OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Biden admin absolutely bungled the withdrawal.

I live up here and have some high ranking friends. The state department essentially ignored the advance of the taliban leading up to the withdrawal. Biden probably should have delayed it at best. At worst, more protection including keeping Bagram open. Word is Austin was the guy who finally stepped in and Took the reins from the State Dept.

The counter argument is stay and watch the taliban assume control while you are still there. It was just an incredibly bad situation. 20 years for nothing.
That he wasn't going to allow the establishment to screw him and Americans over is exactly why he has the following and support he has.




@prlyles - I told you I'd get to it.

@carolinablue34 , and I didn't even have to call you a fag
just magnificent. The predicted response from some will be 'whataboutism'. The sheepish one-sidedness you point out will be rationalized away by those who harp on your one-sidedness while denying their own. At no point will they allow the bullshit to be stripped away to reduce it to what it plainly and simply is, support for the closest representation of our way of seeing what is good for us and our country (which IS us).

I just hope this sinks in with the poster you are responding to. When one uses a phrase like 'he's utterly depraved' but can't see why that keeps one from being taken seriously, you know it isn't going to be easy breaking through.

Donald Trump is only a little depraved. Much like me. And millions of others, left and right and middling. What's the problem?
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getting us out only strengthened us by saving the lives of troops and saving $. We're still able to strike and take out terrorists:

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just magnificent. The predicted response from some will be 'whataboutism'. The sheepish one-sidedness you point out will be rationalized away by those who harp on your one-sidedness while denying their own. At no point will they allow the bullshit to be stripped away to reduce it to what it plainly and simply is, support for the closest representation of our way of seeing what is good for us and our country (which IS us).

That's @carolinablue34 to a T.
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How many died at the end? And how many died the 20 years prior (without anything to show for it) because no other Pres could end it?
you mean because he happened to be the president in office when the scheduled withdrawal was allowed to take place as intended by the previous president?

How fvcking stupid do you think others are? Do you care to acknowledge that he screwed the withdrawal up worse than your average ten year old might have? Everybody knows that that is true. LOL, your inventory of bullshit is backing up because no one is buying this lot.
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getting us out only strengthened us by saving the lives of troops and saving $. We're still able to strike and take out terrorists:
I am happy that POS is dead, but try to convince me that his death will have any impact whatsoever on those who hate us and want to harm us. In that regard, it's literally a meaningless drop in a big bucket.
Wait, what? Cries of racism that didn't really happen? Who would do such a thing?

""Various BYU Athletics employees have been reviewing video from BYUtv and other cameras in the facility that the volleyball team has access to for film review. This has been ongoing since right after the match on Friday night," McBride said in a statement. "The person who was banned was the person identified by Duke as using racial slurs. However, we have been unable to find any evidence of that person using slurs in the match."

lol at the police getting involved.
you mean because he happened to be the president in office when the scheduled withdrawal was allowed to take place as intended by the previous president?

How fvcking stupid do you think others are? Do you care to acknowledge that he screwed the withdrawal up worse than your average ten year old might have? Everybody knows that that is true. LOL, your inventory of bullshit is backing up because no one is buying this lot.
That's exactly what he and another poster want to claim. That is, because his butt was sitting in the oval office (or Delaware) at the actual time of withdrawal, it was Biden who got us out of Afghanistan. This is the type of revisionist history that is employed. We'll just chose to ignore the whole concept that orange campaigned on this and then proceeded to put everything in place to actually get us out. In fact, when the disaster of the final withdrawal execution (pun intended) took place under Biden and his advisors, pages were written here and elsewhere about how all of that was Trump's fault for how he'd locked us in with his agreement. So, Trump responsible for all the bad, Biden for the good. Do you follow now?
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just magnificent. The predicted response from some will be 'whataboutism'. The sheepish one-sidedness you point out will be rationalized away by those who harp on your one-sidedness while denying their own. At no point will they allow the bullshit to be stripped away to reduce it to what it plainly and simply is, support for the closest representation of our way of seeing what is good for us and our country (which IS us).

I just hope this sinks in with the poster you are responding to. When one uses a phrase like 'he's utterly depraved' but can't see why that keeps one from being taken seriously, you know it isn't going to be easy breaking through.

Donald Trump is only a little depraved. Much like me. And millions of others, left and right and middling. What's the problem?

A little depraved? Jesus does the guy have to rob and stab someone in the street to end this head in the sand mentality surrounding the guy?

I take that back. It’s really just trying to rationalize someone who can’t be rationalized. He just tells you what you want to hear so it’s okay if he tries to overturn elections and steal top secret, classified info.

If someone represented my interests but damn near split the country apart, I’d drop him/her like a bad habit.
If you have to ask, then you are either being disingenuous or haven't paid attention for the last several years. I know you to be smarter than the latter. Here's an easy one: do you believe that orangeman physically attempted to wrestle the steering wheel of "The Beast" away from the Secret Service Agent driving so he could go over to the Capitol Building?

Yes. Why is that so hard to believe? I wouldn’t put anything past the man. His pattern of behavior clearly shows there’s no line or boundary he won’t cross in order to keep ‘winning’ and increase personal prestige. Even Nixon and LBJ knew when to bow out.

This is why comparing Biden to Trump is a false equivalency. Biden’s a gaffe machine. He’s not particularly inspiring or fiery. He can come across as odd and stick his foot in his mouth. There is no level of divisive rhetoric I’ve heard him say that demonizes opponents or allies the way Trump does.

He’s normal. I like normal. I like a country that isn’t being torn from the inside out.
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Don't tell me. Tell these families.

Typical headline from fox, typical gullible impression from you. Quotes from your article from Oct 2021

"In terms of how many American citizens we estimate are currently in Afghanistan, the Department of State is in contact with 196 American citizens who are ready to depart –and arrangements are being made for them to do so, either via air or over ground – and another 243 American citizens have been contacted and are not ready to depart, either because they want to stay in Afghanistan or aren’t ready," Kahl said.

As said elsewhere, these people had MONTHS to get out. They probably didn't think Biden would follow-thru.
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If the rest of the world wants to play world police due to cheap heroin, let them have at it. Al Queda is a problem everywhere, regardless of the boots we had on ground. Hell, Ayman al-Zawahri had been living in Afghanistan for years before the drone strike.
This is why comparing Biden to Trump is a false equivalency. Biden’s a gaffe machine. He’s not particularly inspiring or fiery. He can come across as odd and stick his foot in his mouth. There is no level of divisive rhetoric I’ve heard him say that demonizes opponents or allies the way Trump does.

He’s normal. I like normal.

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Typical headline from fox, typical gullible impression from you. Quotes from your article from Oct 2021

"In terms of how many American citizens we estimate are currently in Afghanistan, the Department of State is in contact with 196 American citizens who are ready to depart –and arrangements are being made for them to do so, either via air or over ground – and another 243 American citizens have been contacted and are not ready to depart, either because they want to stay in Afghanistan or aren’t ready," Kahl said.

As said elsewhere, these people had MONTHS to get out. They probably didn't think Biden would follow-thru.

I'm sure Joe tells himself the same thing at night (or late afternoon) so he can get to sleep.
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I somewhat agree. He’s been more divisive than I had hoped. I’d still vote for him over Trump but definitely not over someone like Youngkin.

I don’t think he runs again though. He will step aside and endorse Gavin. Both he and Gavin will support Kamala for the Senate or Governorship of California.

The cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

…if the shoe fits. MAGA philosophy is essentially theocratic nationalism.

If you value “majorities” so much then take a hint. The majority of the country isn’t MAGA nor does it want to live under the Christian equivalent of Iran.
Trumps ability to break everything he touches continues to astound. This guy is attacking Trump's lawyers as being shitty, but Trump seems to bring out the worst in everyone he tries to hire or appoint.

Trump is incriminating himself.
Wait, what? Cries of racism that didn't really happen? Who would do such a thing?

""Various BYU Athletics employees have been reviewing video from BYUtv and other cameras in the facility that the volleyball team has access to for film review. This has been ongoing since right after the match on Friday night," McBride said in a statement. "The person who was banned was the person identified by Duke as using racial slurs. However, we have been unable to find any evidence of that person using slurs in the match."

lol at the police getting involved.

At this point it doesnt matter what happens because it's out there that racism occurred. If there was no racism only about 20% will find out anyway.
…if the shoe fits. MAGA philosophy is essentially theocratic nationalism.
Yeah, a loyalty to America and it's traditional values and the idea of putting America first is such an awful thing. You're a clown.

If you value “majorities” so much then take a hint. The majority of the country isn’t MAGA

The MAGA movement is bigger and more widespread than any other movement. Sure, against "the field", it's not the majority. But judging that movement against any other (traditional left, socialist democrat, traditional right, libertarian, etc.), it's the majority.

nor does it want to live under the Christian equivalent of Iran.

The hyperbole is strong with you.
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There are plenty of people more intelligent that me. Can you be more specific on how he is connected to the investigation?

He’s tweeting information released by the DOJ. He’s also the chair in Federal Courts at the University of Texas Law School where he specializes in national security. So in general the guy knows what he’s talking about.
"He is CNN’s Supreme Court analyst..."

If that doesn't call his credibility into question I don't know what does. 🤣

I'm sure he's a fine analyst and knows what he's talking about.
Where are all the Republican lawyers and politicians coming to Trump’s aide right now? People jumped on this quickly but have since backed off.
“In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information,” “No one will be above the law.”

DJ Trump 2016, NC rally
Where are all the Republican lawyers and politicians coming to Trump’s aide right now? People jumped on this quickly but have since backed off.
Behind closed doors they are biting fingernails, and wishing DJT would just STFU & disappear, as they watch the GOP further crumble into a heap of discredited steaming poo.

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