Of course, he had holdings in foreign countries. What is he doing to enrich himself? You don't need his tax returns in order to figure that out. What actions have even happened that makes you think this could be a conflict of interest? You can't just say, "He has had business dealing with other countries, so there is an obvious conflict of interest." There has to be some kind of red flag, like did he sell 20% of the US uranium to a company in another country, and then that country donated over $100 million to your slush fun...I mean charity.
If you’re going to quote someone, you should use their actual words. Especially when you literally just complained about people twisting your words...
Business ties with the Saudis, then goes out of his way not to condemn them for murdering a journalist.
Business ties with Russian oligarchs, and takes sides with Putin over our own intelligence agencies.
He spends half his time at a resort that is clearly his way of selling access to the presidency.
The Chinese government has rented properties that he owns...
The list goes on and on.