OOTB's Political Thread . ..

In that second link it points out that the inflation number for July was 8.5%. Yes, that's a reduction from the 40 year high posted in June at 9.1%, but it's still a very high number. And for Biden to say it was 0% in July is moronic. No one quotes inflation on a month over month basis. This guy is trying to rewrite definitions for all sorts of shit so things don't look as bad as they are. Recessions, inflation measurement, why not just change the definitions if it doesn't look good for us?

That type of messaging is particularly confusing because people are clearly still feeling the impact. I can’t imagine even the most hardcore partisans will disregard the hit to their personal finances just because the current administration tells them everything is peachy.

What’s also frustrating is that this period of inflation is cancelling out one of the few times in the last several decades where nominal wage growth has beaten inflation.
These are people @randman1 that believe satanic clones of biden and Harris are running a pedophile ring out of tunnels under the White House and that trump was sent by god to defeat them. So believing docs are being planted isn’t a big stretch for them.

The way in which the Dems have gone after Trump and made shit up before ought to signal to even the most infected TDS victims that they will do literally anything to get him. The whole Russia lie should have convinced you of that.

It's so funny to hear some of you talk about how shady our government is and then when someone attempts to point out the shady shit they're doing, because Trump is involved, you TDS victims just lap it up and excuse it away. Good grief.
That type of messaging is particularly confusing because people are clearly still feeling the impact. I can’t imagine even the most hardcore partisans will disregard the hit to their personal finances just because the current administration tells them everything is peachy.

What’s also frustrating is that this period of inflation is cancelling out one of the few times in the last several decades where nominal wage growth has beaten inflation.
Don't you love how the unAmericans and Trump humpers are rooting for high inflation and yet bitching about it in the same breath?
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The way in which the Dems have gone after Trump and made shit up before ought to signal to even the most infected TDS victims that they will do literally anything to get him. The whole Russia lie should have convinced you of that.

It's so funny to hear some of you talk about how shady our government is and then when someone attempts to point out the shady shit they're doing, because Trump is involved, you TDS victims just lap it up and excuse it away. Good grief.

This is a solid post. People are supporting the ones that would stab them in the back and not think twice about it.
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There will be many disappointed people when the dust settles from the raid. Anything short of Trump in prison will make the left so sad.

I'm more angry at the act of the raid than having concern of what they find.
I agree, how dare the DOJ.
“yesterday’s raid by the FBI on the home of a former president sets a dangerous precedent.

A precedent which now means that anyone who evades taxes, attempts to undermine an election, sexually assaults women, manipulates the value of their assets, uses state resources to enrich themselves or aids and abets the overthrow of a democratically elected government will be subject to investigation.

Is that the world we want to live in? Where anyone accused of insurrection can be subject to questioning from law enforcement officers?

It’s a slippery slope. Before we know it, regular citizens accused of defrauding the government, concealing evidence, manipulating financial documents, tampering with witnesses or perverting the course of justice will also be held to account.

Or to put it another way, if we simply shrug our shoulders and fail to question the actions of the FBI, soon any old Joe Citizen who is suspected of ripping classified government documents into small pieces and flushing them down the toilet will be obliged to answer to law enforcement, as well as their plumber.

If we don’t ask the hard questions about the potential motives of the FBI now, soon any one of us who buries our ex-wife in a small grave at the side of their golf course in order to gain a tax concession will be treated with suspicion.

As Trump supporters put it so clearly yesterday, if this can happen to a President, it could happen to anyone who has committed insurrection, assault or fraud. That’s a chilling thought.

We are on new ground here. As Donald Trump himself made clear, this is the first time a former president’s home has been raided. Proof, if ever we needed it, that the FBI shamefully only targets people who it considers to have committed a crime. Who gave FBI director Chris Wray that authority?
we But in today’s partisan world, it would be easy to fall into the trap of cheering on the FBI’s actions, without taking a step back to look at the bigger picture. If Trump goes to jail, it opens the door for every lying, corrupt, perverted piece of shit to go to jail too. Is that what we want?”
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Don't you love how the unAmericans and Trump humpers are rooting for high inflation and yet bitching about it in the same breath?

I'm not rooting for inflation. That effects me. But I am rooting for Air Force One to go down in a fiery crash with Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer on it. Is that bad? I mean, they're old and gonna die soon anyway and we'll all be able to celebrate soon enough. But the way things are going, most Americans would like to expedite that process.
Don't you love how the unAmericans and Trump humpers are rooting for high inflation and yet bitching about it in the same breath?
I haven't read any examples of this, perhaps you can point out a few posts where people are rooting for high inflation. I do see people saying that inflation was 8.5% in July, a shade off the 40 year record we've recently experienced. Unless the inflation rate for July was 0%, then there was inflation in July. Am I happy that inflation didn't increase? Of course. But don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Dems being Dims. It's their forte and you're the best example on the board.
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I agree, how dare the DOJ.
“yesterday’s raid by the FBI on the home of a former president sets a dangerous precedent.

A precedent which now means that anyone who evades taxes, attempts to undermine an election, sexually assaults women, manipulates the value of their assets, uses state resources to enrich themselves or aids and abets the overthrow of a democratically elected government will be subject to investigation.

Is that the world we want to live in? Where anyone accused of insurrection can be subject to questioning from law enforcement officers?

It’s a slippery slope. Before we know it, regular citizens accused of defrauding the government, concealing evidence, manipulating financial documents, tampering with witnesses or perverting the course of justice will also be held to account.

Or to put it another way, if we simply shrug our shoulders and fail to question the actions of the FBI, soon any old Joe Citizen who is suspected of ripping classified government documents into small pieces and flushing them down the toilet will be obliged to answer to law enforcement, as well as their plumber.

If we don’t ask the hard questions about the potential motives of the FBI now, soon any one of us who buries our ex-wife in a small grave at the side of their golf course in order to gain a tax concession will be treated with suspicion.

As Trump supporters put it so clearly yesterday, if this can happen to a President, it could happen to anyone who has committed insurrection, assault or fraud. That’s a chilling thought.

We are on new ground here. As Donald Trump himself made clear, this is the first time a former president’s home has been raided. Proof, if ever we needed it, that the FBI shamefully only targets people who it considers to have committed a crime. Who gave FBI director Chris Wray that authority?
we But in today’s partisan world, it would be easy to fall into the trap of cheering on the FBI’s actions, without taking a step back to look at the bigger picture. If Trump goes to jail, it opens the door for every lying, corrupt, perverted piece of shit to go to jail too. Is that what we want?”

Yes to something in there..probably a no and a maybe as well.
It's so funny to hear some of you talk about how shady our government is and then when someone attempts to point out the shady shit they're doing, because Trump is involved, you TDS victims just lap it up and excuse it away. Good grief.
What’s shady? Did the doj and fbi have probable cause to think he had docs there illegally or not? If he did then the raid is perfectly warranted. If not then the people involved should all be shit canned. All this will become public info eventually and we’ll see who’s lapping up bullshit and making excuses.
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What’s shady? Did the doj and fbi have probable cause to think he had docs there illegally or not? If he did then the raid is perfectly warranted. If not then the people involved should all be shit canned. All this will become public info eventually and we’ll see who’s lapping up bullshit and making excuses.

If they’re shady enough to fabricate the Russia hoax, do you think they would stop short on planting evidence? Coercing a judge to sign off on a warrant despite lack of probable cause? And who gets to decide what’s “probable cause”? Don’t be so willingly naive.
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Lol. The Biden admin should be so proud.

“We ruined your life less in July. C’mon man.”
I would argue we're currently better off with high inflation over a tumbling economy due to a deadly pandemic our president refuses to confront, instead insisting it will go away soon on its own.
Deadly pandemic. lol.
Over 94 million Americans afflicted, over one million dead. Consider yourself fortunate if you don't have a friend or neighbor or family member who died from it.

And whether or not you can recognize its significance in this country, you cannot deny Trump's bungling of it and the consequences.
You have to... by default. It's Us or Them. One of them has literally resorted to calling people on this board "the squad" in order to personify the target of hate that their propaganda source feeds them, daily.
"One of them...."

yeah, it isn't like they (the squad) have lumped themselves together or anything....,in great part due to their inclination to label anyone not in lockstep with their lunacy or steadfast rejection of anything not liberal, as Trumpsters....that is, they label those who don't agree with them as mindless zombie Trump followers, with complete disregard for explanations to the contrary. They don't want those not following them to be considered as conservatives who support another conservative who happened to be an irrationally maligned president, because they can't focus their hate on anything so reasonable.

The irony in your post actually has me chuckling a little, especially where you decry the use of 'lumping' and then immediately do the same thing yourself. LOL.
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If they’re shady enough to fabricate the Russia hoax, do you think they would stop short on planting evidence? Coercing a judge to sign off on a warrant despite lack of probable cause? And who gets to decide what’s “probable cause”? Don’t be so willingly naive.
If trumps shady enough to try and overthrow an election do you think he would stop at concealing evidence?
"One of them...."

yeah, it isn't like they (the squad) have lumped themselves together or anything....,in great part due to their inclination to label anyone not in lockstep with their lunacy or steadfast rejection of anything not liberal, as Trumpsters....that is, they label those who don't agree with them as mindless zombie Trump followers, with complete disregard for explanations to the contrary. They don't want those not following them to be considered as conservatives who support another conservative who happened to be an irrationally maligned president, because they can't focus their hate on anything so reasonable.

The irony in your post actually has me chuckling a little, especially where you decry the use of 'lumping' and then immediately do the same thing yourself. LOL.
You missed the point and reference that... nevermind.
The "insider" or "spy" is another issue that will be interesting to see what comes out in the end. As we know, the FBI and DOJ don't exactly have clean hands when it comes to presenting claims to a court about allegedly verified and secret information related to the orangeman. Plus, except for a very, very limited group of family and longtime people, you've got to think the trump people would be paranoid about everyone around him. How could someone who isn't absolutely devoted have had access to this stuff? Their representations to the court as to what the insider actual knows versus what they speculated could be significant.
two thoughts...insiders have turned out to be highly questionable re; their identities and/or their claims, the latest example that comes to mind is the 'steering wheel lunge' snitch, whose claim was outed as bogus.. Just like the cop who pulls you over because he says you crossed the line (when you know you didn't) just so he can smell your breath, it wouldn't take much to convince a sympathetic judge to issue a warrant for something that turned out to be dubious at best.

The other is, how long will it be before the public is made aware of the why's where's and what's of this raid. I have to believe that it will be a long time, while the taint of suspicion and conviction is allowed to linger and settle in to peoples minds as speculative conversation churns and churns . I hope I'm wrong, but that would be right on the first page of the opposition playbook. The art of the smear.
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You missed the point and reference that... nevermind.
please, by all means tell me what I missed. I'll own up to it if I think you're right. But I'll also tell you if YOU missed the point. Take a chance, I honestly want to know.
Over 94 million Americans afflicted, over one million dead. Consider yourself fortunate if you don't have a friend or neighbor or family member who died from it.

And whether or not you can recognize its significance in this country, you cannot deny Trump's bungling of it and the consequences.

It was a sham. The majority of dead people were old folks that were screwed by Dem governors being morons and sending infected people to nursing homes where all the old people are in poor health and going to die soon anyway. They consistently lied about the severity and have backtracked on economy killing measures they voted to put in place to hurt Trump. They fear mongered their way into changing election laws to beat Trump. Anyone that died from it was most likely gonna die anyway of something else. Too bad you weren’t in that number (that I don’t believe anyway as I know no one that died and exactly 2 people who had severe symptoms, one of which got better when his son started sneaking ivermectin in the hospital in smoothies).

Don’t be such a gullible sheep.
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Anyone that died from it was most likely gonna die anyway of something else.
Most likely? In a completely brainless post, this is the most completely brainless sentence within it.

“A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”
― Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy
Most likely? In a completely brainless post, this is the most completely brainless sentence within it.

“Sometimes a man wants to be stupid if it lets him do a thing his cleverness forbids.”
― John Steinbeck, East of Eden

Calm down Nancy.

If trumps shady enough to try and overthrow an election do you think he would stop at concealing evidence?

Hilarious. Someone got cheated and when they attempt to bring the cheating to the forefront, you're viewing them as the aggressor.

This reminds me of last week when @carolinablue34 called Trump's brand of politics "revenge" politics. Like he was completely blind to the action that prompted the "revenge" he was railing about. In other words, as my friend here at OOTB used to say, "don't start none if you don't want none."
It was a sham. The majority of dead people were old folks that were screwed by Dem governors being morons and sending infected people to nursing homes where all the old people are in poor health and going to die soon anyway. They consistently lied about the severity and have backtracked on economy killing measures they voted to put in place to hurt Trump. They fear mongered their way into changing election laws to beat Trump. Anyone that died from it was most likely gonna die anyway of something else. Too bad you weren’t in that number (that I don’t believe anyway as I know no one that died and exactly 2 people who had severe symptoms, one of which got better when his son started sneaking ivermectin in the hospital in smoothies).

Don’t be such a gullible sheep.
Most likely? In a completely brainless post, this is the most completely brainless sentence within it.

“A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”
― Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy
case in point
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I’m not sure it’s a record. I’ve always been brutally honest. There a few others here that are too. But yeah, to the virtue signaling sheep, it may look like a record.
One thing's for sure... Trump is always the victim. "A global pandemic? They did it to bring down Donald Trump!"


The shepherd and his sheep.
The overall inflation rate in July was 8.5%, but it was down -0.6% for the month. Does it hurt for you to acknowledge this?
It hurts for Biden to acknowledge it, apparently. He had to make up a comparison to June, to say "that record inflation that's crippling many of you out there... well, hey, at least it didn't get any worse this month!" as if that's some sort of consolation.
I would argue we're currently better off with high inflation over a tumbling economy
The high inflation is one of the factors causing the tumbling economy.
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guess I wasn't at all wrong, was I?

You must have said earlier in the thread, "I bet @strummingram is going to make senseless, irrelevant poasts." To which you've obviously been proven correct.

Or you might have said, "I bet @strummingram continues to use the word victim incorrectly.". Again, as we've seen, you would have have been proven accurate on that one too.

Or you might have even said, "I bet @strummingram is just going to attempt to get in an argument today for no reason at all because he's a poor, lonely sap with nothing else to do." And while you would be right as the evidence shows, I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you credit on that one as pretty much anyone here would have made the same prediction.
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@UNC '92 so you're thinking the LIFE part begins at conception, but if you want LIFE (healthcare) upon birth you need to find some other country?

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