OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Danica Patrick must have crashed without a helmet back in her racin' days. It's no surprise she's climbed aboard the Trump-Vance train:


Says NCTrans...

Season 2 Lol GIF by Insecure on HBO
Speaking of a minuscule amount of knowledge, aren't you the one who was trying to bet during the midterms with another poster and you wanted to put your money on Walker over Warnock and Oz over Fetterman?
Do you lose your shorts often?
I was, and I did. With @blazers . I lost that bet, and I paid up in full. I lose a shit ton of bets, but I manage to win slightly more than I lose, so I consider it a profitable endeavor. Sometimes I make bets that I'm pretty sure I'll lose because I let my mouth write checks that I need to cash - wouldn't want everyone thinking I'm a bitch boi for backing down off my claims like has happened to you around here.
We must be watching two different interviews. Either that or you're simply too stubbornly dumb to admit to the truth like JD Vance.
please point out in what way my description varies from the reality of the video. I can save you some time and further doesn't. Or if you prefer to indulge in further self-ridicule, give us your version of her press to extract the answer she was obviously seeking to obtain.

And answering the way he did afforded him the opportunity to express a problem with the election, and he could have offered the FBI inexplicably downplaying the laptop as Russian disinformation when they knew damn well it wasn't. I'm not sure how anyone can see that somehow working against him. The way he calmly fielded her insistent pointedness gets him bonus points.
please point out in what way my description varies from the reality of the video.
Lulu Garcia-Navarro, whom you are suggesting is not a "decent journalist," studied at Georgetown University and received her master's degree in journalism from City University in London, and she is a 25-year veteran and winner of both the Edward R. Murrow Award and the Peabody Award. So we can now add journalism to the list of things you are completely ignorant about.

Anytime an interviewee avoids answering a simple, point-blank question by either trying to change the subject or answering the question with their own question, a good journalist will press the issue and ask the question as many times as necessary to get an answer. This is, in fact, an example of good journalistic discipline. I'm sure if a journalist uses this same tactic with someone like, say, Kamala Harris, for you that would validate the journalist as a professional in the field. But let a journalist ask tough questions repeatedly to JD Vance, who is obviously dodging the question, and suddenly the journalist is acting indecently.

For such an old man, you have little to no wisdom.
You guys should read your own articles before spreading more disinformation.

"Facebook did not completely ban sharing of the article, but instead limited how much its algorithm automatically shared it to other people for a week, while third-party fact-checkers tried to verify the reporting."
I don't know that I have a big problem with Musk throwing his weight behind Trump. I don't like that it could help Trump win, of course, and it affirms that Elon isn't someone anyone with a brain should admire. But is it legally or morally wrong?

That said, efforts like these should certainly be considered campaign contributions. We need a way to reasonably assess the value of that kind of message manipulation. In principle, it's similar to advertising, and advertising isn't free.

Of course campaign contributions have very few restrictions since Citizens United, but we should at least be able to know what the dark money is doing.
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Okay, from the BBC link:

"Facebook did not completely ban sharing of the article, but instead limited how much its algorithm automatically shared it to other people for a week, while third-party fact-checkers tried to verify the reporting.

So while people could post the article and discuss it, it was less likely to spread organically to new users."

That hardly sounds like silencing the public, to me.

First of all, that’s censorship. Period. Don’t try to dress it up. And that’s what they’re admitting to. COVID is another. I can only imagine what else is soon to be discovered.

This is how it always goes. First, “we didn’t do that!” Then, “what we did really isn’t that bad!” ( you are here). Next is, “we’re saving democracy!” Lastly, “this needs to be done and if you don’t agree, you’re a threat!”
thanks for showing us this perfectly reasonable response to an interviewer trying her best to put her subject in a corner to get the answer she wanted out of him. I am impressed by the eloquence of his retort to what she wanted to insinuate, which is that the election was contested for no other reason then that it was not won by Trump. There are good reasons that that election should be contested, and he gave one very good one..

That being said, I repeat what I've already said; which is that he should have conceded, just for appearances if nothing else. But the election as it was executed was bogus.

Here's Vance being every bit the delusional cultists as you. Of course, he doesn't really believe what he's saying.

First of all, that’s censorship. Period. Don’t try to dress it up. And that’s what they’re admitting to. COVID is another. I can only imagine what else is soon to be discovered.

This is how it always goes. First, “we didn’t do that!” Then, “what we did really isn’t that bad!” ( you are here). Next is, “we’re saving democracy!” Lastly, “this needs to be done and if you don’t agree, you’re a threat!”
I don't think they should have suppressed it. I don't own FB or Twitter or any of the social media platforms. If the people who own them decide to impose rules, or suspend accounts, or dialogue, that's their choice. I don't agree with it, but they don't ask me. However, they apparently allowed the discussions to continue, and finally lifted any suppressive actions.

"Covid is another?" What does that mean? Another what?

Misinformation is a thing, and there's no objective definition of what it, we're stuck with it.
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Lulu Garcia-Navarro, whom you are suggesting is not a "decent journalist," studied at Georgetown University and received her master's degree in journalism from City University in London, and she is a 25-year veteran and winner of both the Edward R. Murrow Award and the Peabody Award. So we can now add journalism to the list of things you are completely ignorant about.

Anytime an interviewee avoids answering a simple, point-blank question by either trying to change the subject or answering the question with their own question, a good journalist will press the issue and ask the question as many times as necessary to get an answer. This is, in fact, an example of good journalistic discipline. I'm sure if a journalist uses this same tactic with someone like, say, Kamala Harris, for you that would validate the journalist as a professional in the field. But let a journalist ask tough questions repeatedly to JD Vance, who is obviously dodging the question, and suddenly the journalist is acting indecently.

For such an old man, you have little to no wisdom.
you're just a moron, of course, and a stulted, one-way sort of person....a message board hack, if you will. I don't think I just told anybody anything they don't already know, but I enjoy pointing it out anyway.

Credentials don't make someone a good journalist; how they conduct themselves and doing what a journalist should do is what matters. The phenomenon we have been witnessing for the past number of years now is yellow journalism disguised as what is ostensibly top-notch journalism just because the journalists are well-credentialed and have prestigious jobs. But they more and more conduct themselves like journalistic hacks and political hatchet men, taking it on themselves to force their agendas down our throats and pandering to a particular audience instead of trying to present unpainted reality for us to make of it what we will.

And that's the rub for me. Be a decent journalist and just let me have the black and the white of it, and not a force-fed version of what you think the world should be like and who the bad guys are who don't happen to see it that way. I don't care about left or right in that regard, just ask a question and get an answer and I'll take it from there. I'm smart enough to see when an answer has been avoided and when it has been qualified and I don't need to be insulted by some condescending , well-credentialed asshole who thinks only her view and scoring points with the leftist audience should be what matters. 'Ha, I'm a leftist heroine because I got in a shot at orange man'.

In this case, the answer being sought was a trap because the question of non-certification had already been likened to outright rebellion and the end of democracy by the usual media hacks and leftist zealots like you. A deaf and blind man could tell that that is what she was driving at. No one of right mind would blame Vance for qualifying the answer in skillfully dodging the trap.

And you and your ilk are oblivious to the fact that that is why Trump has so much support. You and other dolts talk about Trump cults, but the fact is that if there's a cult, it's the cult of being fed up with one-way journalism that happens to be AIMED at Trump...and leftist politicians and officials undemocratically weaponizing their positions.

So you ridicule my wisdom (while attempting your usual pathetic, low-life, ad hominem cheap shot) and ironically you display none yourself. You say I would react differently if the same tactic was used on Kamala Harris, yet we wouldn't know if that's true because the same tactic isn't used on Kamala Harris although if ever such a tactic was justified, it would be with her and her reluctance to face a tough question. All I want is fair and balanced reporting, not editorializing interviews. Not so with you, because fairness and honesty isn't in your playbook.

The truth is, you're just excusing this (predictably, of course) because it involved the Trump bid for the presidency that you always want to see put in a bad light..
More often than not, it does. Which further illustrates your ignorance.
to say 'more often than not' actually confirms my posit and shows your ignorance. If there is a 'more often' and a 'not', there is a distinction, and that distinction is determined by performance rather than credentials, which is exactly what I'm saying. Performance...that is, actual journalism and not just what makes a journalist a good journalist or a poor one. I can't think of an example off the top of my head but there can be excellent journalists with no conducive background and no formal training whatsoever. By the same token, good journalists with excellent credentials and admirable track records can become trash overnight by performing poorly.. There are good examples of that with Dan Rather first coming to mind.

You've tried too hard once again.
to say 'more often than not' actually confirms my posit and shows your ignorance. If there is a 'more often' and a 'not', there is a distinction, and that distinction is determined by performance rather than credentials, which is exactly what I'm saying. Performance...that is, actual journalism and not just what makes a journalist a good journalist or a poor one. I can't think of an example off the top of my head but there can be excellent journalists with no conducive background and no formal training whatsoever. By the same token, good journalists with excellent credentials and admirable track records can become trash overnight by performing poorly.. There are good examples of that with Dan Rather first coming to mind.

You've tried too hard once again.
I'm pretty confident you have never heard of this journalist before now, so I doubt you've had the opportunity to read any of her material. My post wasn't about generalities. It was specifically about this one journalist and your anguish over her "performance" during this one interview where she pushed JD Vance for answers. You're simply mislabeling someone because they far exceed your pathetic, third-grade standards.
you're just a moron, of course, and a stulted, one-way sort of person....a message board hack, if you will. I don't think I just told anybody anything they don't already know, but I enjoy pointing it out anyway.

Credentials don't make someone a good journalist; how they conduct themselves and doing what a journalist should do is what matters. The phenomenon we have been witnessing for the past number of years now is yellow journalism disguised as what is ostensibly top-notch journalism just because the journalists are well-credentialed and have prestigious jobs. But they more and more conduct themselves like journalistic hacks and political hatchet men, taking it on themselves to force their agendas down our throats and pandering to a particular audience instead of trying to present unpainted reality for us to make of it what we will.

And that's the rub for me. Be a decent journalist and just let me have the black and the white of it, and not a force-fed version of what you think the world should be like and who the bad guys are who don't happen to see it that way. I don't care about left or right in that regard, just ask a question and get an answer and I'll take it from there. I'm smart enough to see when an answer has been avoided and when it has been qualified and I don't need to be insulted by some condescending , well-credentialed asshole who thinks only her view and scoring points with the leftist audience should be what matters. 'Ha, I'm a leftist heroine because I got in a shot at orange man'.

In this case, the answer being sought was a trap because the question of non-certification had already been likened to outright rebellion and the end of democracy by the usual media hacks and leftist zealots like you. A deaf and blind man could tell that that is what she was driving at. No one of right mind would blame Vance for qualifying the answer in skillfully dodging the trap.

And you and your ilk are oblivious to the fact that that is why Trump has so much support. You and other dolts talk about Trump cults, but the fact is that if there's a cult, it's the cult of being fed up with one-way journalism that happens to be AIMED at Trump...and leftist politicians and officials undemocratically weaponizing their positions.

So you ridicule my wisdom (while attempting your usual pathetic, low-life, ad hominem cheap shot) and ironically you display none yourself. You say I would react differently if the same tactic was used on Kamala Harris, yet we wouldn't know if that's true because the same tactic isn't used on Kamala Harris although if ever such a tactic was justified, it would be with her and her reluctance to face a tough question. All I want is fair and balanced reporting, not editorializing interviews. Not so with you, because fairness and honesty isn't in your playbook.

The truth is, you're just excusing this (predictably, of course) because it involved the Trump bid for the presidency that you always want to see put in a bad light..
Racist Grandpap rambling about his delusions.

"Illegal immigrants are eating all the best food and drinking all of the alcohol. They're causing all the traffic. They're stealing all the money. They're poisoning the blood. They're forcing all the children to get sex changes and abortions. Illegal immigrants are buying all the guns and breathing all of the air. You can't even go for a walk. They're like locusts, they fly from field to field, eating all the crops."
Here's Michael Moore's take. Could generate some fun discussion. Personally I'm not as optimistic as he is.

Right now, if you know how to really read the polls, or if you have access to the various private and internal polling being conducted by and shared only amongst the elites, Wall Street, and Members of Congress, then you already know that this election was over weeks ago. Trump simply refused to believe that “Sleepy Joe” was no longer his opponent and that there was instead “some woman” claiming she was “Black” who was now going to pummel him on Election Day. He soon became unhinged, ranted for hours about Hannibal Lecter, Haitians cannibalizing your pets, and a nonstop drone of oral diarrhea spewing misogyny, racism and essentially claiming that if he loses “it will be the Jews’ fault.”​

"Illegal immigrants are eating all the best food and drinking all of the alcohol. They're causing all the traffic. They're stealing all the money. They're poisoning the blood. They're forcing all the children to get sex changes and abortions. Illegal immigrants are buying all the guns and breathing all of the air. You can't even go for a walk. They're like locusts, they fly from field to field, eating all the crops."
Nicely illustrating Michael Moore's point.
"An aggregate of top polls as of today shows that Harris will defeat Trump in the Electoral College count by 270 to 268."

Explaining why Lindsey Graham went to Nebraska and tried to get them to go back to winner-take-all in the Electoral College.

If the Nebraska district that usually goes blue is subsumed by the red, then the EC vote will be 269-269 and the President will be selected by the House - meaning Trump wins.
David Brooks, on PBS News last night, opined that the Dems may regret not picking Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as Kamala's VP.

Maybe, but you can bet the Rs would have been smearing him mercilessly. So who knows?

Shapiro might secure Pennsylvania, but also might lose Michigan. PA has 4 more Electoral College votes, so that could look like a smart tradeoff if the dust settles into a close EC win for Trump with Walz as VP.
You libs are rich. Harris hasn't answered a question the whole time. She's bobbed and weaved the whole time. And when she finally was asked some serious questions the lib media edited the shitty answer. And Michael Moore, lmfao at that fat slob.
"An aggregate of top polls as of today shows that Harris will defeat Trump in the Electoral College count by 270 to 268."

Explaining why Lindsey Graham went to Nebraska and tried to get them to go back to winner-take-all in the Electoral College.

If the Nebraska district that usually goes blue is subsumed by the red, then the EC vote will be 269-269 and the President will be selected by the House - meaning Trump wins.
I wouldn't worry about the race for the White House coming down to an electoral vote or two. The margin will be wider than that. Michael Moore is correct -- Trump lost this race some time ago.
"Illegal immigrants are eating all the best food and drinking all of the alcohol. They're causing all the traffic. They're stealing all the money. They're poisoning the blood. They're forcing all the children to get sex changes and abortions. Illegal immigrants are buying all the guns and breathing all of the air. You can't even go for a walk. They're like locusts, they fly from field to field, eating all the crops."

In my neighborhood (among others), we have an African, Salvatorian, Jamaican, Trinidadian, and Izbekistani restaurant. They are forcing us to eat amazing cuisine...
I'm pretty confident you have never heard of this journalist before now, so I doubt you've had the opportunity to read any of her material. My post wasn't about generalities. It was specifically about this one journalist and your anguish over her "performance" during this one interview where she pushed JD Vance for answers. You're simply mislabeling someone because they far exceed your pathetic, third-grade standards.
lol, your copout is so typically transparent. True I am not familiar with the journalist in question other than what I saw of her interview, and that interview is what I was basing my remarks on and only what I was basing my remarks on simply because we were not talking about anything else UNTIL YOU made your 'more often than not' generality about credentials.

You may have been applying that to the interviewer in question but still it was a simpleton notion, tellingly made in a general way, which I quashed; as it applied in general and thereby in regard to the woman in question.

Too bad you didn't read more of my post, you missed an opportunity to see what a fool you make of yourself when you try too hard. You're fool enough when you do that, but even more so when you try to retreat without looking like one.
Kamala vs Trump - Economic Plans

Democratic presidential nominee and sitting vice president Kamala Harris has promised to continue the economic policies of the Biden-Harris administration and focus on cutting costs for families. She has called for a federal law against price gouging on groceries during times of crisis, cutting taxes for families, and enabling Medicare to pay for home health aides. She has proposed $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers and promised to work with the private sector to build 3 million new housing units by the end of her first term.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which focuses on the direct effect of policies on the federal debt, estimated that Harris’s plans would add $3.5 trillion to the debt.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has promised to extend his 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations and to impose a 10% to 20% tariff across the board on imported goods and a 60% tariff on goods from China. Tariffs are taxes paid by American consumers, and economists predict such tariffs would cost an average family more than $2,600 a year. Overall, the effect of these policies would be to shift the weight of taxation even further toward middle-class and lower-class Americans and away from the wealthy.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that these plans would add $7.5 trillion to the debt.


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