There’s no such thing as consensual sex with a 10 year old child you stupid fvck.
That's your stupid take, dumbo.
If a child or an adult is physically forced to have sex against their will, that is forcible rape. If a child or an adult willingly allows sex to occur without objection, that is consensual sex. Maybe somewhere in the dim recesses of your mind, you could consider why there is a legal distinction between the two circumstances. If an of age adult
OR underage child is just flat out physically forced to have sex against her will, the perp is charged with rape in either case. Plain rape. Scum are sometimes charged with forcibly raping a child, and it is not considered merely statutory. If the of age adult consents, there is no crime. But If the underage child is not forced to have sex, the sex is consensual but still illegal due to the assumed inability of a child to make good decisions regarding sex....hence
statutory rape, meaning it isn't rape in the usual, forcible sense but illegal by statute....which as I have pointed out varies significantly from State to State.
You are only confirming your village idiot status here. You should know that, especially in this time of lunacy, that plenty of ten year olds know a lot about sex. More than you apparently. This very episode illustrates that even a ten year old girl can functionally be a woman, and have the feelings of a woman if not the mental maturity. I don't know what the exact circumstances were here, but I do know that it is entirely possible that this little girl simply and consensually wanted to go along with the advances of the scumbag. I can't even rule out that she was the one that initiated the subject.
A man who once worked for me years ago came in one morning visibly flustered because his ten or eleven year old daughter came up to him and asked when it was OK to start having sex, and he said she asked just as casually as if asking if she could stay over at a friends house. I was as stunned as he was, but I knew he wasn't lying.
I've explained it well enough that even your dog should understand it. I'm going to leave it to him/her to try to explain to you what is so simple it defies even needing explanation.
I hope you got at least a little way past the first sentence, you fvcking cretin.