OOTB's Political Thread . ..

My issue with Trump has never been his supposed 'racism'. He's no more racist than any other person his age. If Bob Mueller says there wasn't enough evidence to show Trump committed a crime in regards to his contact with the Russians, that's good enough for me.

We are never going to see eye to eye on January 6th. Trump whined, complained, and shouted to the heavens the election was being stolen from him without evidence. People seized upon that and stormed the Capitol Building. He tried to hold onto power when he lost. That's reason enough for me never to vote for the guy. There is no riot on that day if he keeps his big mouth shut.

There were some policies I didn't like. I didn't care for his sucking up to dictators or treating allies second class. Even opinions he did have that I could get behind were largely incoherent and his administration was a revolving door of chaos. I was tired of the f**king circus every week.

But he's just utterly depraved. Trump worships no god or idol just himself. He doesn't believe in anything except for what benefits him in a given moment and screw everyone else. He's a narcissistic egomaniac. Even beyond that, it's what Trump enables that really makes my blood boil: playing footsies with the Proud Boys, cementing a conservative supermajority on the Court in which Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hold sway, and his complete disregard for any kind of political discourse.

Granted, everyone shits on each other these days. But his brand of it is toxic beyond measure. He brings out the worst in his supporters and detractors. It's a corrosive, 'us vs. them' mentality. He divides instead of healing. And the only thing he cares about is people kissing his ass. He turns that toxicity on anyone who doesn't follow the Trump style GOP rhetoric. It's not healthy.

So those are my reasons. I await your standard 'GFY' along with some variation of 'fag.'
There is actually a bunch of this that I can get onboard with or even agree about. The difference is that I think this applies to many politicians, including our current president. They just do a better job of telling you it's raining while pissing on your leg. Trump can be brutally open with his marketing while others are much more subtle. But make no mistake, the dividing toxicity to which you refer is present on both sides. Biden claimed in his rhetoric that he was going to be the great uniter, but his actions as president have been nothing except the great divider.

I also largely agree with your second paragraph as it's a pretty fair summary of 01/06. BUT, that does not make him an insurrectionist or support the claims that he organized the events of that day. What bothers me is that while orange certainly has to shoulder his share of blame for those events, NOTHING seems to be explored, investigated or discussed about all the other things that happened or failed to happen that would have stopped those events from happening despite Trump's childish behavior.

At this point, I think he is hurting the R's and even his own agenda by still trying to sell his claims, valid or not. I do truly wish he could mentally move on and play the role of kingmaker rather than trying to again be king. This is where his incredible self importance gets in his way.
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I even wonder at times if he will ultimately be found to be suffering from CTE.
tragically, they all are...i don't think his issues stem from just football lol.

same guy that was critical of deadbeat dads has his own mess.

part of me wonders if he's riding the maga bus because donald gave him his professional football job.

eta: at least a majority are suffering from some cte...yet i still love and watch, guilty as charged.
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But make no mistake, the dividing toxicity to which you refer is present on both sides. Biden claimed in his rhetoric that he was going to be the great uniter, but his actions as president have been nothing except the great divider.
What do you think Biden is doing to divide the country?
What do you think Biden is doing to divide the country?
christmas vacation GIF
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So it seems trump lied to DOJ about still having docs he was not supposed to have and evidently concealed the docs to obstruct an investigation. Hahahaha!! The law and order president!! Glorious. I’ve never enjoyed politics so much.
US Companies added only 132,000 jobs in August, but hey, it's better than 0. And my gas is only twice what it was when Trump was in office. At least I don't live in Raleigh.
So it seems trump lied to DOJ about still having docs he was not supposed to have and evidently concealed the docs to obstruct an investigation. Hahahaha!! The law and order president!! Glorious. I’ve never enjoyed politics so much.
So, it seems that the DOJ release/leak equivalent has worked. Let's wait and see how this plays out. The last thing we should do at this point is trust anything that any of them say.
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As reported by his sister-n-law. Not impressed.
What? He wrote this excerpt in his book. Maybe it was one of his other personalities.

The book is framed as a turnaround story. He describes it as cathartic and casts himself as someone on the path to “integration” because of therapy and his Christian faith.

A watershed moment, he writes, came in February 2001, when he drove around suburban Dallas, hunting for a man who he said was avoiding his calls after being days late delivering a car Walker had purchased.

“The logical side of me knew that what I was thinking of doing to this man — murdering him for messing up my schedule — wasn’t a viable alternative,” Walker wrote. “But another side of me was so angry that all I could think was how satisfying it would feel to step out of the car, pull out the gun, slip off the safety, and squeeze the trigger.”
We are never going to see eye to eye on January 6th. Trump whined, complained, and shouted to the heavens the election was being stolen from him without evidence. People seized upon that and stormed the Capitol Building. He tried to hold onto power when he lost. That's reason enough for me never to vote for the guy. There is no riot on that day if he keeps his big mouth shut.

That he wasn't going to allow the establishment to screw him and Americans over is exactly why he has the following and support he has.

There were some policies I didn't like. I didn't care for his sucking up to dictators or treating allies second class. Even opinions he did have that I could get behind were largely incoherent and his administration was a revolving door of chaos. I was tired of the f**king circus every week.


But he's just utterly depraved. Trump worships no god or idol just himself. He doesn't believe in anything except for what benefits him in a given moment and screw everyone else. He's a narcissistic egomaniac. Even beyond that, it's what Trump enables that really makes my blood boil: playing footsies with the Proud Boys, cementing a conservative supermajority on the Court in which Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hold sway, and his complete disregard for any kind of political discourse.

... cementing a conservative supermajority on the Court in which Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hold sway, and his complete disregard for any kind of political discourse.


Granted, everyone shits on each other these days. But his brand of it is toxic beyond measure. He brings out the worst in his supporters and detractors. It's a corrosive, 'us vs. them' mentality. He divides instead of healing. And the only thing he cares about is people kissing his ass. He turns that toxicity on anyone who doesn't follow the Trump style GOP rhetoric. It's not healthy.


@prlyles - I told you I'd get to it.

@carolinablue34 , and I didn't even have to call you a fag
What? He wrote this excerpt in his book. Maybe it was one of his other personalities.

The book is framed as a turnaround story. He describes it as cathartic and casts himself as someone on the path to “integration” because of therapy and his Christian faith.

A watershed moment, he writes, came in February 2001, when he drove around suburban Dallas, hunting for a man who he said was avoiding his calls after being days late delivering a car Walker had purchased.

“The logical side of me knew that what I was thinking of doing to this man — murdering him for messing up my schedule — wasn’t a viable alternative,” Walker wrote. “But another side of me was so angry that all I could think was how satisfying it would feel to step out of the car, pull out the gun, slip off the safety, and squeeze the trigger.”

I have those feelings daily. Good thing I haven't actually gone that far. But I'm getting closer.

Still not impressed.
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Me too. Wish they could figure out some solution short of not playing.
have you seen the bubble lids yet for practices?...also less contact per week per league rules now.

not even sure colleges tackle anymore, just thud drills.

i have a friend, former gamecock db that also played in the league...he caught it early enough that he's on a med now...he had to quit doing a radio show, though.
have you seen the bubble lids yet for practices?...also less contact per week per league rules now.

not even sure colleges tackle anymore, just thud drills.

i have a friend, former gamecock db that also played in the league...he caught it early enough that he's on a med now...he had to quit doing a radio show, though.
Yep. They are almost comical looking, but if they work, wear them. The odd thing to me is that they don't have everyone in them and only certain positions it seems.
I don’t give a shit about them other than how it will ultimately impact me/us. And it weakened us. Basically every military personnel who has commented on it has said as much.
getting us out only strengthened us by saving the lives of troops and saving $. We're still able to strike and take out terrorists:
yeah, who cares about those American soldiers who got killed while Biden was trying to get his dick out of the pickle jar.
How many died at the end? And how many died the 20 years prior (without anything to show for it) because no other Pres could end it?
If you have to ask, then you are either being disingenuous or haven't paid attention for the last several years. I know you to be smarter than the latter. Here's an easy one: do you believe that orangeman physically attempted to wrestle the steering wheel of "The Beast" away from the Secret Service Agent driving so he could go over to the Capitol Building?
How many died at the end? And how many died the 20 years prior (without anything to show for it) because no other Pres could end it?
As before, thanks for giving trumpie his due and finally posting about something good he did.
getting us out only strengthened us by saving the lives of troops and saving $. We're still able to strike and take out terrorists:

Don't tell me. Tell these families.

Don't tell me. Tell these families.

Biden admin absolutely bungled the withdrawal. Namely shutting down Bagram. No one imagined the Afghan government would open the doors that quickly to the taliban. But you still have to prepare for it.

Hiwever, zero sympathy for most of the americans left behind. Government contractors that had been told for months to get out. Many are still there making a shit load of money.
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