OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Yes it’s a good design for other purposes. But the original design and purpose was for killing people. There’s absolutely nothing incorrect with stating that.
OK, just ignore my posting of your quote saying that it was designed for the military. All I can do is provide evidence to the contrary as I have already done, and I won't waste any more time doing so. So have it the way you think you want to have it, and I'll try to find a way to somehow live with it.
and just as I knew you would, you verify the second part of my previous post that everything you post is intended to mislead. If you read @nctransplant 's article on this very thing, you'll see that the 'X' or whatever it's called was removed and the misleading title was changed by AP since it did not reflect what Vance's words were conveying AT ALL. But we all know that you know that already.
I didn't read the article he shared but I know it was an AP story. I thought we were talking about MeidasTouch. On their website, which you linked, there isn't an article trying to obfuscate what J.D. Vance said. The headline is truncated but everyone routinely does that for practical purposes.

Instead, the website features the video where Vance made the comment. So rather than a misleading news story, which you're implying, there is only the video so anyone can watch it and see for themself exactly what Vance said and even the tone in which he said it. And make their own judgment.

There is nothing at all misleading about that but I'm sure you'll continue to play contrarian and argue that it was an unfair hit piece.
Seems like we should probably try something other than thoughts and prayers.

I didn't read the article he shared but I know it was an AP story. I thought we were talking about MeidasTouch. On their website, which you linked, there isn't an article trying to obfuscate what J.D. Vance said. The headline is truncated but everyone routinely does that for practical purposes.

Instead, the website features the video where Vance made the comment. So rather than a misleading news story, which you're implying, there is only the video so anyone can watch it and see for themself exactly what Vance said and even the tone in which he said it. And make their own judgment.

There is nothing at all misleading about that but I'm sure you'll continue to play contrarian and argue that it was an unfair hit piece.
I'm a contrarian? LOL, you're just a persistent liar. What I posted in response to your request is exactly what I extracted from the MTN face page. And just as I said, it was the first thing I came across, at the top left. You asked for what there was misleading, and just as indicated in @nctransplants earlier post, the headline of the article/video was the problem. You didn't ask for what was misleading within an article or a video or anything else....I had said misleading and you said 'show me'. And I did exactly that, I showed you a video titled in misleading fashion since the actual words in the video conveyed something entirely different..

But now you want to act like the title could say anything and it isn't misleading because delving into it reveals the truth. You're a joke. Correction, I like a good joke. You're a POS.

But keep coming back at me, I always enjoy pointing out what a lying POS you are....and your words are always there to bear that out.
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I'm a contrarian? LOL, you're just a persistent liar. What I posted in response to your request is exactly what I extracted from the MTN face page. And just as I said, it was the first thing I came across, at the top left. You asked for what there was misleading, and just as indicated in @nctransplants earlier post, the headline of the article/video was the problem. You didn't ask for what was misleading within an article or a video or anything else....I had said misleading and you said 'show me'. And I did exactly that, I showed you a video titled in misleading fashion since the actual words in the video conveyed something entirely different..

But now you want to act like the title could say anything and it isn't misleading because delving into it reveals the truth. You're a joke. Correction, I like a good joke. You're a POS.

But keep coming back at me, I always enjoy pointing out what a lying POS you are....and your words are always there to bear that out.
Pretty sure he's a Russian agent.
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Does that graph indicate the number of school shootings by country in 2024?

2009-2018 I believe. I couldn’t find anywhere that the data had been clearly aggregated and presented for the current numbers. All accounts indicate that the US is a massive outlier and there’s no indication that has changed in any meaningful way since 2018.

Mexico is a close second at 8!

What are the numbers representing? The frequency of school shootings, or number of deaths, or what?

Number of school shooting events. The death count is significantly higher.
I'm a contrarian? LOL, you're just a persistent liar. What I posted in response to your request is exactly what I extracted from the MTN face page. And just as I said, it was the first thing I came across, at the top left. You asked for what there was misleading, and just as indicated in @nctransplants earlier post, the headline of the article/video was the problem. You didn't ask for what was misleading within an article or a video or anything else....I had said misleading and you said 'show me'. And I did exactly that, I showed you a video titled in misleading fashion since the actual words in the video conveyed something entirely different..

But now you want to act like the title could say anything and it isn't misleading because delving into it reveals the truth. You're a joke. Correction, I like a good joke. You're a POS.

But keep coming back at me, I always enjoy pointing out what a lying POS you are....and your words are always there to bear that out.
I see that your vagina is itching again. That must be distracting.
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By the way, @bluetoe, I'm still waiting for you to present me with an example of MeidasTouch's misleading journalism. You're credibility is waning.

I see that your vagina is itching again. That must be distracting.
no need to wait, just refer back to my previous posts where I pointed out what a liar you are and continue to be,
Now do divorce rate and single parent homes.

The United States lands in a four-way tie for spots 9-12 on the list, with an annual divorce rate of 2.7 per 1000 people. In the U.S., Nevada has the highest divorce rate of any state at 14%.

Clearly divorce rates aren't correlated.


The US has the highest rate of children living in single family homes but the difference is marginal. There are several countries that are within a few percentage points, and none of them have anywhere close to the same level of school shootings.

Single parent household rates have also generally declined since around the mid 90's with no correlated decline in school shooting events. In fact they have trended upwards.

The divorce rate / single parent household talking point is an idiotic attempt at obfuscation. Anyone with a functioning brain can figure out that school shootings are much more prevalent in the US primarily because of us having the highest rates of gun ownership in the world with generally lax regulations restricting access to who can own/access firearms.

Every country has troubled teenagers and children growing up in rough households. This is the only country on the planet where those kids regularly get access to firearms and murder their classmates en masse. No other country is even remotely close.


TL;DR version: @nctransplant is an idiot.

Freedom comes at a cost.

Point to the passer @heelmanwilm
Yep... "freedom" comes at the cost of kids being shot-up and murdered in their schools! GOD BLESS AMERICA! Dead kids= freedom! That makes for a nice Hallmark card.

Sucks for them, but dammit we gotta be free. If you need to be able to kill a lot of people in a hurry, in order to have your freedom... I'm not sure that's freedom. Of course, there's no universal definition of freedom. Thank god for that! Freedom through the threat of murder and/or killing other people! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
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no need to wait, just refer back to my previous posts where I pointed out what a liar you are and continue to be,
New challenge: Provide one example where I have lied on this message board. Since you call me a liar just about every time we disagree (which is almost daily), this should be an easy task for you to accomplish. Have at it, Boy Blunder.

I'll match your Gloria Romero and raise you one Dick Cheney.

The United States lands in a four-way tie for spots 9-12 on the list, with an annual divorce rate of 2.7 per 1000 people. In the U.S., Nevada has the highest divorce rate of any state at 14%.

Clearly divorce rates aren't correlated.


The US has the highest rate of children living in single family homes but the difference is marginal. There are several countries that are within a few percentage points, and none of them have anywhere close to the same level of school shootings.

Single parent household rates have also generally declined since around the mid 90's with no correlated decline in school shooting events. In fact they have trended upwards.

The divorce rate / single parent household talking point is an idiotic attempt at obfuscation. Anyone with a functioning brain can figure out that school shootings are much more prevalent in the US primarily because of us having the highest rates of gun ownership in the world with generally lax regulations restricting access to who can own/access firearms.

Every country has troubled teenagers and children growing up in rough households. This is the only country on the planet where those kids regularly get access to firearms and murder their classmates en masse. No other country is even remotely close.


TL;DR version: @nctransplant is an idiot.

Tldr, and gfy catlady!
Hey, @bluetoe, let's see you and the Nebraska Ninny downplay this stupid stunt by J.D. Vance. I'll bet Trump is ready to sic some Proud Boys on this weirdo before he can do anymore damage to the campaign.
"Hang J.D. Vance! Hang J.D. Vance!"

Breaking News

Carlson came under fire after inviting Darryl Cooper, host of The MartyrMade podcast, as a guest on his show—whereupon Cooper proceeded to call Winston Churchill the “chief villain” of World War II, not Adolf Hitler.

It makes sense that Vance doesn’t seem to care about Cooper’s revisionist history, considering that he still follows the Hitler apologist on X.
the weapon was designed and sold to the military as an effecient machine for killing people. Nothing you posted changes that.
@bluetoe has twice shown you the actual, factual history of the AR and you refuse to accept it because you have the opinion above. Which, incidentally, is why I said in the beginning of my last post that I was unlikely to move that opinion. Believe what you will, but you are just wrong on the claimed characteristics you suggest as pistol grips are found on all handguns and a large number of long arms. The same with detachable magazines. These are not in any manner unique or special to the AR platform.

As to the weapon to which you actually mean to refer, the one that was marketed and sold to the military designed for troops, it is not an AR, it is an M-16. It is a far different weapon due to its ability to employ automatic fire. Yes, they look the same to the non-critical eye and yes they can use many of the same components due to the modularity of the design (one of it's main appeals as a platform, actually), but they are two different things.

Nonetheless, your other expressed views recognizing the reality of things and the benefits afforded due to our ability to own firearms is most refreshing.
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New challenge: Provide one example where I have lied on this message board. Since you call me a liar just about every time we disagree (which is almost daily), this should be an easy task for you to accomplish. Have at it, Boy Blunder.
lol, like I'm going to revisit the 100's of times you've been a lying POS, including in this exchange. YOU revisit them.

Your game ain't working, you oblivious fvckhead.. Everybody knows you're a liar. If you deny it, that's just another lie.
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Hey, @bluetoe, let's see you and the Nebraska Ninny downplay this stupid stunt by J.D. Vance. I'll bet Trump is ready to sic some Proud Boys on this weirdo before he can do anymore damage to the campaign.
"Hang J.D. Vance! Hang J.D. Vance!"

Breaking News

Carlson came under fire after inviting Darryl Cooper, host of The MartyrMade podcast, as a guest on his show—whereupon Cooper proceeded to call Winston Churchill the “chief villain” of World War II, not Adolf Hitler.

It makes sense that Vance doesn’t seem to care about Cooper’s revisionist history, considering that he still follows the Hitler apologist on X.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be downplaying. I'm not even sure what you mean by downplaying. Does that mean I don't give a shit that some Nazi was interviewed? Then consider it downplayed, pantsonfire.

Isn't this America? The last time I checked only commies objected to freedom of speech.
Georgia shooters profile said "Kamala 2024 end all MAGA maggots". Wonder why that isn't being reported.
Potentially radicalized trans too. They’re trying to erase that though.
Not that I would doubt either of these assertions because if it doesn't fit the narrative, things tend to not be reported or simply go away. But, do you have this sourced from anywhere? Unlike some others, I don't care to parrot talking points or utilize incorrect quotes simply to make myself feel better.
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Hey @Heels Noir next time you want to parade out your tired vaudeville act about the Foreign War Funding bill that you insist on calling a bipartisan border bill, perhaps you should remember this little admission that came out of Joe. The completely misnamed Inflation Reduction Act was a lie for the believers like yourself to swallow. But then, those that swallow were the targets since the Queen was the deciding vote and was proud of it.

Not that I would doubt either of these assertions because if it doesn't fit the narrative, things tend to not be reported or simply go away. But, do you have this sourced from anywhere? Unlike some others, I don't care to parrot talking points or utilize incorrect quotes simply to make myself feel better.
Check james woods X account.