OOTB's Political Thread . ..

This was last week;

“No transgender, no operations — you know, they take your kid — there are some places, your boy leaves for school, comes back a girl. Okay? Without parental consent.” He added, “At first, when I was told that was actually happening, I said, you know, it’s an exaggeration. No: it happens. It happens. There are areas where it happens.”

Then last night on rogan;

“Who would want to have — there’s so many — the transgender operations: where they’re allowed to take your child when he goes to school and turn him into a male — to a female — without parental consent.”

So is there anyone out there wanna tell me trump doesn’t actually believe this and is just exxagerating?

If you dropped your son off at school and then take girl home- you took the wrong kid.

Trumptards are equal parts morons and mentally ill.
This was last week;

“No transgender, no operations — you know, they take your kid — there are some places, your boy leaves for school, comes back a girl. Okay? Without parental consent.” He added, “At first, when I was told that was actually happening, I said, you know, it’s an exaggeration. No: it happens. It happens. There are areas where it happens.”

Then last night on rogan;

“Who would want to have — there’s so many — the transgender operations: where they’re allowed to take your child when he goes to school and turn him into a male — to a female — without parental consent.”

So is there anyone out there wanna tell me trump doesn’t actually believe this and is just exxagerating?
this is a good polling place
is this growing chorus something new to your experience?

Sure you can always find some insiders and experts who will dump on their former employer or leader, but I'm pretty sure this level of defection is unprecedented. Is there any reason to believe that's an incorrect assessment?

OTOH, a loud chorus of well-regarded critics is not actually a guarantee that Trump will be awful in his 2nd term. But I for one would rather not risk it.

Why are you willing to risk it?
Trump will only be a risk to the nation and the world for a short interval. Whether by resignation, death, or 25th amendment, he'll be gone within the year.

JD Vance will be our President. Even less well-known than Kamala and also not voted onto the ticket. But he'll do the bidding of the rich and powerful.

That's the only reason why the plutocrats are backing Trump. Trump himself is too nutty and reckless. But easing him out solves that problem.


Democracy Dies in Darkness

Ann Telnaes cartoon on The Post not endorsing a presidential candidate.


The case for Donald Trump is “I erroneously think the economy used to be better? I know that he has made many ominous-sounding threats about mass deportations, going after his political enemies, shutting down the speech of those who disagree with him (especially media outlets), and that he wants to make things worse for almost every category of person — people with wombs, immigrants, transgender people, journalists, protesters, people of color — but … maybe he’ll forget.”

“But maybe he’ll forget” is not enough to hang a country on!

Trump will only be a risk to the nation and the world for a short interval. Whether by resignation, death, or 25th amendment, he'll be gone within the year.

JD Vance will be our President. Even less well-known than Kamala and also not voted onto the ticket. But he'll do the bidding of the rich and powerful.

That's the only reason why the plutocrats are backing Trump. Trump himself is too nutty and reckless. But easing him out solves that problem.
You think so? I dunno... he's got longevity in his genes. That 25th Amendment crap has about as much of a chance as his impeachment attempts.
He's definitely showing some decline. But, he still knows how to put on a good show!
Every Trump voter sat back and watched a violent mob try to overthrow American democracy based entirely on Trump's lies and thought to themselves "I fully support this and I will vote for this man again." This is just one reason why every current Trump voter is an irredeemable PoS

liberal mindlessness is the biggest problem this country faces. Thanks for the example.
This was last week;

“No transgender, no operations — you know, they take your kid — there are some places, your boy leaves for school, comes back a girl. Okay? Without parental consent.” He added, “At first, when I was told that was actually happening, I said, you know, it’s an exaggeration. No: it happens. It happens. There are areas where it happens.”

Then last night on rogan;

“Who would want to have — there’s so many — the transgender operations: where they’re allowed to take your child when he goes to school and turn him into a male — to a female — without parental consent.”

So is there anyone out there wanna tell me trump doesn’t actually believe this and is just exxagerating?
I'm your huckleberry. Not sure what exactly being somebody's huckleberry entails, so of course there would be the usual exclusions and exceptions, etc., etc..

one 'x', two 'g's' BTW. No charge. You're welcome.

Sure you can always find some insiders and experts who will dump on their former employer or leader, but I'm pretty sure this level of defection is unprecedented. Is there any reason to believe that's an incorrect assessment?

OTOH, a loud chorus of well-regarded critics is not actually a guarantee that Trump will be awful in his 2nd term. But I for one would rather not risk it.

Why are you willing to risk it?
two good reasons 1) Kamala Harris, and 2) Kamala Harris. She is an obvious zero, and it is incredible to me that she garners the favor of half of our electorate. That isn't hyperbole. I truly find it bizarre that anyone in their right mind would vote for her. She has no business whatsoever being our president. It isn't because she's a woman and it isn't because of her's because she has no substance, and she has no idea what she's even talking about. Running the greatest country in the world has to require more than the ability to avoid answering even the easy questions, and mouthing platitudinous word salads. And just look at her track record. Sleepy said she was in on what occurred in his term as much as he was. You want more of that? Seriously? What's wrong with you?

She reminds me of Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite when he addresses the student body to try to get himself elected class president. Having no idea what to say, Napoleon says 'just tell them that if they vote for you, all their wildest dreams will come true'. And that's what he does and that's basically what she does. How do people fall for empty promises like that?

And of course a third good reason is I was happy with Trump's first term and I don't have any reason to think he'll be any worse this time, and very possibly far better. Depends on if the dems carry out another obstruction campaign.
this guy says what I have said many times, but no one seems to get it. When demlibs target blacks as being in special need, they are essentially saying that black people aren't capable of taking care of themselves. When demlibs target people as racists whose words people of color need to be protected from, they are essentially saying that the things racists say about people of color are true. If we contend that black people are as good as white people are, which I do, then how does it make sense to treat them as less than white people while stupidly claiming some kind of moral superiority...because what you are exhibiting is intellectual INferiority as well as a latent racism.

This is America, the land of freedom.. White people don't have to like black people. Black people don't have to like white people. No one has to like anything. That's how it is supposed to work. That's freedom. But white people and black people have to treat each other as equals. That's also how it's supposed to work, and that's how freedom is upheld, and that's how we learn to respect each other as equals.

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two good reasons 1) Kamala Harris, and 2) Kamala Harris. She is an obvious zero, and it is incredible to me that she garners the favor of half of our electorate. That isn't hyperbole. I truly find it bizarre that anyone in their right mind would vote for her. She has no business whatsoever being our president. It isn't because she's a woman and it isn't because of her's because she has no substance, and she has no idea what she's even talking about. Running the greatest country in the world has to require more than the ability to avoid answering even the easy questions, and mouthing platitudinous word salads. And just look at her track record. Sleepy said she was in on what occurred in his term as much as he was. You want more of that? Seriously? What's wrong with you?

She reminds me of Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite when he addresses the student body to try to get himself elected class president. Having no idea what to say, Napoleon says 'just tell them that if they vote for you, all their wildest dreams will come true'. And that's what he does and that's basically what she does. How do people fall for empty promises like that?

And of course a third good reason is I was happy with Trump's first term and I don't have any reason to think he'll be any worse this time, and very possibly far better. Depends on if the dems carry out another obstruction campaign.

Did fox or Newsmax break your brain?

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