OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Already did it with the FISA warrants, and that's proven and undeniable. Even had one guy plead guilty to it with, of course, just a slap on the wrist.

Plus, the judge hates Trump and is an Obama donor. I thought he was also appointed by Obama but regardless, he's an Epstein guy as were others in the DOJ and FBI, totally corrupt, anti-American rogue organizations.
You are one delusional partisan sheep. But like I said we’ll see when the evidence becomes public. My guess is you’ll be proven wrong about it just as you’ve been about everything else you post.
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Good to see you @randman1. Don’t take such a hiatus in the future. Your presence here angers the child-grooming sickos and that plum tickles me to death.
Well it’s been proven over and over that the ones pointing fingers are usually the ones guilty. Randymans obsession with child sex and making false accusations against people is def a red flag. I betcha that Epstein flight log is full of entries of him visiting pedo island. He’s just struggling with that religious damnation over it.
You are one delusional partisan sheep. But like I said we’ll see when the evidence becomes public. My guess is you’ll be proven wrong about it just as you’ve been about everything else you post.
LOL. You guys are the black knight in the Monte Python skit. We've been proven right every time, or perhaps you still think the laptop was Russian disinformation and "the big guy" isn't a reference to Biden?

Btw, besides claiming men can have babies, here's what you guys pass off as "the science."

Well it’s been proven over and over that the ones pointing fingers are usually the ones guilty. Randymans obsession with child sex and making false accusations against people is def a red flag. I betcha that Epstein flight log is full of entries of him visiting pedo island. He’s just struggling with that religious damnation over it.

Big if true. And I guess he’d be voting democrat from now on.
Looks like many a top government "scientist" are nothing but a hack.

For example,

If Deborah Birx believes the United States could reach “vaccine-based immunity” to influenza by increasing the number of flu shots it administers, she lacks even the most basic understanding of epidemiology.

Flu vaccines are at best marginally effective against reducing influenza infection. The Centers for Disease Control puts the effectiveness of a flu shot at roughly 40 to 60 percent most years - 50 percent, give or take.

That 50 percent estimate is probably high (if 50 percent sounds like a nice round made-up number, that’s because it is), but no matter. A vaccine that reduces infection rates by only 50 percent cannot possibly produce “vaccine-based immunity” to any illness with pandemic potential, even if everyone in the world is vaccinated."

yeah! You want Life, Liberty and Happiness collectively - go do it somewhere else!
oops, there you go; it's the pursuit of happiness, tardo, the opportunity to find happiness. Maybe a better country will just hand your dumb, spoiled ass some happiness as you step off the boat. Bon voyage.

Thanks for your telling contribution.

I've managed to find all three here just fine, BTW, and I'm not weeping and wailing like an idiot because the drugs that help me live better cost more than I want to pay. I'm just glad to have them in the country I want to be in. You and the other dolts can commiserate together over world health care rankings. LOL.
A trump appointed judge is a libtard?

Just when I thought you couldn’t get any stupider.

Loop Waiting GIF
LOL. You guys are the black knight in the Monte Python skit. We've been proven right every time, or perhaps you still think the laptop was Russian disinformation and "the big guy" isn't a reference to Biden?

Btw, besides claiming men can have babies, here's what you guys pass off as "the science."

Wtf is “you guys”? Guys who voted for romney, McCain, bush? Guys who support the 2nd amendment? Guys who favor enforcing immigration laws? Those guys? I’m in that group. Aren’t you included in that group?
Wtf is “you guys”? Guys who voted for romney, McCain, bush? Guys who support the 2nd amendment? Guys who favor enforcing immigration laws? Those guys? I’m in that group. Aren’t you included in that group?

No. I think he means guys who sit idly by and let politicians indoctrinate our kids with weird ass sexual talk like “that person over there with a dick is actually a woman.” Or he may be talking about the guys that just take race-baiter’s systemic racism myth talk as real life. Or he may be talking about the guys that like killing babies. I don’t know if you fit into any of those groups but I’m just spitballing here.
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No. I think he means guys who sit idly by and let politicians indoctrinate our kids with weird ass sexual talk like “that person over there with a dick is actually a woman.” Or he may be talking about the guys that just take race-baiter’s systemic racism myth talk as real life. Or he may be talking about the guys that like killing babies. I don’t know if you fit into any of those groups but I’m just spitballing here.
Well he’s a fuking idiot. But we already knew that. No spitballing required.
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Tucker has been employed by ALL the media outlets. He's for sale... just like all of the "television journalists."
You just described the Democratic Party to a tee. Both parties have been corrupted, but the Dems have taken it to new heights by weaponizing traditionally neutral agencies like the DOJ and the IRS against their political opponents. Dems are trying to establish a one party system of government and with the assistance of the MSM have just about accomplished it. When agencies like the DOJ, the IRS, and the MSM become politicized it spells the end of our Democratic republic.

I would much rather be in that camp than this one:
@Heels Noir

Not me. Trump is too divisive and needs to set his ego aside and announce that he’s not running. DeSantis, who is anything but a Trump clone as stated by our village idiot, would be a much better candidate. I repeat, I do not want Trump to run.

Anyone still think he hasn’t gone round the bend mentally?

Arch, you gotta read/watch something other than Fox News.

You actually have stances we can common ground on- insulin prices and abortion for example.

But all this shit about the evil Dems and trying to create a one party state and weaponizing the justice department against political opponents? That’s just raving mad.

If Trump were arrested without cause, if his house was raided without a warrant, if he were denied basic rights, I’d agree. But nothing about all this paranoia is rooted in reality.

The FBI needed to have an airtight reason for an independent judge to sign off on it. And these boxes may be nothing. If it’s just mishandling classified info, Trump likely won’t be prosecuted even though it’s a violation of the law.

People need to stop freaking out over everything. That goes for the far lefties who are chomping at the bit to throw Trump in the slammer.