OOTB's Political Thread . ..

and there you go, embarrassingly and pathetically relying on your usual need to take words out of context to try to save face. Next, you'll be whimpering, as usual, because I pointed out what a weak-assed liar you are.

The best part of all this is your insistence on giving me opportunities to trash you, and then whining when I do exactly that.
Dang blueballs, take your spanking like a man.
Dang blueballs, take your spanking like a man.

and? He's wrong. Many people are, both dems and anti-Trump republicans.

Why don't you be honest and acknowledge that 1) this bill wasn't necessary in order to help secure the border and that 2) the bill in question was NOT very suitable for that purpose.

watch this FULL video

THEN, I'll point out the obvious to you, which is to say that it is lunacy to contend that republicans are unwilling to vote to secure the border. If republicans weren't demanding it, the failed bill would never have been written. As it is at this point, any republican-generated legislature that adequately addresses the issue wouldn't likely get the support of even a single dem. Any dem-generated legislature would be written to further the dem agenda.

No one is saying that there have not been political considerations involved, but the basic problem with the bill in question was the bill itself.

And meanwhile, it would have been nice if the video you supplied wasn't truncated (not by you). Hmmm.
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@poopondook never agreed that his comment was obscure enough to be translated any number of ways. The simple truth is you opened your piehole once too often in an attempt to rebuff @prlyles and you got busted in the process.
LMAO. You call that being busted? You did everything but lick my taint, and that's only because my balls got in the way.

And LMAO again, at how idiotic you are being to try to argue based on what @pooponduke didn't agree on. He agreed on what was necessary in order to counter your previous idiocy, which was to say that no one agreed with me. I'm pretty sure I didn't contend that his post was obscure in any way, so I'm not sure how he could have agreed on that. That doesn't keep you from trying to suggest it though, does it?
Dang blueballs, take your spanking like a man.
lol, if it wasn't for wishful thinking, you'd have no thoughts at all.

I just pointed out that only my balls getting in the way kept him from licking my taint. I failed to point out that your face was blocking the other avenue. My bad.
Every week the polls look a little better for Kamala the before. And every week Trump and his folks keep saying the quiet parts out loud.
and? He's wrong. Many people are, both dems and anti-Trump republicans.

Why don't you be honest and acknowledge that 1) this bill wasn't necessary in order to help secure the border and that 2) the bill in question was NOT very suitable for that purpose.

watch this FULL video

THEN, I'll point out the obvious to you, which is to say that it is lunacy to contend that republicans are unwilling to vote to secure the border. If republicans weren't demanding it, the failed bill would never have been written. As it is at this point, any republican-generated legislature that adequately addresses the issue wouldn't likely get the support of even a single dem. Any dem-generated legislature would be written to further the dem agenda.

No one is saying that there have not been political considerations involved, but the basic problem with the bill in question was the bill itself.

And meanwhile, it would have been nice if the video you supplied wasn't truncated (not by you). Hmmm.

Dude. Lol.

I've gotten to where I really appreciate Megyn Kelly. This agrees with my earlier post.

This is literally what trump says to every question. Of course he also couples his answer with an imaginary quote from imaginary people to clown his uneducated marks.
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Every week the polls look a little better for Kamala the before. And every week Trump and his folks keep saying the quiet parts out loud.

Among voters between 18 and 29 years old, this is the group that turned out in record numbers in 2020 and which many pundits attribute as the primary reason Joe Biden was elected.

Dude. Lol.

This is literally what trump says to every question. Of course he also couples his answer with an imaginary quote from imaginary people to clown his uneducated marks.
nice response. Spend a lot of time on that?

Are you really not aware that empty responses like yours is like saying 'yeah you're right but I just don't want to admit it'
Kamala Harris falsely accused CBP agents of whipping illegal immigrants and compared ICE to white supremacy, and now she’s strutting around praising them and pretending she has their back.Disgusting politics.
Was she reading that from a teleprompter or being fed the answer through her earpiece-earring?
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Was she reading that from a teleprompter or being fed the answer through her earpiece-earring?
I doubt it. Libs create many of their lies spontaneously. That ability was developed out of need, and is now inherent to the ideology.
This is literally what trump says to every question. Of course he also couples his answer with an imaginary quote from imaginary people to clown his uneducated marks.
lol dummy, what was posted was a clip of Kamala caught not knowing which end is up. What does Trump have to do with her stammering, witless, non-answer? Or are you saying that Trump says we just have to raise corporate taxes so they pay their 'fair share'?
Maybe you should be paying more attention to what goes on around you.
I'm sure your elders were saying the same thing about you back in the day. The only difference is they were correct.
of course they were, speaking in generalities.. That's why it was so incredibly stupid that dems seriously suggested not that long ago that the voting age should be lowered to 'infant'.
of course they were, speaking in generalities.. That's why it was so incredibly stupid that dems seriously suggested not that long ago that the voting age should be lowered to 'infant'.
I don't believe I was talking to you, yellowbelly.

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