OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Actually, I think this is Coulter's point. The best part is this quote: "What is the point of this deception? To allow clueless Times' readers to keep telling themselves that most mass shooters are white men?"

I only know one poster here that regularly links and claims the bastion of truth being the NYT, lol. I think she just described him.
If your point is that MSM is sometimes usually weird about racial identification in articles - yes, agreed. But that applies to ALL, even Fox, see links above.

It is what it is. If the shootings involve mixes of races you'll probably see that called out. If not, then not. But who cares unless you are making shit up like Coulter is attack NYT instead of Fox when Fox does the same, and to try to claim that NYT readers don't think "black" when they see the name Dequan.

AGAIN, show me a non-white mass-shooting (that was a big deal nationally) and show me the lack of NYT reporting.
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If your point is that MSM is sometimes weird about racial identification in articles - yes, agreed. But that applies to ALL, even Fox, see links above.

The point is what has been stated repeatedly on the previous page - the NYT and a large part of the MSM try to play up stories involving white assailants and play down stories of black or Hispanic assailants. Those outlets do this to keep the WhItE sUpReMaCy narrative going. It’s the same reason government agencies keep misidentifying criminals in their online systems. Only the convenient thing is, they’re always misidentifying black and Hispanic criminals as white and never the other way around. Odd, no?

And why do you keep mentioning the “rando” shootings? Or the “hate” violence (and I might need someone to define that for me as I would have figured all violence is hate violence but I’m sure it’s just another way to drive the numbers of white crime up). But why are the stories of rando or hate any more newsworthy than the everyday shootings in the ghettos? Because if you took all the shootings happening in the ghettos of Chicago during a month, they greatly outnumber the casualties of “rando” or “hate” shootings. Is that not newsworthy?
The point is what has been stated repeatedly on the previous page - the NYT and a large part of the MSM try to play up stories involving white assailants and play down stories of black or Hispanic assailants. Those outlets do this to keep the WhItE sUpReMaCy narrative going. It’s the same reason government agencies keep misidentifying criminals in their online systems. Only the convenient thing is, they’re always misidentifying black and Hispanic criminals as white and never the other way around. Odd, no?

And why do you keep mentioning the “rando” shootings? Or the “hate” violence (and I might need someone to define that for me as I would have figured all violence is hate violence but I’m sure it’s just another way to drive the numbers of white crime up). But why are the stories of rando or hate any more newsworthy than the everyday shootings in the ghettos? Because if you took all the shootings happening in the ghettos of Chicago during a month, they greatly outnumber the casualties of “rando” or “hate” shootings. Is that not newsworthy?
I don't know why I even try with him. She specifically sets out how they covered 25 mass shootings and the only time they mention the race of the shooter is in 2 of the 5 instances of the white shooter - they completely ignore the issue of the shooter's race being black in 17 of those instances. 17 of 25 and the NYT ignores it. Now, I don't know or really care what the actual breakdown is with regard to the race of shooters because I don't know that it helps solve the problem in any respect. I just get so tired of the false outrage and narrative instead of addressing the real situation.
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You just contradicted yourself. Trying to make sense of reality and the resulting outcome of that effort is in itself an interpretation. Hence, yours are dimwitted.

I told someone recently that most arguments boil down to semantics, and this is likely the case here. The definition of 'interpretation' isn't something I have any interest in debating so I'll take another stab and that's it.

In order to try to make sense of reality and find meaning in it, first that reality has to be discerned and acknowledged. You wouldn't try to make sense of something that you haven't established as something to make sense of (or maybe you would). Perceiving the existence of something and trying to make sense of it are not the same thing.
Actually, I think this is Coulter's point. The best part is this quote: "What is the point of this deception? To allow clueless Times' readers to keep telling themselves that most mass shooters are white men?"

I only know one poster here that regularly links and claims the bastion of truth being the NYT, lol. I think she just described him.
I know. I was picking nits with her.
Her premise is that NYT doesn't report on mass shootings which don't involve white people. And her basis is the LACK of a report of a mass shooting which didn't involve white people. But the types of shootings NYT typically reports on are the natty headlines, big events - like randos and hate, like my examples of the half moon bay shooting, the venezualan kid, etc.
yeah, I think you're bolstering her contention to a certain extent but aside from that, wouldn't hate crimes be a targeting of whites since hate crimes are seemingly a one-way street?

And I might as well throw this in there as well. Why randos over cumulatively more impactful gun violence? How can this NOT be seen, as is my contention, as purposely avoiding the reporting of black skullduggery.
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Victor David Hanson is right on point with this opinion piece.
I've never posted this before but I swear if I didn't know better...and I don't know better...that starting with the Clintons, there has been a sellout to the Chinese by a dem leadership cabal wherein we are weakened for the furtherance of Chinese hegemony.

No conspiracy theory here, I'm just saying that they couldn't have done more damage in that regard if they HAD been trying....and I don't know that they haven't.

What Biden is doing to us is insane and I don't understand why it isn't being screamed about.
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The definition of 'interpretation' isn't something I have any interest in debating so I'll take another stab and that's it.
What did you think the definition of the word interpretation meant? Maybe you should have pulled out your dictionary before you stuck your foot in your mouth.
I've never posted this before but I swear if I didn't know better...and I don't know better...that starting with the Clintons, there has been a sellout to the Chinese by a dem leadership cabal wherein we are weakened for the furtherance of Chinese hegemony.

No conspiracy theory here, I'm just saying that they couldn't have done more damage in that regard if they HAD been trying....and I don't know that they haven't.

What Biden is doing to us is insane and I don't understand why it isn't being screamed about.
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I've never posted this before but I swear if I didn't know better...and I don't know better...that starting with the Clintons, there has been a sellout to the Chinese by a dem leadership cabal wherein we are weakened for the furtherance of Chinese hegemony.

No conspiracy theory here, I'm just saying that they couldn't have done more damage in that regard if they HAD been trying....and I don't know that they haven't.

What Biden is doing to us is insane and I don't understand why it isn't being screamed about.

What did you think the definition of the word interpretation meant? Maybe you should have pulled out your dictionary before you stuck your foot in your mouth.
maybe you shouldn't try to salvage your bruised ego by making ill-founded and disingenuous suggestions. As I pointed out, you are wrong. I just don't want to engage in you chasing your tail anymore trying not to admit it..
maybe you shouldn't try to salvage your bruised ego by making ill-founded and disingenuous suggestions. As I pointed out, you are wrong. I just don't want to engage in you chasing your tail anymore trying not to admit it..
I'm not "salvaging" anything and my ego isn't bruised, but I do accept your surrender even though you should have done it about 48 hours ago.

Anxiously awaiting another frivolous comeback.
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Sure you do. It's the same answer that most of the posts here boil down to: orangeman very, very bad.
Well he is very very bad. Horrible even. Yet he still manages to have a lead in the polls. (Albeit tiny) Why? Well it takes having an opponent thats an octagenarian who walks like he’s got a red hot poker up his ass, mumbles incoherently, and has a vp who would likely be pres if he’s elected who’s so far to the left that mods and independents and a lot of dems even cringe over. What’s worse? Well imagine going up against a flaming retard that lies as regularly as most people breathe, has been indicted like 50 times, and has proven time after time after time he puts himself ahead of the country. Imagine not being able to comfortably defeat such a pos. Such is the state of the us presidential election thanks to the mindless sheep who can only think in terms of repub vs dem. A fuking embarrassment. Total disgrace. If world politics were a sport the us version would be professional wrestling. And not the kind you see on TBS, the kind that tours places like lumberton and campobello with midgets on the undercard.
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I'm not "salvaging" anything and my ego isn't bruised, but I do accept your surrender even though you should have done it about 48 hours ago.

Anxiously awaiting another frivolous comeback.
and I'm not surrendering, I'm just refusing to engage you in your predictable and tiresome tactic of hiding your defeat behind semantics. I don't care who 'won'; I made my point.

Bit it is nice of you to admit you couldn't even salvage your fragile ego.
Sure you do. It's the same answer that most of the posts here boil down to: orangeman very, very bad.
that only explains maybe 2/3 of the silence. All I can say is that it's very fortunate for Biden that I'm not likely to find myself in charge.
Well he is very very bad. Horrible even. Yet he still manages to have a lead in the polls. (Albeit tiny) Why? Well it takes having an opponent thats an octagenarian who walks like he’s got a red hot poker up his ass, mumbles incoherently, and has a vp who would likely be pres if he’s elected who’s so far to the left that mods and independents and a lot of dems even cringe over. What’s worse? Well imagine going up against a flaming retard that lies as regularly as most people breathe, has been indicted like 50 times, and has proven time after time after time he puts himself ahead of the country. Imagine not being able to comfortably defeat such a pos. Such is the state of the us presidential election thanks to the mindless sheep who can only think in terms of repub vs dem. A fuking embarrassment. Total disgrace. If world politics were a sport the us version would be professional wrestling. And not the kind you see on TBS, the kind that tours places like lumberton and campobello with midgets on the undercard.
it amazes that you are representative of so many in this country who are actively observing Biden flushing the country down the drain in a big way, and have it all boil down in your mind to a POS against an old guy with a hot poker up his ass. Orange man bad vs. Old man bad, it's as simple as that.

I wish it really was.
it amazes that you are representative of so many in this country who are actively observing Biden flushing the country down the drain in a big way, and have it all boil down in your mind to a POS against an old guy with a hot poker up his ass. Orange man bad vs. Old man bad, it's as simple as that.

I wish it really was.


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I'm just refusing to engage you in your predictable and tiresome tactic of hiding your defeat behind semantics.
Semantics, my eye. It was clear from the start the point I was making. You're the one with the tactic, specifically of trying to present things in their most literal sense when you can't figure out any other way to save face.

It's true, there's only one reality, but there are as many interpretations of that one reality as there are individuals. And I believe deep down you know this to be true; you just had trouble admitting you were wrong after you misspoke. You poor thing.
You're the one with the tactic, specifically of trying to present things in their most literal sense when you can't figure out any other way to save face.
LMAO. There I go being literal again. I just don't play fair I guess.

It's true, there's only one reality,
you're almost there. Grow some balls and finish it. Man up and admit I'm right...literally, not figuratively like you.

What you are referring to is the endless quest to make sense of it, to find meaning in it, even just to actually see as much of it as can be seen.
find meaning IN it...not the meaning OF it.
it amazes that you are representative of so many in this country who are actively observing Biden flushing the country down the drain in a big way, and have it all boil down in your mind to a POS against an old guy with a hot poker up his ass. Orange man bad vs. Old man bad, it's as simple as that.

I wish it really was.
I’m exaggerating to make a point about the voting public’s perception of the candidates. It doesn’t boil down to this in my mind. There’s more nuance to why I think they’re both POS unfit for office.
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I’m exaggerating to make a point about the voting public’s perception of the candidates. It doesn’t boil down to this in my mind. There’s more nuance to why I think they’re both POS unfit for office.
no it's what I said.
I've never posted this before but I swear if I didn't know better...and I don't know better...that starting with the Clintons, there has been a sellout to the Chinese by a dem leadership cabal wherein we are weakened for the furtherance of Chinese hegemony.

No conspiracy theory here, I'm just saying that they couldn't have done more damage in that regard if they HAD been trying....and I don't know that they haven't.

What Biden is doing to us is insane and I don't understand why it isn't being screamed about.
I really don’t think @blazers , @Heels Noir , @strummingram , @prlyles , @heelmanwilm and the rest of our Squad even care what is happening to our country. They’re either blissfully ignorant or they think our country deserves to be destroyed. Either way, I detest them.
Semantics, my eye. It was clear from the start the point I was making. You're the one with the tactic, specifically of trying to present things in their most literal sense when you can't figure out any other way to save face.

It's true, there's only one reality, but there are as many interpretations of that one reality as there are individuals. And I believe deep down you know this to be true; you just had trouble admitting you were wrong after you misspoke. You poor thing.
Is this like Trump saying animals, bloodbath, etc?
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I really don’t think @blazers , @Heels Noir , @strummingram , @prlyles , @heelmanwilm and the rest of our Squad even care what is happening to our country. They’re either blissfully ignorant or they think our country deserves to be destroyed. Either way, I detest them.
You’re a fuking idiot. And I don’t say that lightly. There’s plenty of people I disagree with politically in here who I still recognize as being intelligent and educated and seemingly “good people”. You are not one of them. I criticize and make fun of peoples beliefs and their
Posts and so on a lot. But it’s very rare I personally insult or denigrate anyone. With you though I make the exception. So go fuk yourself.
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Hey ya'll, please trust the science this afternoon, don't try to own the libs on this one.

He did it.


what, married a ten? Who doesn't know that?

BTW, it's y'all. Sorry to nitpick, but that one always annoys me.

what, married a ten? Who doesn't know that?

BTW, it's y'all. Sorry to nitpick, but that one always annoys me.
Too bad he can't see her as well as he used too... and too bad it doesn't look like a happy marriage.