OOTB's Political Thread . ..

one has choices to make in life. Let me I want to be 1) a filthy rich ex-president married to an absolutely stunning woman but have @strummingram the deranged virtue signaler and @prlyles the village idiot from some message board disparage me, know what, never mind the other choices
And, you're already used to having the micro-mushroom dick. So, your wife remains unsatisfied.

And, congrats on emphasizing being maligned! He's always the victim, just like you.


Breaking news: Blue Wave spotted in..... Kansas

Johnson County was one of the 5 out of 105 counties in Kansas that Biden won in 2020, despite losing the state to Trump 56%-41%. It also provided the entire winning margin to their Dem governor in her last race. So... nothing new there. Gonna file this one under "Nothingburger".
That's because they don't actually want to see the majority of what they push for publicly to actually come to fruition. Because then they'd lose something they can campaign on. They purposely didn't codify Roe v Wade, because they wanted to have it in their back pocket whenever it was overturned, as a "break glass in case of emergency" newly found campaign soapbox.
Partly true, but Dems are horrible at the game of politics that i think you give them too much credit. They have trouble organizing and uniting on anything. Watch them piss away the opportunity now to be proactive on this message rather than reactive leading into November.

And how often did they really have the opportunity to act?

Early Obama years they had house and senate, but
a) there were pro-life Dems, so even if they didn't have to get around the filibuster they didn't have the votes to codify. There are many left, but they still exist. Hillary's running mate was pro-life.

b) Nobody saw SCOTUS actually doing what they did, so it was low priority compared to obamacare, guns etc. First, Roe or Dobbs or whatever had been challenged many times the past 50 yrs and held up. Second, nobody saw SCOTUS getting unfairly stacked the way it was (partly due the Merrick Garland block and partly RBG. Nobody saw that coming. Even Justice Roberts apparently was conflicted about the ruling.)
Johnson County was one of the 5 out of 105 counties in Kansas that Biden won in 2020, despite losing the state to Trump 56%-41%. It also provided the entire winning margin to their Dem governor in her last race. So... nothing new there. Gonna file this one under "Nothingburger".
They aren't talking about total voters, just percent of registered voter turnout.

ETA this. I was thinking perhaps the red Kansans in Joco just decided to stay home, hence their low %, but then I saw this:
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Only because he was handcuffed by a republican congress for most of his terms. But yeah, he was reasonable. He was tough on crime at least which is in stark contrast to the lawlessness the dems promote now. He also was into protecting our borders, which again is diametrically opposed to the open borders policies of the current democratic party.
I love to trot out the major speech he gave regarding the security of our borders. He delivered a DIRE warning about our need to stem the tide of illegals coming over. But the wind has blown the dems in a different direction and who took up his cry? Not the dem sheep, that's for sure. They used to blow Clinton but now they are blowing Biden. They'll blow anything dem, regardless of policy or common sense, and they'll actually get hysterical if you don't go along.

But on another note regarding Clinton...don't forget that in his Republican coerced budget-cutting, he cut military and security (while increasing entitlements), leading to 9/11. He passed on taking out bin Laden when he was in the cross hairs, over his desire to avoid upsetting his Hollywood fans. Last but far from least, he also brought on the home mortgage fiasco and almost sank us financially. Other than those things, he was a hell of a president.

And the dems would still suck a wet fart out of his ass because policy doesn't matter to a dem, it's how cool he looks in his aviators or playing the sax or sticking cigars in a young woman's the Oval Office. Now that was a move to increase our prestige on the world stage.
Nobody saw SCOTUS actually doing what they did
I think that's a slight miscalculation. The ones that wanted it overturned have been aggressively going for that prize for the last 48 years.

Democrats rarely, if ever, actually secure the policies they claim they are trying to get for the "common" folks.
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b) Nobody saw SCOTUS actually doing what they did, so it was low priority compared to obamacare, guns etc. First, Roe or Dobbs or whatever had been challenged many times the past 50 yrs and held up. Second, nobody saw SCOTUS getting unfairly stacked the way it was (partly due the Merrick Garland block and partly RBG. Nobody saw that coming. Even Justice Roberts apparently was conflicted about the ruling.)

I love to trot out the major speech he gave regarding the security of our borders. He delivered a DIRE warning about our need to stem the tide of illegals coming over. But the wind has blown the dems in a different direction and who took up his cry? Not the dem sheep, that's for sure. They used to blow Clinton but now they are blowing Biden. They'll blow anything dem, regardless of policy or common sense, and they'll actually get hysterical if you don't go along.

But on another note regarding Clinton...don't forget that in his Republican coerced budget-cutting, he cut military and security (while increasing entitlements), leading to 9/11. He passed on taking out bin Laden when he was in the cross hairs, over his desire to avoid upsetting his Hollywood fans. Last but far from least, he also brought on the home mortgage fiasco and almost sank us financially. Other than those things, he was a hell of a president.

And the dems would still suck a wet fart out of his ass because policy doesn't matter to a dem, it's how cool he looks in his aviators or playing the sax or sticking cigars in a young woman's the Oval Office. Now that was a move to increase our prestige on the world stage.

Remember, he was the first black President. Lol.
And, you're already used to having the micro-mushroom dick. So, your wife remains unsatisfied.

And, congrats on emphasizing being maligned! He's always the victim, just like you.


goldang that's funny....I bet the other fifth-graders are rolling. Go see Alice and get an orange pill, the one that makes you post like an adult.
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I think that's a slight miscalculation. The ones that wanted it overturned have been aggressively going for that prize for the last 48 years.

Democrats rarely, if ever, actually secure the policies they claim they are trying to get for the "common" folks.
which is why I don't take them seriously enough to consider voting for them even when they voice concern for the environment.
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I think that's a slight miscalculation. The ones that wanted it overturned have been aggressively going for that prize for the last 48 years.

Democrats rarely, if ever, actually secure the policies they claim they are trying to get for the "common" folks.
It was just reaffirmed in 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The three dissenters wrote that science, society hasn't changed, the only thing that changed was the ideological makeup of the court. Trump added three whoppers and like I said Roberts was probably a coin-flip.

Neither party does a great job securing policy for the "common" folks, excluding nine miles of new wall, just lining their own pockets and trying to secure funding for their next campaign. If you consider adding an anti-abortion judge as "policy", then I guess this is one of the first things conservative congressmen did for common folks (the christian right minority).
It was just reaffirmed in 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The three dissenters wrote that science, society hasn't changed, the only thing that changed was the ideological makeup of the court. Trump added three whoppers and like I said Roberts was probably a coin-flip.

Neither party does a great job securing policy for the "common" folks, excluding nine miles of new wall, just lining their own pockets and trying to secure funding for their next campaign. If you consider adding an anti-abortion judge as "policy", then I guess this is one of the first things conservative congressmen did for common folks (the christian right minority).

And more gerrymandered districts make them less competitive making it easier for extremists to win them and for state legislatures to pass bullshit laws that are not well received by the public.

Democrats actually have held majorities in both chambers for very long periods of time because they were the party of a broad working class coalition and Republicans were seen as elitists, corporatists, etc. but with various conservative and liberal elements.

Now Democrats have fully given in to progressivism but have lost their roots as a workers first party while Republicans have taken over large swaths of the working class. Except they have virtually no interest in securing gains for the people they represent except in the form of theatrical social wins- abortion, anti-LGBT stances, owning the libs, 'Christian values' (whatever the hell that means), etc. at the expense of issues that would make a difference in their lives.
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And more gerrymandered districts make them less competitive making it easier for extremists to win them and for state legislatures to pass bullshit laws that are not well received by the public.

Democrats actually have held majorities in both chambers for very long periods of time because they were the party of a broad working class coalition and Republicans were seen as elitists, corporatists, etc. but with various conservative and liberal elements.

Now Democrats have fully given in to progressivism but have lost their roots as a workers first party while Republicans have taken over large swaths of the working class. Except they have virtually no interest in securing gains for the people they represent except in the form of theatrical social wins- abortion, anti-LGBT stances, owning the libs, 'Christian values' (whatever the hell that means), etc. at the expense of issues that would make a difference in their lives.
Gerrymandering is a two-way street and I know you guys keep claiming its R's who have done it, but I am reminded of two reasons that I am not inclined to believe you. First, other than blaze hoping against hope, it's almost universally predicted that clocks are about to be cleaned and this is excuse making 101. Second, there is the constant trend that D's keep accusing R's of stuff since orange was elected and it almost always turns out that it was projection from the D's. Thus, my skepticism.

The rest I agree on in large part, but I think you are missing on the accusations against R's only being theater. I'm not so sure that either party has ever been interested in gains for the majority of those they represent, but rather are only interested in keeping and expanding their own power. It's always about the next election. One thing I do think that is often overlooked by people though about orangeman due to his polarizing personality is the populist wave he tapped into. People want to focus on the donald, but I think it's more than that and it's part of the reason for Desantis' growing popularity.
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And more gerrymandered districts make them less competitive making it easier for extremists to win them and for state legislatures to pass bullshit laws that are not well received by the public.

Democrats actually have held majorities in both chambers for very long periods of time because they were the party of a broad working class coalition and Republicans were seen as elitists, corporatists, etc. but with various conservative and liberal elements.

Now Democrats have fully given in to progressivism but have lost their roots as a workers first party while Republicans have taken over large swaths of the working class. Except they have virtually no interest in securing gains for the people they represent except in the form of theatrical social wins- abortion, anti-LGBT stances, owning the libs, 'Christian values' (whatever the hell that means), etc. at the expense of issues that would make a difference in their lives.

It's just a married couple that hate each other, taking jabs at each other, constantly. They can't get a divorce, so they just make each other miserable.
I think a fair trade is the US send Russia Megan Rapinoe, they keep Griner.. they send the US a barrel of oil.
Can we throw in all those moonbat crazy mofo’s that we’re going to leave the country if OMB got elected? All still here last time I checked. And dumbass LeBron says Griner should seriously consider if she wants to return to the USA because we’ve treated her so badly. What a maroon!!!
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Gerrymandering is a two-way street and I know you guys keep claiming its R's who have done it, but I am reminded of two reasons that I am not inclined to believe you. First, other than blaze hoping against hope, it's almost universally predicted that clocks are about to be cleaned and this is excuse making 101. Second, there is the constant trend that D's keep accusing R's of stuff since orange was elected and it almost always turns out that it was projection from the D's. Thus, my skepticism.

The rest I agree on in large part, but I think you are missing on the accusations against R's only being theater. I'm not so sure that either party has ever been interested in gains for the majority of those they represent, but rather are only interested in keeping and expanding their own power. It's always about the next election. One thing I do think that is often overlooked by people though about orangeman due to his polarizing personality is the populist wave he tapped into. People want to focus on the donald, but I think it's more than that and it's part of the reason for Desantis' growing popularity.

You're right it's not only Republican who do it and have done it. Democrats did it for years when they were the dominant party in the South. They've also done it in the modern age in states like Maryland and Illinois (the latter of whom has some pretty f**ky looking maps).

But Republicans in states like Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and more recently, Florida, are doing it in light of a 2020 election that has caused them to take measures to enshrine their power while limiting that of Democrats. Redestricting is often controlled by state legislatures (it should not be in my opinion but I digress). Thus, they can make the maps as they like and since there are more red counties than blue ones in this country, the system allows them to take this liberty. SCOTUS more or less allows this practice to occur and so there's no recourse against it.

Florida was 16-11 in favor of Republican leaning districts. DeSantis just bullied his way to a 20-8 margin in favor of his own party in a state where GOP voters only make up a slight majority. How on earth is that fair or free?

This is one way for a minority of voters/politicians to rig the system in order to impose minority rule over the majority that increasingly do not share hardcore conservative viewpoints.
Let’s face the facts, democrats are losing their grip because the average non-Twitter American is sick and f*cking tired of the left’s social shit. If the middle class is going to be forgotten about, they’d like to be forgotten about without having gay talk and accusations of racism shoved down their throat. Analyze it all you want but the bottom line is that the average American is done with that garbage.

That’s why I want a Trump like figure to be Pres in 2024. I want someone who will shit on anything “woke” and win resoundingly so the message is clear that dumb shit is over and people who promote that are the enemy of the average American. I want the AOCs and the Cory Bush types thrown out and never to be heard of again. That’s when I’ll know the adults are back in charge and I can stop carrying.
It will not be enough to save his daughter unfortunately.
Seeing him, in that context, makes me actually want to find favor, or redeeming quality, in DJT!

Dick Cheney is reprehensible. That man is the epitome of corporate-owned, corporate-driven, oligarchy-worshiping, nation-building, neocon villain. That endorsement just makes Liz Cheney LESS appealing! I don't know a great deal about Liz Cheney, and I don't want to assume she's just an extension, or clone, of her father. However, from what I have seen of her, I would think she'd be better suited and better received in some other state, or demographic. Then again, I don't know much about the people Wyoming, either.
Let’s face the facts, democrats are losing their grip because the average non-Twitter American is sick and f*cking tired of the left’s social shit. If the middle class is going to be forgotten about, they’d like to be forgotten about without having gay talk and accusations of racism shoved down their throat. Analyze it all you want but the bottom line is that the average American is done with that garbage.

That’s why I want a Trump like figure to be Pres in 2024. I want someone who will shit on anything “woke” and win resoundingly so the message is clear that dumb shit is over and people who promote that are the enemy of the average American. I want the AOCs and the Cory Bush types thrown out and never to be heard of again. That’s when I’ll know the adults are back in charge and I can stop carrying.
Actually it is looking like Senate will stay Dem. Sorry sucker!
Can we throw in all those moonbat crazy mofo’s that we’re going to leave the country if OMB got elected? All still here last time I checked. And dumbass LeBron says Griner should seriously consider if she wants to return to the USA because we’ve treated her so badly. What a maroon!!!
let's send LeBron over to be special ambassador to Outer Slobovia. He deserves a break from the misery being heaped on black professional athletes.

The sickening part is that there's no telling what Biden is giving away to retrieve the stupid bitch who tried to smuggle in some herb to Russia and dumps on the country she's begging to rescue her.
Since I know some of you just LOVE whistleblowers and claimed they almost walk on water, I wondered what would be the reaction to this one (as if I didn't already know). 324 evacuees on the terror watch list were brought in voluntarily by Joe and his fine exit from Afghanistan. I know, I know, save the response that this is from Sen Hawley, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Since I know some of you just LOVE whistleblowers and claimed they almost walk on water, I wondered what would be the reaction to this one (as if I didn't already know). 324 evacuees on the terror watch list were brought in voluntarily by Joe and his fine exit from Afghanistan. I know, I know, save the response that this is from Sen Hawley, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Quit being so xenophobic.