OOTB's Political Thread . ..

grifting pays well.

Sandy Hook parents' lawyer is revealing that Alex Jones' lawyers sent him the contents of Jones' phone BY MISTAKE. "12 days ago, your attorneys messed up and sent me a digital copy of every text" Jones has sent for years. "You know what perjury is?" the lawyer asks.

Sandy Hook? What brought that up? I almost forgot about that event. Terribly sad for all involved, except maybe Robbie Parker who was hamming it up just before his teary-eyed speech.

Damn, blue, that is a mouthful when all you really had to say was, "I no longer smoke." Nobody cares about the fine particles now coursing inside your popcorn lungs. Quit trying to write Russian war novels with every post. You're like Tolstoy minus the talent.

To be fair if he would have said "I no longer smoke" the reply from the libs would have been "so how do you cook beef brisket" or "why did you stop" or maybe something sexual. Best to spell it out from the get go and save all the back and forth.
Sandy Hook? What brought that up? I almost forgot about that event. Terribly sad for all involved, except maybe Robbie Parker who was hamming it up just before his teary-eyed speech.

Other than attacking a "Trump supporter" in Alex Jones, it had nothing to do with Sandy Hook. But, he's right about this:

grifting pays well.
That scheme goes both ways. And the list is a long one on both sides of things.
To be fair if he would have said "I no longer smoke" the reply from the libs would have been "so how do you cook beef brisket" or "why did you stop" or maybe something sexual. Best to spell it out from the get go and save all the back and forth.
That's a helluva presumption in the name of fairness.
Damn, blue, that is a mouthful when all you really had to say was, "I no longer smoke." Nobody cares about the fine particles now coursing inside your popcorn lungs. Quit trying to write Russian war novels with every post. You're like Tolstoy minus the talent.
but you read it, then you wrote a novel to say 'nobody cares'. Because you're an idiot.
I railed on the author PARTLY because of the smoking stuff and PARTLY because his exact same theory on climate stations has been espoused by the same fool previously and debunked (more than once).

I typed "Nothing wrong with skepticism, but this guy needs to peer-reviewed AGAIN before you take his work seriously."

you might as well be posting "data" that indicates the moon landing was faked from someone who has already been debunked on that matter as well as other matters. So i'd say no, but you do you.
Wait, the moon landing was real? Seriously though, I get your point and I'll grant you that apparently the guy has some real credibility issues to address based upon prior claims. But, as I said, I wasn't arguing he was correct, simply that he had thrown the information out there from a recent analysis. It's possible that he addressed the prior criticisms and this deserves another look. I just have a healthy doubt for the other side of things. If they are using corrupted or adjusted temp. data that is artificially inflated, that would vastly undercut the arguments. That would significantly alter the $$$$ train and, as you so properly put it in another post, the grifters. It just gives me pause. All good.
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Not just any ol' known instance but one committed by REPUBLICANS. So if what you're talking about has not been revealed as you say, then your claim "I have knowledge of the loosening of voting requirements that lend to ballot harvesting" is nothing more than bullshit.
obviously, republicans don't have cheating down like the dems do.

You have every right to say it's bullshit just because you say so, just like I call bullshit on most things you say, as you regurgitate the same crap over and over. Unlike your bullshit though, my bullshit isn't based on lies. I keep pointing to the common sense assessment that the record voter turnout would never have occurred in a normal election setup regardless of the candidates involved, and all I hear is crickets. I'll go ahead and say your reply will be bullshit.
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I keep pointing to the common sense assessment that the record voter turnout would never have occurred in a normal election setup regardless of the candidates involved, and all I hear is crickets.
You'll get a reply, it'll be that that orangemanisbad and that motivated this enormous surge. Like you, I don't buy it, but I've said it before and I'll say it again, trump was a dummy (or his advisors maybe) for not stopping that train BEFORE the election when the entire processes were setup without proper authority and legislation. By the time he started complaining, the horse was out of the barn. Whether the actual outcome would have been different, we'll never know even if I have my own thoughts.

I just wish he would stop bitching about it and the other side would stop acting like it was some landslide, massive mandate to go rocket engine speed screaming to the far left.
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I'll say it again, trump was a dummy (or his advisors maybe) for not stopping that train BEFORE the election when the entire processes were setup without proper authority and legislation.
you are exactly right there. You can't free him of blame for his own demise, in that way and others. But with the hysteria that the dems were able to create over Covid, who knows if anything could have been done to keep the election on the up and up.

BTW, did I mention that I used to smoke but quit?
He was always going to be a sore loser. His entire life has been one, long temper tantrum. It's amazing how many adult Americans identify with that and emulate him.

He has what I call ‘low cunning.’ Knows how to work a crowd while also playing into their fears. Convincing millions of an ‘us vs them’ mentality.
He has what I call ‘low cunning.’ Knows how to work a crowd while also playing into their fears. Convincing millions of an ‘us vs them’ mentality.
Absolutely. I've never understood the appeal of the man... and, this goes back to when I first remember seeing the guy, which was probably late 80s, early 90s. I could never take anyone who looks like that, in public, seriously. The vanity was off-the-charts. It's all about the veneer, the exterior, the presentation. There's nothing underneath, or inside... it's all a cheaply-bought, faux exterior that gives the appearance of "grandiose."

He's like Paris Hilton, he made a living out of being famous. And, this alleged business genius he gets is skewed. He's famous for losing fortunes as much as he is making fortunes. He's a sideshow/carnival barker. Mike Lindell is a perfect crony for him. They're identical in many ways.
No, no. Any of them could have done much better.

Wonder if any of those bellyaching about Trump loan considered taking just $10,000 and making the same percent Trump did with his loan. I feel confident none of them have made that kind of cash in their life.
Donald Trump/Net worth (2022)
3 billion USD (2022)

Not bad from 1 million.
He'll need a really big needle, I guess. And, it's nice of you to claim how much he's worth... for him. He's certainly not eager to show any official figures. If the bank account is how we measure a human's substance and "greatness"... then, please, toss all those Bibles into the ocean, or file under "fiction", once and for all.
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What does it matter where the loan came from?

Exactly. If he had borrowed it from a lender and not paid it back, OP would be ok with that.

OP sounds kind of jaded. His daddy loaned him the money but expected it to be paid back with higher rate. By that time, I'm sure daddy realized what kind of pinche pendejo he gave birth to and knew not to trust him. He's probably waiting for the day he can put that old fvck in the retirement home.
He'll need a really big needle, I guess. And, it's nice of you to claim how much he's worth... for him. He's certainly not eager to show any official figures. If the bank account is how we measure a human's substance and "greatness"... then, please, toss all those Bibles into the ocean, or file under "fiction", once and for all.

If you dont believe in God, why do you continue to bring Him up? Probably another feeble attempt to belittle those who do.

What should we base a humans substance and "greatness" on?
If you dont believe in God, why do you continue to bring Him up? Probably another feeble attempt to belittle those who do.

What should we base a humans substance and "greatness" on?
I absolutely "believe in" God. I don't believe in worshiping the Bible, however. My understanding of God isn't very conventional, especially from a mostly-rural Southern USA perspective. Apparently, many of you put a helluva lot of credence in that book's... ummm... teachings. So, that's the reason for my reference to it. If you think the book is mostly just old stories full of metaphor and allegory, then you're not part of the reference.

I'm not the one who decides what "we" base anything on, especially when it comes to "greatness." If you think money = greatness, have at it. Glorifying someone because they managed to make a lot of money is very... uhhhh... American.
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Learn to pronounce

adjective: mistaken
  1. wrong in one's opinion or judgment.
    "she wondered whether she'd been mistaken about his intentions"















    wide of the mark


    • (especially of a belief) based on or resulting from a misunderstanding or faulty judgment.
      "don't buy a hard bed in the mistaken belief that it is good for you"
@strummingram Trumps greatness is in making good financial decisions. Not perfect financial decisions but good enough to get to his status right now. Again, I dont care how he talks or who he upsets. I could not care less. His business acumen did great for this country while he was in office.

Biden and his cronies have made the US dependent on other countries for oil all the while we send our own oil to other countries. Who the fvck thinks thats a great idea? Did we "win" in that scenario?
@strummingram Trumps greatness is in making good financial decisions. Not perfect financial decisions but good enough to get to his status right now. Again, I dont care how he talks or who he upsets. I could not care less. His business acumen did great for this country while he was in office.

Biden and his cronies have made the US dependent on other countries for oil all the while we send our own oil to other countries. Who the fvck thinks thats a great idea? Did we "win" in that scenario?
Well... we just disagree on his financial decisions and his "business acumen." He's stiffed so many people in his life that it should be embarrassing for OTHER people to try and defend it, but they do. Why? That's easy. When your identity is so attached to the guy, then any criticism of him is taken personally- it's taken as a personal attack or criticism. I find it's best to never attach my own identity to any politician.

And, by the way, I think Joe Biden has been a shitty president, so far.
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Lol anyone who wishes they were Donald Trump clearly doesn't realize what a paranoid, delusional, insecure, miserable human being the man really is.

What does it matter where the loan came from?

Do you realize just how hard it is for some people to get a loan in the first place? Never mind one that's one million dollars? People on this board worship this guy's fatass as if it were a shrine of Baal. It's the equivalent of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth.

Trump's father was the real businessman and a stone cold, ruthless one at that. Was caught at a Klan meeting in the thirties lol.

But in reality, I don't really care about the loan. It's that Trump constantly parades around an image of being 'self made' when nothing could be further from the truth. He's not some rags to riches success story or this super competent executive. He's a showman, a crowd pleaser, and knows how to entertain. He was born rich, currently rich, and will die rich. The kind of person who lives to screw ordinary people over.
Lol anyone who wishes they were Donald Trump clearly doesn't realize what a paranoid, delusional, insecure, miserable human being the man really is.
I think you might be surprised at just how much all of those traits resonate with those who wish to be him. They realize it all too well, I'd wager.