fifyI said yesterday when the news broke that Trump knew they were coming. He's usually stepping in shit. He probably tried to burn the J6th sedition info but instead burned the pee tapes .
fifyI said yesterday when the news broke that Trump knew they were coming. He's usually stepping in shit. He probably tried to burn the J6th sedition info but instead burned the pee tapes .
Really? How is it over?
I like to watch my wife take cock from other men.
You have weird obsessions and you need a, every time I see @Heels Noir glom onto one of @blazers posts, I think back to the '16 election when Miley Cyrus let it be known that she was going to shadow Hillary in those final days to help her drum up those precious last-minute votes. I laughed my ass off because I knew Hillary couldn't tell her to please just go away, but she damn sure didn't want such an association with the lunatic fringe of the left just when she needed so badly to present a more rational, middling sort of credibility.
Hey blaze, tell us how much you enjoy Heels Noir's endorsement and support. Tell us how many times you've thought about PM'ing him and asking him to please stop liking your posts I went back just a bit and counted his likes for you and your likes for him. He was at maybe eight for you when I stopped, and you were oh for him. Don't you think you should start showing some appreciation and reciprocating a little? LMAO.
lol, this weird obsession is my hobby. Care to answer the question? Never mind, you just did.You have weird obsessions and you need a hobby.
Tell us something we didn’t already know.Trump makes my dick hard.
I didn't know it. How did you know it?Tell us something we didn’t already know.
you not being scared...Just count how many of those gullible cult members post regularly in this thread on this message board:
@UNC '92
Meh. To the contrary, I think its effect is more likely to cause him to announce his candidacy for another loss sooner rather than later. He has blown his chance at winning in 2024.
I'm not scared. Are you?
lol, Einstein strikes again with another unattributed quote...”Anyone being investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be president of the United States”
you really are certifiably demented. I didn't read past the above idiocy because your mind has been poisoned by something that allows you not one reasonable thought. You are out there.
Nothing I have ever posted would lead a sensible person to conclude that I don't accept taxation as a necessary and reasonable means of funding government or that I think government itself is some negative construct.
You really should listen to what others have to say and stop listening to those voices inside your head telling you to hate whatever isn't in agreement with you.
Just count how many of those gullible cult members post regularly in this thread on this message board:
@UNC '92
Meh. To the contrary, I think its effect is more likely to cause him to announce his candidacy for another loss sooner rather than later. He has blown his chance at winning in 2024.
I'm not scared. Are you?
Just count how many of those gullible cult members post regularly in this thread on this message board:
@UNC '92
Meh. To the contrary, I think its effect is more likely to cause him to announce his candidacy for another loss sooner rather than later. He has blown his chance at winning in 2024.
I'm not scared. Are you?
Only if you recognize Trump will win both the primary and the general election.Well thanks to the FBI raid, the race for the White House in 2024 is over.
1. No, it's clear the whole Russian collusion thing was a fabricated sham with absolutely no Russian spies whatsoever intimately involved, heck involved at all, with the Trump campaign. Can't say the same for the dems, however, or the FBI.Campaign strategy and polling data could help Russia direct their KNOWN misinfo campaign.
We know Russia was meddling. I personally don't see the impact of their digital campaign on 2016 or 2020, but election interference is a big deal, hence laws around it, and laws apply to everyone.
Manafort claims he didn't know Kilimnik was a spy, he claims he was only doing it for his own business gains, but he should've just been honest. At best, Trump's campaign was infiltrated by Russian spies...
The quote is from Donald Trump you idiot. I assumed you would know that since you are part of his brain trust. You people are, Einstein strikes again with another unattributed quote...
Will someone please try to clue this clueless fvcktard in to basic communication etiquette
Everyone on my list has shamelessly and repeatedly defended Trump. Which one on the list would you like to defend first, counselor?But you're doing a lot of generalizing dude. There is a reason I laughed at your list.
the idea that I know much about Trump is just one example among many of your stupidity. Another example is that while you try to characterize me as some Trump disciple, you apparently know a lot more about him than I do. I sure as hell don't lay awake at night fantasizing about his orangeness and memorizing his quotes like you do. I'm normal and you are the TDS sufferer, tardo. Too bad you're too limited to understand that.The quote is from Donald Trump you idiot. I assumed you would know that since you are part of his brain trust. You people are amazing.
Only if you recognize Trump will win both the primary and the general election.
Don't commit treason, win the freedom to keep your phone.![]()
Trump ally Rep. Scott Perry says the FBI seized his cellphone one day after Mar-a-Lago raid
Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania says that the FBI has confiscated his cellphone. The move comes one day after the FBI raided former President Trump's Florida
Don't commit treason, win the freedom to keep your phone.
I addressed your points about insulin. Read that. You said 'serious question' and I answered it as such. Never mind the misunderstanding about taxation.
My question is, why are you against Medicare capping insulin prices? It's a universally good idea. Or if you're not against that. Great. Sometimes I forget wtf we even argue about.
you weren't talking about negotiating prices, so let's make that clear. You were talking about profits, and you made the crazy statement that those who need the drugs are not the ones that should be profited from. WHAT? Who should bear the expense if not the people who need the drug?Let me clarify that it is not profit itself that bothers me. It's profit at the expense of the people who need the medicine.
Another long-winded post that only rehashes carolinablue sticking it to you once again. We read his post already and it was more succinct and a lot more articulate and entertaining than anything you could ever come up with, so why bore the hell out of us all?! You’re more effective than NyQuil. It’s not even 10:30 and suddenly I’m ready for said this...
you weren't talking about negotiating prices, so let's make that clear. You were talking about profits, and you made the crazy statement that those who need the drugs are not the ones that should be profited from. WHAT? Who should bear the expense if not the people who need the drug?
I'm against government interfering in private lives and private enterprise, save for the laws that keep us respectful of others' rights and the rules and regs that allow us to interplay reasonably and safely. I am NOT against any entity, even a government one, negotiating with a private concern just like any consumer might. I am against the craziness that you suggested above. I'm hoping that was a misstatement on your part.
I have explained beyond necessity why it's a stupid idea to cap pharma profits and I'm sure you know it. Those profits fund the development of new drugs and therapies. Why would any sane person want to hamstring the development of new life-saving drugs and procedures out of a misguided sense of pity for those who are actually being helped by the fruits of previous profits that funded the development of the drug that's helping them?
you said this...
you weren't talking about negotiating prices, so let's make that clear. You were talking about profits, and you made the crazy statement that those who need the drugs are not the ones that should be profited from. WHAT? Who should bear the expense if not the people who need the drug?
I'm against government interfering in private lives and private enterprise, save for the laws that keep us respectful of others' rights and the rules and regs that allow us to interplay reasonably and safely. I am NOT against any entity, even a government one, negotiating with a private concern just like any consumer might. I am against the craziness that you suggested above. I'm hoping that was a misstatement on your part.
I have explained beyond necessity why it's a stupid idea to cap pharma profits and I'm sure you know it. Those profits fund the development of new drugs and therapies. Why would any sane person want to hamstring the development of new life-saving drugs and procedures out of a misguided sense of pity for those who are actually being helped by the fruits of previous profits that funded the development of the drug that's helping them?
It's part of the price we pay- a trade off, if you will- to be the greatest country in the world.You'd think all the 'research and development' that American citizens are funding by getting ripped off would at least get them some halfway decent healthcare outcomes. Instead we see the exact opposite. The highest prices, buying the worst outcomes of any developed nation.
You just described the Democratic Party to a tee. Both parties have been corrupted, but the Dems have taken it to new heights by weaponizing traditionally neutral agencies like the DOJ and the IRS against their political opponents. Dems are trying to establish a one party system of government and with the assistance of the MSM have just about accomplished it. When agencies like the DOJ, the IRS, and the MSM become politicized it spells the end of our Democratic republic.Oh, totally. It’s never been about Trump’s policies to me, even though I objected to quite a few of them. It’s his blatant disregard for the basic tenants for stable governance. Power for the sake of power. The willingness so whip up strife and anger for the sole purpose of his own benefit. Not just bending or omitting the truth, but straight up gaslighting. Lying.
He’s a loudmouthed narcissistic scumbag. Utterly amoral.
I would much rather be in that camp than this one:Just count how many of those gullible cult members post regularly in this thread on this message board:
@UNC '92
Meh. To the contrary, I think its effect is more likely to cause him to announce his candidacy for another loss sooner rather than later. He has blown his chance at winning in 2024.
I'm not scared. Are you?
Not me. Trump is too divisive and needs to set his ego aside and announce that he’s not running. DeSantis, who is anything but a Trump clone as stated by our village idiot, would be a much better candidate. I repeat, I do not want Trump to run.I think he's saying that if Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis will run away with the election. I happen to agree. Even though DeSantis winning wouldn't be nearly as satisfying for me.
Anyone still think he hasn’t gone round the bend mentally?
I agree with you both to an extent. I do think it’s ridiculous that drugs cost as much as they do in America. However, I think one of the main reasons is that our government makes it so time consuming and expensive to bring a new drug to market that companies have huge expenses to recoup when their new drug is finally approved(or perhaps denied approval). Other countries make it much easier. That would be a step in the right direction. And yes, for a well established drug like insulin to be so expensive is ridiculous, it should be inexpensive.Somewhat of a misstatement. I don't think people should have to pay an arm and a leg for insulin and I support Medicare being able to negotiate prices. I am disappointed they couldn't keep the cap in at $35 for everyone but you win some lose some.
I just don't see how the government capping it would somehow hamper our effectiveness at researching treatments? Especially when other first world countries have medical infrastructure/labs as good as ours (or almost) and still produce quality research.
Anyone still think he hasn’t gone round the bend mentally?
Isn’t it interesting how the dumdum ‘publicans raise holy hell whenever inner-city kids steal televisions and laptops while looting Best Buy but think there’s no harm done when the former President of the United States steals federal and highly-classified documents on his way out of the White House?
This one made me laugh. Can you imagine anyone bringing in Donald Trump as their speech writer?! 😅@gunslingerdick: Speech writer?