate him, and it makes me like it.
Schadenfreude is probably not the best way to go. It's like stealing and you never get caught. You enjoy it, but it's costing someone else big time.
From Fox News Sunday

WALLACE: You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?

TRUMP: I just look at – I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff.

TRUMP: Now they want to change -- 1492, Columbus discovered America. ... Now they want to make it the 1619 project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so.

WALLACE: It’s slavery.

TRUMP: That’s what they’re saying, but they don’t even know.

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From Fox News Sunday

WALLACE: You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?

TRUMP: I just look at – I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff.

TRUMP: Now they want to change -- 1492, Columbus discovered America. ... Now they want to make it the 1619 project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so.

WALLACE: It’s slavery.

TRUMP: That’s what they’re saying, but they don’t even know.

That interview was incredible. Trump is an entertainer, no doubt. I don't know how much of his own bullshit he actually believes, but he is a great case study for future generations to analyze.
I think Van Jones was sort of correct when he said Trump's election was white-lash. Obama's presidency was brutal for conservative white people, apparently.
Ironically, the media played the biggest role in him getting elected. If it wasn't for them, and Obama making fun of him, then Trump wouldn't have won the primary. Hell, he might not have run at all.
Ironically, the media played the biggest role in him getting elected. If it wasn't for them, and Obama making fun of him, then Trump wouldn't have won the primary. Hell, he might not have run at all.
Obama lit the fuse at the White House press dinner. He made fun of him like very, very few EVER have. I bet he regrets it now. He should have some regret. That was the beginning. Trump decided that night... "I'll show you, mutherf'er." And, he did. He poured it on.
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You realize some people have thought every single President is hurting the country since the beginning of the office? Trump just has a bigger audience of people complaining since the advent of social media.

Imagine if there was social media when Nixon tapes came out. Or when the market crashed in 29. Or when the League of Nations didn't pass. Or when Kansas/Nebraska were burning. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You'd have the other side of the President complaining just as much as they are now when all of those things went down.

Nixon seems like a good comparison because of his complete lack of a moral compass, and an overinflated ego.

That being said, I'd wager he had at least 20 IQ points on Trump. I'm not sure Donny is cracking triple digits.
Monetary policy at the Fed has a much larger impact on unemployment than the president. Even if that weren't the case, unemployment was on a strong downward trend for over half a decade before Trump got elected. In fact if you want to give credit to the President for lowering the unemployment rate, the decrease in unemployment under Obama was actually much larger. By the time we had stabilized from the housing bubble crash, unemployment was around 10%, by 2016 it had dropped to 5%. Under Trump, the rate had gone from 5% to 3.5%.

Unemployment fell by over 5 percentage points under Obama. It had fallen approximately 1.5 percentage points under Trump. His handling of the pandemic will ensure we don't get back to that level for quite some time.

Ironically, the media played the biggest role in him getting elected. If it wasn't for them, and Obama making fun of him, then Trump wouldn't have won the primary. Hell, he might not have run at all.

and obama did go down as president, especially quite a bit there in the beginning. Foreign leaders must have thoroughly enjoyed a visit from him. I guess it's just me, but I don't really care for a president giving so much head on behalf of my country. The Donald doesn't play that.
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and obama did go down as president, especially quite a bit there in the beginning. Foreign leaders must have thoroughly enjoyed a visit from him. I guess it's just me, but I don't really care for a president giving so much head on behalf of my country. The Donald doesn't play that.
Giving so much head on behalf of your country?
I can't take credit for this, but it's pretty good. I can't say that I agree with "lost its position as world leader" yet... :

"The history books’ descriptions of how the United States lost its position as world leader... well it’ll read like fiction.

We have a reality TV star that bankrupts casinos, pays off porn stars, has had to shut down a fraudulent university and fraudulent foundation, whose kids, by law, can’t be on the boards of directors for non-profits, who spray-tans so much that even “The Situation” wonders what the fùck, who sexualizes kids—even his own, who can’t get financing from financial institutions in his own country, who invents fake tournaments at golf courses and declares himself the winner, whose ghostwriters of his books admit to fictionalizing his success to the point of outright fabrication, and on and on and on and on—this is to whom America decided to hand the keys to the country."

I'm not. I'm asking for clarification on your statement.
I thought it was fairly straightforward.....which part are you having a problem with? Are you familiar with obama's first term (IIRC) apology tour, wherein he traveled around, giving the mea culpa for us to the world? Saying how ashamed he was that America was just better than most places? You can probably make the leap in terminology from there. Or maybe not; if not, I'm not going to be able to help you anyway.
You’re out of your league here. Better set this one out. Yes, Lyles is classic but of course class is something you know nothing about. Go back to your trailer park and think it over
Is that the best you can come up with you dithering old fart? Afraid you'll have to do better than that. Once again I see that those who bring up class seem to exhibit it the least. Funny how that works, lol.
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“I passed the cognitive test. It’s a very difficult test. You would probably never get the last five questions”

last 5 questions:

what month is it?
What day of the month is it?
What day of the week is it?
What year is it?
What city are you in right now?
Nixon seems like a good comparison because of his complete lack of a moral compass, and an overinflated ego.

That being said, I'd wager he had at least 20 IQ points on Trump. I'm not sure Donny is cracking triple digits.

Nixon might have had the actual highest IQ of any President. Very smart man.
“I passed the cognitive test. It’s a very difficult test. You would probably never get the last five questions”

last 5 questions:

what month is it?
What day of the month is it?
What day of the week is it?
What year is it?
What city are you in right now?
Thanks to working remotely and not being able to do much of anything because of the shutdowns, I'm not sure if I could answer all of those correctly.
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I thought it was fairly straightforward.....which part are you having a problem with? Are you familiar with obama's first term (IIRC) apology tour, wherein he traveled around, giving the mea culpa for us to the world? Saying how ashamed he was that America was just better than most places? You can probably make the leap in terminology from there. Or maybe not; if not, I'm not going to be able to help you anyway.
Ooohhh, the apology thing. I keep forgetting how humility, and having the ability to apologize, or say you're sorry, is seen as weakness to some people. You even went so far as to equivocate that to sexually gratifying people orally.
Schadenfreude is probably not the best way to go. It's like stealing and you never get caught. You enjoy it, but it's costing someone else big time.

I disagree. Stealing from someone does actually cost them something, because either the other guy can have a given dollar, or I can have it, but we both can't. But in this case, the people will be miserable regardless of whether I sympathize with them or I get enjoyment out of it. So if I think they're dinks, I get enjoyment out of it - of no cost to them.
I disagree. Stealing from someone does actually cost them something, because either the other guy can have a given dollar, or I can have it, but we both can't. But in this case, the people will be miserable regardless of whether I sympathize with them or I get enjoyment out of it. So if I think they're dinks, I get enjoyment out of it - of no cost to them.
Okay... if that's your objective, awesome.
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I can't take credit for this, but it's pretty good. I can't say that I agree with "lost its position as world leader" yet... :

"The history books’ descriptions of how the United States lost its position as world leader... well it’ll read like fiction.

We have a reality TV star that bankrupts casinos, pays off porn stars, has had to shut down a fraudulent university and fraudulent foundation, whose kids, by law, can’t be on the boards of directors for non-profits, who spray-tans so much that even “The Situation” wonders what the fùck, who sexualizes kids—even his own, who can’t get financing from financial institutions in his own country, who invents fake tournaments at golf courses and declares himself the winner, whose ghostwriters of his books admit to fictionalizing his success to the point of outright fabrication, and on and on and on and on—this is to whom America decided to hand the keys to the country."

Yeah, that about sums it up... This country is so fvcked........
How would you know? Apparently you've never read a book and you obviously can't remember any others.

Yeah, he made a ludicrous statement.

I'd argue Buchanan's 1857 alone was 10x worse than all 4 years of any President in modern history.
Ooohhh, the apology thing. I keep forgetting how humility, and having the ability to apologize, or say you're sorry, is seen as weakness to some people. You even went so far as to equivocate that to sexually gratifying people orally.
I see none of those things as weaknesses, as long as one is speaking for himself. But obama was speaking for us, and yes, it was weak and it sickened me that our so-called leader went around presenting his gaped rectum to the world on our behalf. And not just because it was weak, but because his intention was to purposely humiliate his own country as an act of conciliation where no conciliation was called for. The worst part was that he was actually saying I apologize for them, while sort of feaux-magnanimously including himself.

Everybody has the ability to apologize so I'm not sure where you think the ability to apologize is a sign of weakness in my mind. It isn't. But the arrogance and presumptuousness inherent to the obama apology tour is of the same detestable mindset that thinks I should be apologizing for slavery. It's the same detestable POV that says 'for the first time ever, I was proud of my country'. It's the same presumptuousness that you display in wrongly characterizing my take on humility.

I love my country, warts and all. And where my country has acted regrettably from time to time, no other country is so free of fault that I ever feel the need to have a President of mine go around sucking foreign dick.

What's ridiculous is that so many believe that such actions garner respect. They garner contempt veiled by superficial cordiality. And contempt is also exactly what obama has for America.
Obama has so much contempt for America that he decided to teach constitutional law. Makes sense.

Jingoistic bullshit about how people who disagree with you politically actually just hate America is the lowest form of stupidity in the political debate playbook.
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Obama has so much contempt for America that he decided to teach constitutional law. Makes sense.

Jingoistic bullshit about how people who disagree with you politically actually just hate America is the lowest form of stupidity in the political debate playbook.
there are forms of stupidity? Huh. That's almost as amazing as the notion that teaching Constitutional law must preclude having contempt for America. Obama had so much respect for American people that he called himself a professor of Constitutional law when he was not. Makes sense.
We’ve never had a president with so much to complain about....
I agree. His treatment by the media alone is more to complain about than any ten other presidents combined had to complain about. Good call.

Amazingly though, he just isn't one to complain. He's such a stoic.
there are forms of stupidity? Huh. That's almost as amazing as the notion that teaching Constitutional law must preclude having contempt for America. Obama had so much respect for American people that he called himself a professor of Constitutional law when he was not. Makes sense.

I can see how it would be hard for you to discern between the different types of stupidity, when you're afflicted with so many of them.

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?

A: His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he "served as a professor" and was "regarded as" a professor.
I can see how it would be hard for you to discern between the different types of stupidity, when you're afflicted with so many of them.

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?

A: His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he "served as a professor" and was "regarded as" a professor.
Thank you for verifying that obama was not actually a professor of Constitutional law although he referred to himself as one. Of course we are familiar with this kind of thing here at UNC-CH. We also had such an acting professor at one time. The NCAA was very interested in her.

You might have added the following from your own article. I'm glad to help....

"Update March 28: As originally written this item stated flatly that the law school "confirms that Obama was a professor." We have rewritten the item in parts to more accurately reflect the nuance in the law school’s news release." Which is to say, he was not a professor, regardless of what he referred to himself as.

So, speaking of nuance...please go on about the different forms of stupidity. I'm particularly interested in the type that you are displaying most of the time, and I wonder if the stupidity you exhibit on a regular basis is the same form as you are currently displaying in this post. The nuances are subtle. I would almost label you an imbecile, but I'm not sure you are quite that smart. I think idiot is more like it.