OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What a poor attempt at a comeback. You may be the worst on here. All the others on here are liberal beta boys but you claim to be conservative. You have true TDS. I guess Kamala's policies(what little we know about them) more align with your values. That says all we need to know about you. You're no more conservative than she is. You are a true emotional, mental midget.
Most of the country wonder why you people can't understand TDS. There is nothing about the man that is best for this country. The biggest mystery is how can you support a man who thinks all of you are stupid enough to fall for him, he has said as much, he makes fun of you. You serve one purpose for this man and it is to keep him out of jail and to send him your hard earned money for Trump sneakers, Trump cards, and Trump bibles.
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Bill Hader Reaction GIF
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Someone told me, recently, that NC chooses its governor and lt. governor like the original plan for president. Whoever gets the most votes is governor an whoever gets the second most is lt. governor. I never took the time to actually find out if it was true or not.
No they are elected separately. Robinson beat some Dem woman 51 to 48 in 2020... despite being a whacko.
the ironiest of ironic ironical ironies... so much

you missed this one by a mile. The left is all about the feels and only about the feels. How else do you explain her support just for saying feelzy, rah rah kind of crap and in spite of all of a sudden flip-flopping and blatantly lying and denying what she up until recently stood for? We have Trump's prior engagement to go by so it doesn't make much difference what he says...we know what we're getting. She can say anything as well, but only because anything beyond her enthusiastic bleeding heart overtures is just lost on the lefty.
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No they are elected separately. Robinson beat some Dem woman 51 to 48 in 2020... despite being a privately under the username minisoldr on Nude Africa, Robinson graphically described his own sexual arousal as an adult from the memory of secretly “peeping” on women in public gym showers as a 14-year-old. Robinson recounted the story as a memory he said he still fantasized about.

“I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered,” Robinson wrote on Nude Africa.

CNN is not publishing the graphic sexual details of Robinson’s story.

Does this sound like Porky's to you??
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“I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered,” Robinson wrote on Nude Africa.

CNN is not publishing the graphic sexual details of Robinson’s story.

Does this sound like Pork's to you??
Lol. Probably a lie. But honestly, a 14 yr old boy peeping at women's showers isn't surprising at all.

you missed this one by a mile. The left is all about the feels and only about the feels. How else do you explain her support just for saying feelzy, rah rah kind of crap and in spite of all of a sudden flip-flopping and blatantly lying and denying what she up until recently stood for? We have Trump's prior engagement to go by so it doesn't make much difference what he says...we know what we're getting. She can say anything as well, but only because anything beyond her enthusiastic bleeding heart overtures is just lost on the lefty.
You'll get a LOVE emoji for this...

btw, it's quite clear that it "makes no difference what he says"... or does, or says he will do. I agree with that! You're not emotional... no way! lol

It's hilarious how you "MEN" are so scared of every fvcking thing that is somehow culturally "un-manly." Men don't act-out emotionally? The hell you say. Every war that was ever started was started by men... acting-out emotionally! Which is perfectly understandable. Men are emotional... always have been, always will be. Until AI takes over, I mean.
Most of the country wonder why you people can't understand TDS. There is nothing about the man that is best for this country. The biggest mystery is how can you support a man who thinks all of you are stupid enough to fall for him, he has said as much, he makes fun of you. You serve one prepose for this man and it is to keep him out of jail and to send him your hard earned money for Trump sneakers, Trump cards, and Trump bibles.

TDS only exist in his supporters.
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A black man wanting slavery to come back is like a Rabbi hoping the Nazis gain power in the United States. That doesn't make sense. Do Neo-Nazi groups allow black members? I think that's sort of a hard-No on admission... unless...


Apparently the Republicans knew about the skeletons but hid from them since they knew Trump was going to endorse him regardless.
a) how incredibly short-sighted, to do something only to appease Trump rather than to win the governorship (and other parts of the ballot) . Cult.

b) they are cool w this nutball being the Governor of the state, if so, wtf? Or did they ignore b) cuz of a), if so, cult.
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He’s the black MLK
On steroids. I guess that could be accurate. I dunno what MLK Jr on steroids would be like.

Maybe it's just me, but Mark Robinson's southern accent just doesn't sound authentic to me... sounds like he tries to exaggerate it, or something. I read he was opposed to abortion under any and all circumstances... no exceptions. Then, I read he paid for an abortion for his wife? Maybe that was traumatic for him.
Matt Gaetz says, "Hold my beer".

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eye-witness testimonies.

One eye witness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy… and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

Apparently the Republicans knew about the skeletons but hid from them since they knew Trump was going to endorse him regardless.
a) how incredibly short-sided, to do something only to appease Trump rather than to win the governorship (and other parts of the ballot) . Cult.

b) they are cool w this nutball being the Governor of the state, if so, wtf? Or did they ignore b) cuz of a), if so, cult.

It’s “short-sighted”, genius. Not short-sided.
Apparently the Republicans knew about the skeletons but hid from them since they knew Trump was going to endorse him regardless.
a) how incredibly short-sided, to do something only to appease Trump rather than to win the governorship (and other parts of the ballot) . Cult.

b) they are cool w this nutball being the Governor of the state, if so, wtf? Or did they ignore b) cuz of a), if so, cult.
The national GOP supports him, not just here in NC. Hell, he spoke at the RNC this summer!
Matt Gaetz says, "Hold my beer".

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eye-witness testimonies.

One eye witness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy… and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

Damn, sounds like a rager. I remember those days. Good times.
Matt Gaetz says, "Hold my beer".

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eye-witness testimonies.

One eye witness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy… and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.

That’s a tues night in Carolina beach
Apparently you can't comprehend what he said. Which is why you still are confused to the meaning of words like "nonviable".

Sorry for pointing out that you were led to believe utter nonsense.
It is you who is having trouble with comprehension, or are just too entrenched to admit the folly of your argument. The man's own words speak about an "infant" being born and only then deciding what to do with it. Viability has nothing to do with the fact that once the infant has been born, it is a baby and a human being. Doing something to end it's life at that point is not abortion because the pregnancy has already ended through the act of delivery. By definition, there is no longer any pregnancy and as such, there is no ability whatsoever to perform an abortion. Period. Accept that. End of lesson.

Now, if your point is that you don't need to do anything to end the baby's life because the child will die of natural causes as it is "nonviable", then you should just say that. Babies, sadly, die of natural causes all the time and that's an entirely different topic from the act of ending a pregnancy through abortion. But, just stop with the insanity of arguing that a baby that has been born can be killed, it's justified because it was nonviable, and we can all feel better because we'll artificially categorize it as "abortion". You're doing a disservice to everyone involved and undercutting your own cause. Taking your line of thinking and word salad along its logical line, you'll probably eventually try to tell me that what happened twice in the last two months is perfectly fine and a non-issue because someone was simply trying to perform an abortion on our former president.
Despite your partisanship and bias, don't lower yourself to the equivalent of our resident meme poster. Do better.
I think you are trying to have your cake and eat it too, while donning a tinfoil hat.
It sounds conspiratorial that they're "saving" something for later. Don't you think it is respectable that they "bit their tongue" and haven't reported the details? It has been 2 months.
No one is suggesting that they didn't do the right thing by not publishing the emails (or whatever it is). I never said or implied that. What I was pointing out was that they didn't simply get the info and shred it without ever looking at it. They got them and now have the benefit of all that inside info. They have poured over every detail and they will use that information in future reporting. Suppose they know from the emails that Melania is banging the pool boy. You really think they wouldn't do everything in their power to get an interview/video with the pool boy and then confront orange with such information? Ultimately, they would do a scandalized report and the information would be out there, but they would never have known to even talk to the pool boy without the leaked info. But you think it's having my cake and eating it too just because they don't print the actual email about the pool boy? I know you followed this originally and just wanted to prop up your vaunted legacy media to act as if they are not biased.
On July 22, POLITICO began receiving emails from an anonymous account. Over the course of the past few weeks, the person — who used an AOL email account and identified themselves only as “Robert” — relayed what appeared to be internal communications from a senior Trump campaign official. A research dossier the campaign had apparently done on Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, which was dated Feb. 23, was included in the documents. The documents are authentic, according to two people familiar with them and granted anonymity to describe internal communications. One of the people described the dossier as a preliminary version of Vance’s vetting file.

National Intelligence, FBI and CISA say it was Iran

But it certainly could've been KH's operative if you think she's willing to royally screw-up her her chance just to put down the couch-fvcker.
Again, I never said this. We agree and no one disputes that Iran was who originally hacked into Trump's emails. The issue that I raised was the identity or purposes behind this anonymous account identified only as "Robert". My point was that Robert could be an Iranian hacker, OR, it could be someone related to the Harris campaign who provided the information to the three media sources. Let's flip the script. You're telling me if something equivalent happened in the other direction, you would continue to argue that it was surely a Russian/North Korea hacker versus someone from the world of Trump who gave Newsmax copies of Harris' emails? Get outta here. Lastly, I noticed you didn't address and you don't seem to find it the least bit odd that your claim of it being released to all of media was bs and it was conveniently only released to your three very close friends of NYT, WP and Politico?
Lol. Probably a lie. But honestly, a 14 yr old boy peeping at women's showers isn't surprising at all.
Agreed. I'd think it would be weirder if a 14 yr old boy wasn't or at least wasn't wanting to peep at women's showers to which he has access. I don't live in NC, so I don't know this guy at all and can't speak to personal observation on him. This is from the article you linked on CNN:

Publicly, Robinson has fiercely argued that people should use bathrooms only that correspond to the gender they were assigned at birth. He’s also said transgender women should be arrested for using women’s restrooms.

“If you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested, or whatever we gotta do to you,” Robinson said at a campaign rally in February 2024. “We’re going to protect our women.”

Yet privately under the username minisoldr on Nude Africa, Robinson graphically described his own sexual arousal as an adult from the memory of secretly “peeping” on women in public gym showers as a 14-year-old. Robinson recounted the story as a memory he said he still fantasized about.

That just seems highly inconsistent and a conflation of issues that CNN is using to attack him. Speaking on the issue of transgender and how that should be addressed is not the same as the desires of a 14 year old boy, or even the memory of a 14 yr old boy, being excited by surreptitiously looking at women in the shower. Regardless of how you land on the issue, transgenders are not using the biologically reverse bathroom because it arouses them to see the sex with which they identify. On the other hand, men enjoying the sight of naked women is a pretty consistent reality of human existence. The entire logic of connecting these topics in this fashion completely undermines the argument in favor of recognizing the plight of trans and CNN should have their knuckles whacked for doing so.

I also am having trouble following the logic of a black man wanting to bring back slavery. He's denied it all and has indicated that he isn't dropping out, despite the wonderful links indicating otherwise. I may have to pay attention now.