OOTB's Political Thread . ..

They've made some great cars though.
Psssh! No, thanks!


Or, this?
And, there's this fukking guy:

This halfwit is in the US Senate for at least 6 years. This same dumbshit thought the 3 branches of government were the house, senate and president. Alabama: you suck at most everything except college football.
Donald Trump is requesting a military-like sendoff Wednesday for when he leaves Washington, D.C. I'm all for it as long as it will include a firing squad.
LOL, If you really understood what I bolded, you could have spared us the drivel.

if you and that other knob would educate yourselves regarding language and its use, you'd understand that it's befitting for me, speaking colloquially, to call anything communistic that runs in the leftist direction counter to or otherwise opposing my rightist ideals. If I was referring specifically to, say, Marxist Communism however, I would indicate that I was doing just that. But I wasn't referring to Marxist Communism, I was talking to a commie who doesn't even know he is one.
Blue, when you have to explain to people how smart you are, you’re not very smart.....
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And, there's this fukking guy:

This halfwit is in the US Senate for at least 6 years. This same dumbshit thought the 3 branches of government were the house, senate and president. Alabama: you suck at most everything except college football.
First reaction- damn you 2 party system for giving red voters little choice other than this moron.

Second reaction- how'd he win his primary? Does bama not have a better repub candidate to represent them?
First reaction- damn you 2 party system for giving red voters little choice other than this moron.

Second reaction- how'd he win his primary? Does bama not have a better repub candidate to represent them?

If AOC can get elected in a highly populated state where you would assume there would be scads of more qualified candidates, then I guess anything is possible.

At least Tuberville has had public speaking engagements and managed other people, budgets, crisis, etc. AOC’s experience consist of knowing how much triple sec to put in a Long Island Iced Tea.
At least Tuberville has had public speaking engagements and managed other people, budgets, crisis, etc. AOC’s experience consist of knowing how much triple sec to put in a Long Island Iced Tea.

until shit gets thick, the walls cave in, and then he bails...i’m not even sure alabama residents know what happened at auburn under him, but they remember their trees being poisoned.
until shit gets thick, the walls cave in, and then he bails...i’m not even sure alabama residents know what happened at auburn under him, but they remember their trees being poisoned.
I'm not surprised you don't have a good handle on this. Tuberville wasn't at Auburn when the trees at Toomer's corner were poisoned.
I'm not surprised you don't have a good handle on this. Tuberville wasn't at Auburn when the trees at Toomer's corner were poisoned.
Not that gteeitup needs me or anyone else defending him, but I would say this is a blatant case of poor reading comprehension on your part, '92.

He never implied Tuberville's time at Auburn coincided with the poisoning of the oaks at Toomer's Corner, you stupid lamebrain. He was simply juxtaposing events in Auburn football history -- one more memorable than the other -- for the sake of comparison.

I'm not surprised you don't have a good handle on this. Tuberville wasn't at Auburn when the trees at Toomer's corner were poisoned.

right over your head again...let me clear it up for you...please follow along.

i didn’t say he was the coach...the point is alabama residents have a short memory, especially when it comes to football.
Not that gteeitup needs me or anyone else defending him, but I would say this is a blatant case of poor reading comprehension on your part, '92.

He never implied Tuberville's time at Auburn coincided with the poisoning of the oaks at Toomer's Corner, you stupid lamebrain. He was simply juxtaposing events in Auburn football history -- one more memorable than the other -- for the sake of comparison.

I figured he might say this. I didn't think his gf would be in here fighting his battles. So I'll tell you what I would say to him. It's a horribly done juxtaposition. My Alabama friends say they remember his time as coach and know what happened. So I guess you and he both aren't really qualified to offer up the comparison, sweetheart.
right over your head again...let me clear it up for you...please follow along.

i didn’t say he was the coach...the point is alabama residents have a short memory, especially when it comes to football.
I figured he might say this. I didn't think his gf would be in here fighting his battles. So I'll tell you what I would say to him. It's a horribly done juxtaposition. My Alabama friends say they remember his time as coach and know what happened. So I guess you and he both aren't really qualified to offer up the comparison, sweetheart.
Nice to see you took some time away from vacuuming, doing the laundry, dusting and making sure the bed is made, to come poast. Glad you’re getting some liberation.

^^^ this is an example of moronic rambling.

other than not wanting to live in a shit hole, why wouldn’t anyone not want these things done?...lemme guess, your mom still does this for you?
I just think it’s funny you wear the apron in the family. Just own it ghey boy.

i don’t know what you’re talking about...but if it validates you on a message board, yes, i was raised to be an adult rather quickly.

you have your meals prepared for you as well?...are you that limited?... keep your reds and whites separated.
i don’t know what you’re talking about...but if it validates you on a message board, yes, i was raised to be an adult rather quickly.

you have your meals prepared for you as well?...are you that limited?... keep your reds and whites separated.
I’m actually cooking enchiladas tonight so hush.
It got real ghey up in here. Thanks a lot @gteeitup .

I don’t know thisTuberville mystery everyone is alluding to. Can someone catch me up to speed? I want to make cryptic comments about him too.
You're close. This is merely one example of many that I refer to as the inbred cousins butt-sniffing each other. One usually posts a stupid and incoherent message and the other comes along with a big ol' "Like." This board is littered with them.
This almost made me cry. You really don't have any friends?

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