OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Being successful? Yes, they successfully subjugated and oppressed other races by force and benefited exclusively from the wealth it produced. Try not to confuse successful with superior. That's the mistake they made.

What you say is true. But is that not a sign of a stronger and more successful people? Of course not now. But for the time in which we’re discussing, those practices happened within all civilizations. Whites were just better (or worse) at it.

I guess the point is that those practices and methods of civilization advancement were available to all civilizations and used by all civilizations. So is still not accurate to say that white euros were more successful? I don’t see how it’s a head start.
Some northern state? The state of "what's it called?" And, it didn't pass... so, what I've been asking about NEVER HAPPENS. And, the US Congress also voted on some northern state's bill that said "doctors get to murder newborn babies if they decide the mother doesn't want it cuz the father bailed on her."

here, you disingenuous reality-dodger.. Post # 55458 and a follow up post # 55459 by @pooponduke. You'll find this link and guess who it is addressed to. That's right, it's addressed to you and why? Because you were doing the same thing then that you're doing now. Purposely burying your head in the sand over something you aren't honest enough to acknowledge because it doesn't fit in the .fantasy narrative you have created and try your best to promulgate here.

'some northern state's' abortion legislation

It doesn't matter to my point that the bill didn't pass. As I indicated, just the fact that such a bill was created and proposed indicates that there must have been support for it. There are a lot of people who wouldn't blink an eye if what amounts to infanticide was made legal. Hell, the Greeks used to throw unwanted babies off a cliff, why shouldn't we?
What you say is true. But is that not a sign of a stronger and more successful people? Of course not now. But for the time in which we’re discussing, those practices happened within all civilizations. Whites were just better (or worse) at it.

I guess the point is that those practices and methods of civilization advancement were available to all civilizations and used by all civilizations. So is still not accurate to say that white euros were more successful? I don’t see how it’s a head start.
They implemented it with the intent of being Superior, in every way imaginable. That's why they were able to justify incredibly cruel behavior. And we're still feeling the repercussions of that. If you want to give it the label successful, and "better at it", be my guest. That would be very white of you. It was still a mistake to believe that because you had lighter skin, you were genetically superior to those you were subjugating.

All civilizations did it. But I'm not convinced that any group except white people did it based on some twisted interpretation of divine intervention... Along with their ability to create devices that would destroy more people... and, thus their appearance meant they were the superior humans.
here, you disingenuous reality-dodger.. Post # 55458 and a follow up post # 55459 by @pooponduke. You'll find this link and guess who it is addressed to. That's right, it's addressed to you and why? Because you were doing the same thing then that you're doing now. Purposely burying your head in the sand over something you aren't honest enough to acknowledge because it doesn't fit in the .fantasy narrative you have created and try your best to promulgate here.

'some northern state's' abortion legislation

It doesn't matter to my point that the bill didn't pass. As I indicated, just the fact that such a bill was created and proposed indicates that there must have been support for it. There are a lot of people who wouldn't blink an eye if what amounts to infanticide was made legal. Hell, the Greeks used to throw unwanted babies off a cliff, why shouldn't we?
It's never going to be passed. Congress has more than its share of incompetent people.

What I was asking is how frequent are these baby executions in hospitals taking place? They're NOT taking place. It's exaggerated claims.
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Ears are super vascular, a paper cut would probably bleed a bunch. Probably got nicked by shrapnel or something else sharp got him during all the chaos.
So, would that not result in healing tissue being visible for a while? Or does it heal up super fast because it's super vascular?
So, would that not result in healing tissue being visible for a while? Or does it heal up super fast because it's super vascular?
But just maybe Trump carries around a blood packet in his pocket for these incidents. Maybe the question you should be asking is how could the SS and FBI be so incompetent.
just getting back into this thread so I haven't seen the responses to this, but I'm sure there will be the usual intense disregard as libidiots fall all over themselves fawning over the very worst president this country has had in modern times, and probably ever. And it isn't just his hypocrisy and it isn't just the Vietnam thing, and it isn't that he probably had somet6hing to do with a famous's that the Civil Rights deal he put together caused FAR more harm than good, and reshaped America in a way that failed completely to resolve the racial problems we have faced. If it did, why are people like @strummingram constantly droning on about the rampant racism that lurks under every rock and behind every tree?
But just maybe Trump carries around a blood packet in his pocket for these incidents. Maybe the question you should be asking is how could the SS and FBI be so incompetent.
I don't think it was staged. How could they be so incompetent? They missed way too many red flags, it looks like. Then again, wasn't that the first successful "attempt" in over 40 years? That's not bad unless you're the guy who is being shot at and bleeding, not to mention the dead man.
and again, that it won't be passed isn't the point. Our discussion was over whether anyone supported such a thing.
Well... when and where is it even happening? That was my question to begin with. I find it very hard to believe that practicing ob-gyn doctors, and the mothers who are all going full term-- and giving birth-- are also taking these healthy newborn babies out back and killing them.

However... Is it possible for politicians to take that rumor and decide they need legislation... going either way... and proposing a vote? YES! That, I can believe.
….waiting for trump to take credit for prisoner exchange

Austin Powers Movie GIF
JD Vance already praised the prisoner exchange and stated it to be a testimony to Trump’s strength
as bad guys around the world are “cleaning house before Trump gets elected”. 🤨
And the Biden administration has the audacity to claim it was a result of months of diplomatic negotiations between our State Department and the State Departments of several European allies. Go figure.
  • Haha
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Well... when and where is it even happening? That was my question to begin with. I find it very hard to believe that practicing ob-gyn doctors, and the mothers who are all going full term-- and giving birth-- are also taking these healthy newborn babies out back and killing them.

However... Is it possible for politicians to take that rumor and decide they need legislation... going either way... and proposing a vote? YES! That, I can believe.
oh of course...a legislator would propose potential career and reputation ruining legislation based on a mere rumor.

And yes you did begin by asking when and where, but then it shifted to could it and would it. I'm calling this one a tie. But the tie goes to the runner, and I'm the runner just because I say so.
oh of course...a legislator would propose potential career and reputation ruining legislation based on a mere rumor.
Ruin their career, or guarantee a very abundant political future? You must see American politics differently than I see it. Hype-it-up, scare people, and claim you can remedy the fear.
JD Vance already praised the prisoner exchange and stated it to be a testimony to Trump’s strength
as bad guys around the world are “cleaning house before Trump gets elected”. 🤨
And the Biden administration has the audacity to claim it was a result of months of diplomatic negotiations between our State Department and the State Departments of several European allies. Go figure.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump has already criticized negotiators for making the prisoner swap, saying it shows signs of weakness. It should be noted that during his tenure Trump made four such prisoner swaps.
So, to make a comparison, what would your thoughts be if a "journalist" asked Kamala the following verbatim:

"VP Harris, I would like to play a video of you making a speech. After the video, I would like you to explain what thoughts you were expressing in that speech because as a listener, none of us could figure it out."

I agree with her completely, completely being a circumstance in which there exists the element of time. And the element of time must be considered within that element of time itself because time is either on our side or it isn't.
Ruin their career, or guarantee a very abundant political future? You must see American politics differently than I see it. Hype-it-up, scare people, and claim you can remedy the fear.
you're going out of whack again. A legislator proposes full birth abortion and then remedies...the fear? By doing....HUH?
They implemented it with the intent of being Superior, in every way imaginable. That's why they were able to justify incredibly cruel behavior. And we're still feeling the repercussions of that. If you want to give it the label successful, and "better at it", be my guest. That would be very white of you. It was still a mistake to believe that because you had lighter skin, you were genetically superior to those you were subjugating.

All civilizations did it. But I'm not convinced that any group except white people did it based on some twisted interpretation of divine intervention... Along with their ability to create devices that would destroy more people... and, thus their appearance meant they were the superior humans.

The reasons or the way each civilization justified their actions is completely irrelevant.
  • Haha
Reactions: Heels Noir
the Civil Rights deal [LBJ] put together caused FAR more harm than good, and reshaped America in a way that failed completely to resolve the racial problems we have faced.
Spoken like like a bona fide backwoods uneducated cracker. Such a profound level of ignorance and bias. Should we then return to the good ol' days when blacks were routinely and openly discriminated against and bullied at the polls? Yeah, they had it SO much better before LBJ came along and screwed things up!

[LBJ] probably had somet6hing to do with [the JFK} assassination
"It was LBJ from behind the picket fence!" God, you are a stupid, gullible, misinformed, ignorant, depraved, unlearned moron. I would LOVE to hear your explanation for why you believe such a stupidly crackpot theory.
JD Vance already praised the prisoner exchange and stated it to be a testimony to Trump’s strength
as bad guys around the world are “cleaning house before Trump gets elected”. 🤨
And the Biden administration has the audacity to claim it was a result of months of diplomatic negotiations between our State Department and the State Departments of several European allies. Go figure.
well you have to ask yourself, why wasn't this accomplished long ago instead of after a few recent months of work as the election approaches. Biden previously negotiated the release of an underserving antiAmerican asshole while leaving the Marine in a Russian prison. and giving up a MONSTER in return. It was OUTRAGEOUS and damnable.

So here's the deal I'll make with you. I won't consider this move to be politically motivated with who knows what given away under the table, If you'll allow the possibility that the specter of Trump's return influenced the Russkies to make a deal.
you're going out of whack again. A legislator proposes full birth abortion and then remedies...the fear? By doing....HUH?
Write a dissertation on frivolous bills proposed by BOTH sides!

The evidence that it works is shown right here, in this discussion. Apparently, you believe that there must be a frequency of newborns being murdered after their mothers give birth, and the doctors and nurses who assisted in the delivery, are also accomplices to these murders. Amirite? That must be the case if there are others trying to guarantee through legislation that such activities be allowed.
well you have to ask yourself, why wasn't this accomplished long ago instead of after a few recent months of work as the election approaches.
Actually this prisoner swap deal has been in the works for YEARS, not months.
Such a profound level of ignorance and bias. Should we then return to the good ol' days when blacks were routinely and openly discriminated against and bullied at the polls. Yeah, they had it SO much better before LBJ can=me along and screwed things up! Spoken like like a bona fide backwoods uneducated cracker.

It was LBJ from behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll! God, you are a stupid, gullible, misinformed, ignorant, depraved, unlearned moron. I would LOVE to hear your explanation for why you believe such a stupidly crackpot theory.
I won't waste much time on your moronic response.

There were three major causes for suspicion regarding who was behind his assassination, assuming Oswald didn't act alone. And it was not unreasonable to begin with to suspect that he could not have pulled it off without backing from somewhere.. One of them was LBJ, one was the CIA, and the third was the Mafia. There were other areas of suspicion but these were the major ones.

You are woefully ignorant in general but you are especially ignorant here if you haven't informed yourself enough to know that LBJ had a ton of motive and the character to enact a plan. He was no angel. The Warren Commission came to a conclusion but the conclusion was based on incomplete information and the need to come up with an answer because of public pressure. In other words, Oswald very well might have acted alone or there very well might have been someone or something behind him.

Inform yourself before making asinine remarks...or don't, as usual, because who cares what you think. There is a wealth of information out there that isn't purely speculative or based on ill-founded conspiracy theory, although there is enough of that as well.

And I have to also remind you, as usual, to stop trying too hard. Wait until you actually have something to risk making an ass of yourself over, and THEN make an ass of yourself. Try to leave a little doubt about that..
Actually this prisoner swap deal has been in the works for YEARS, not months.
nice link.

I think what you meant to say is that a prisoner swap deal has been discussed for ever since there were these particular prisoners there to swap. Standard procedure. DUH. We are talking about THIS particular deal, the one with such suspect timing.
Ears are super vascular, a paper cut would probably bleed a bunch. Probably got nicked by shrapnel or something else sharp got him during all the chaos.
with everything I've seen and heard, I would bet a bundle on it either being a bit of shrapnel or a very minor brush with his ear that probably felt to him like a hornet sting. I'm not sure how that matters, he was definitely in the assassination danger zone.

I might have missed it...and I admit I've missed a number of posts lately... but I haven't seen you take this opportunity to rage on the allowance of possession of AR-15 type weapons. Hmmm.
Inform yourself before making asinine remarks
I'm much more informed than you'll ever know. I have read proficiently on the topic for 3/4 of my life since I was a young kid. I'll admit, in my youth I fell for the conspiracy theories and actually subscribed to them for a while (thanks, Oliver Stone). Then, I became enlightened. Now, one of my favorite hobbies is debunking JFK conspiracy theorists like you.
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nice link.

I think what you meant to say is that a prisoner swap deal has been discussed for ever since there were these particular prisoners there to swap. Standard procedure. DUH. We are talking about THIS particular deal, the one with such suspect timing.
Thursday’s massive swap was the result of years of complicated behind-the-scenes negotiations involving the US, Russia, Belarus and Germany, ultimately leading Berlin to agree to Moscow’s key demand – releasing convicted Russian assassin Vadim Krasikov.

Spoken like like a bona fide backwoods uneducated cracker. Such a profound level of ignorance and bias. Should we then return to the good ol' days when blacks were routinely and openly discriminated against and bullied at the polls? Yeah, they had it SO much better before LBJ came along and screwed things up!
I just wish there was a time when turds like you didn't put words in peoples mouths or twist their words into meanings not intended.

What I said was that what he pushed through did more harm than good. I never said no good came of it and I said nothing about rolling back to anything. I'll take the good it did but reject the bad. You evidently accept the bad just so you can tout some dem asshole.

And you forget to address the question of why accusations of racism abound even today, possibly even more than they did at the time of LBJ's CRA.

My viewpoint is much like that of my fave president, Teddy Roosevelt. He recognized the racism that existed but understood that you can't legislate ingrained character traits away, particularly not with politically-motivated trash legislation. It takes time and a reasoned approach. Only the entirely clueless say let's take untold centuries worth of prejudice and pass a bill that makes it go away in a year or two.

I also take Morgan Freeman's advice to heart. You want to make racism go away? Stop talking about it. Stop identifying American citizens by race. We are all just citizens.
I'm much more informed than you'll ever know. I have read proficiently on the topic for 3/4 of my life since I was a young kid. I'll admit, in my youth I fell for the conspiracy theories and actually subscribed to them for a while (thanks, Oliver Stone). Then, I became enlightened. Now, one of my favorite hobbies is debunking JFK conspiracy theorists like you.

As for the wealth of information available, I would recommend first reading up on Lee Harvey Oswald and who he was. That is key to understanding the assassination, getting to know the assassin inside and out. These two books I believe are the most thorough on the market:

After you get to know LHO thoroughly, read these:

Word to the wise: Bugliosi's magnum opus is over 1500 pages (the footnotes are included on a CD located at the back of the book) so find a comfortable chair.
I don't need you to urge me to inform myself. I have, and I'm sure as much or more than you, and of course over a longer period of time. I was around when JFK was shot. I saw Jack Ruby shoot LHO on live TV.

I just need you to stop twisting statements into something you think you have an argument against. I was not and will not support any conspiracy theory regarding JFK's assassination or any thing else. My mind doesn't work that way. I will however point out that LBJ had the character and the motivation to involve himself with such an act. That, my ignorant friend, is not in support of any conspiracy theory but rather an indictment of LBJ's character. That's why I used the word 'probably' instead of definitely, as a way of indicating that if his culpability was uncovered, it wouldn't surprise me.

Inform yourself of LBJ's character and get back to me with the expected disingenuous praise for your dem hero.
Thursday’s massive swap was the result of years of complicated behind-the-scenes negotiations involving the US, Russia, Belarus and Germany, ultimately leading Berlin to agree to Moscow’s key demand – releasing convicted Russian assassin Vadim Krasikov.

all you've provided just backs up what I said, that discussions about swapping prisoners goes on as soon as there are prisoners to swap. What made this deal come about was the decision to release Krasikov, something that had never been agreed to before. Get it? It was agreed to NOW in order to make a deal happen where it was never considered doable before in all those years. Sure there were years of negotiation, that's SOP.....but this deal was made recently.
Write a dissertation on frivolous bills proposed by BOTH sides!

The evidence that it works is shown right here, in this discussion. Apparently, you believe that there must be a frequency of newborns being murdered after their mothers give birth, and the doctors and nurses who assisted in the delivery, are also accomplices to these murders. Amirite? That must be the case if there are others trying to guarantee through legislation that such activities be allowed.
there must be something genetic that makes people like you and Heels Noir twist words to your advantage. I have not at any time tried to indicate that such abortions occur with any particular frequency or even at all.. My thrust has ONLY been that there is ample support for the allowance of such abortions. Why don't you honestly argue that instead of of repeating the same strawman and moving the goalposts over and over.
all you've provided just backs up what I said, that discussions about swapping prisoners goes on as soon as there are prisoners to swap. What made this deal come about was the decision to release Krasikov, something that had never been agreed to before. Get it? It was agreed to NOW in order to make a deal happen where it was never considered doable before in all those years. Sure there were years of negotiation, that's SOP.....but this deal was made recently.
So you're sticking with it was all last minute just in time for the election? I suppose you can only appreciate complicated and time-consuming negotiations when Donald Trump is involved. I do like how you pretend to have been there, eyewitness to it all with a stopwatch to time every step of the process as it occurred. You so clevah.
read my post directly above this one of yours.
Trust me, I did. But I learned a long time ago how to recognize flawed conspiracy theorists with biased agendas and you fit the mold perfectly.
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