OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I'm not sure I agree with this. It is easier to get into college, especially a top college, if you are black. It is easier to get a job if you are black. It is harder to be fired if you are black. You are much more likely to be successful at sports and entertainment (music) if you are black.

Did Bezos and Gates have an advantage because they are white? Or did they have an advantage because they had a good idea?

I disagree about getting a job. And no one gets into a good college without merit. They just don’t accept minorities because they are a minority’s. Being fired? Maybe. It’s hard in general to fire anyone at large corporations.

Gates and Bezos have advantages because they are generational geniuses.
I disagree about getting a job. And no one gets into a good college without merit. They just don’t accept minorities because they are a minority’s. Being fired? Maybe. It’s hard in general to fire anyone at large corporations.

Gates and Bezos have advantages because they are generational geniuses.

The merit required to get into college is lower for some minorities and definitely for black people.

It is definitely easier to get a job with a large corporation or the govt if you are black.
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The merit required to get into college is lower for some minorities and definitely for black people.

It is definitely easier to get a job with a large corporation or the govt if you are black.
Only if you are qualified. Again, people are getting into school or college who don’r qualify.
Do we not have one black person on OOTB to give their thoughts on this?

Just a bunch of us crackers arguing about this.
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But I don’t think present day Germans owe anything to present day Jews. I don’t think present day Protestants owe anything to present day Catholics, and I don’t think present day whites owe anything to present day blacks.
I disagree. I disagree completely. Otherwise, the mistakes of the past repeat themselves. They OWE THEM big time. They are obligated, as we all are, to make sure that we never let those same prejudices and attitudes resurface and become popular to find their way into social law and policy. And, it would also be ideal if we don't allow them to be dominant in our own personal ideals. That is a perpetual "vigilance" that we owe human beings.
The whole deal has turned into a debt that can never be repaid by white American males. No matter what we do, it’s never enough. No matter how much we give, it’s never enough. No point in even playing that game.
How much have you given and what are you threatened by having to give more of, exactly?
No. It’s not. So now that I’ve proclaimed that, I will assume that your further condescending, soap box , cry-baby poasts on this subject are not directed towards me. I’m glad we settled that.
Assume as much as you like... you do it often.

ETA: There's nothing condescending about my statements, unless you read that into it. If you say cry-baby, I use my compass and it points to "reasonable."
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No. They aren’t. If I knew it would have been this easy, I would have declared that a long time ago.

If everyone else here poasted the same thing, would that mean you’d go away?
You keep quoting me... I'll keep responding to you.

And, no... I'm not going away.
Ahhhh, cool. The things that are important. Your bottom line is in serious trouble, is it?

How have you been losing your time to this whole inconvenience?

I know- I could be worried about important things like making guitars or rooting through dumpsters. Tell ya what, bud- you worry about your values and I will worry about mine. I promise not to give one single shit either way about your values unless they impinge on mine.

As far as time, too many ways to count and I'm not wasting any more of it on you.
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Tell ya what, bud- you worry about your values and I will worry about mine.
Did you think I have been doing otherwise? I have no control over yours, and vice versa.

I was genuinely asking how all of this is compromising you, or affecting you, negatively. You replied with your money... and your time. I'm sorry if your bank account is in peril, I really am. As far as your time, I dunno what to tell you. As was mentioned earlier, I think it's cool that you're accepting of your children's choice to date men (or women) outside of their race. I hope that continues to work out.
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Course the magas are claiming the video is “heavily edited” and doesnt show how the indian “aggressively approached the high schoolers” who chose to “stand their ground” rather than move. Smfh

Well, here's the beginning of the video which you chose not to show. I certainly wouldn't say that he "aggressively approached", but he no doubt started the whole thing.

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Black people and minorities have all the same rights as White people. But as @tarheel0910 asked, do they have the same opportunities? I’d say no. They have to work much harder.
Just because they have to work harder, doesn't mean they don't have the same opportunities. I'm not saying it's fair that they have to work harder though. I think that has more to do with where you live though. A poor white kid in Compton that goes to a shit high school is going to have a tough life as well.

How many of you would be ok if your daughter brought home a black guy..? I’ve asked that question to many who claimed things were equal and received some interesting answers.
I'm not going to be a big fan of my daughters dating anyone, so I guess technically I wouldn't like it. I'll be just as quick to run off a white guy as well. I'm more concerned about them trying to take their dick out, than the color of that dick.
Basically now the left has become so fukking deranged and unhinged that they lie about what happened and use their lie as the basis of justification for going after kids.

The left is a dangerous threat to this country.

Unfortunately this. There really is only one remotely sane party anymore, and that isn't a good thing.
That's because the current Pope is a leftist fruitcake who is more worried about stuff like this than his priests diddling little kids.
Actually, I think he's been pretty harsh toward that particular crime as well.

But, he could have done (and should do) much more. I don't think he's spoken about the KY thing. Sorry I couldn't find a credible source like Breitbart, or The Blaze, or Newsmax, or one of the other objective news outlets.
From the gist of what I read there are a couple of arguements going on so let me just ask what is the main point of contention? Is it about the idea of ethnicities that are oppressed being owed soemthing? Is it about interracial relationships; of which my response will surprise a few on here. Or is it about building the wall? Of which I believe my response will still surprise some on here... let me know which one, or one's I am answering so that I am not to far left, or right. @tarheel0910
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From the gist of what I read there are a couple of arguements going on so let me just ask what is the main point of contention? Is it about the idea of ethnicities that are oppressed being owed soemthing? Is it about interracial relationships; of which my response will surprise a few on here. Or is it about building the wall? Of which I believe my response will still surprise some on here... let me know which one, or one's I am answering so that I am not to far left, or right. @tarheel0910

Answer all three if you feel comfortable. I’m sure we’d all love to hear.
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Oooohhhh kkkkkkkkk..... first let me say I am not the official spokes man for all black or latino people. There that is my disclaimer; now let's dive into this. 1. The idea that it is harder to fire minorities especially blacks, or that it is easier to find a job, and go to college is at it's best laughable. (No offense intended) we can look at the well known roonie rule in the NFL it is a FACT that teams purposely only use the rule to say they interviewed a minority. The chances of a minority coach getting a job after being fired in the NFL are slim and none. Yet such horrid coaches as Fisher, and the coach who was caught paying players to purposely injure players (Greg Williams) continue to find gainful employment. This alone should put that myth to death, but I will also add my own experiences in here as well. As teenager I was passed up for job after job; I would routinely get applications fill them out wait the obligatory week and then call to give a courtesy check on said application. I routinely killed it on the phone interview, would show up, and get a strange look then get on more the 3 occasions... you don't look like you sound... what? On one occasion I asked well how am I supposed to look? I showed up to the interview at a bojangles wearing khaki slacks button down shirt, and tie... the manager did not answer just ended the interview abruptly.... I was told at agency after agency that they weren't looking for officers. Yet I would find out that a friend of mine in the same blet class would get hired by that agency... dont tell me it's easier to find a job being black. It's not. Then once I found a job I found I had to work twice as hard, be twice as smart, be better than my counterparts to get noticed. This was fine with me as my dad had already besat into my head that we as black people had to be smarter, tougher, faster, and work harder... these same values I now instil in my 3 boys and daughter. I can only speak on what I have been through those are my experiences of trying to get a job. I haven't even gotten into the why cant all black people talk like you jokes I recieved... or the fact that I was spit on in a drive through window by a grown man as a highschool student for being black/latino. I will answer the next question in a few need to spend time with the kids
2. Interracial relationships. I myself am a product of Inter ethnicity procreation so I am naturally for it. My wife is white my kids are black white and Rican. Here is my caviote. It's not for everyone, and while I dont agree with the blatent racist that say stay with your own kind I think that you need to take into account everything that goes into an interracial relationship. Often times the white, or black partner is cut off from their family, no matter how wrong this is painful and cause long lasting psychological wounds. Sometimes the birth of a child changes hard nosed parents opinions. It is funny bro see a parent who couldn't stand the black, or white partner defiantly stand and dare someone to say anything remotely racist to, or about their grand child. But sometimes it changes no ones mind, and the child grows up never meeting half their family. Understand that mixed kids face a lot of challenges that blacks or whites just dont face. I struggled to identify with both my Rican and black heritages, it was tough to find a niche, black kids picked on my name, white kids and latino kids picked on my my skin tone... my kids face a similar problem. My oldest son was once told he was adopted by a lady because she didn't want her son to think that it was ok for white people to have a mixed child.... I know stupid right... that same son cried for hrs on end because he wanted to be white like mommy... interracial dating is not for everyone and I strongly urge you dads who have daughters to consider all the backlash and issues that can happen, and if you are strong enough to withstand what will come your way from even close friends. If the answer is no I see nothing wrong with explaining how you would rather the child your raising not date outside their race, and explain why. Then as they get older you leave the choice to them they will have to decide if they can handle all that it may intel, and all the complications it may cause if she or he were to have a child who is interracial, or just being in a relationship as such.
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It is my hope that these 2 answers clear up some of the arguements on the board or at least cause for more inner reflection. Give me a few and I will try and tackle the last question. @tarheel0910 thanks for inviting me in for the discussion
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