They are stupid leftists that don't believe facts show their fellow leftists hate football in general but especially on UNC's campus.
UNC's Chancellor met with some of the faculty to appease their madness over Belichik being hired. They bitched at him for not funneling the millions raised for football to their departments as if those scumbags should steal donor money for themselves.
I am so, so tired of these people being present in the administration, faculty, or anywhere else associated with the school. Frankly, if they don't care for sports in general, or the big time revenue generating sports specifically, they need to have their staff arrange for some deplorables to move all their belongings to some other institution that has no sports whatsoever or, at best, an intramural program/DIII situation. Either accept that sports and the revenue/notoriety that they bring are part of the university/college experience or move on to less "green" pastures.
Frankly, when anyone in the world hears "UNC" or "Carolina", is their first thought about some French history professor, a study on gain of function, or the brand that is Carolina originally built by men's basketball? You should get that one on one guess every time, but they wouldn't. The value that has been brought to the university by Dean & Roy is simply immeasurable. Take the decades of football away and has literally anyone EVER heard the phrase Roll Tide? Study after study shows how applications, test scores, donations, funding, etc. go up at schools after athletic success. And, Carolina has had it in abundance - everywhere, across all sports - except for consistent football teams. And FB is a great white shark in a tank full of guppies and a dolphin.
These people are not only smug elitists', but they are flat out stupid and should have their degrees stripped in whatever lame liberal arts discipline they have if they cannot understand the value that BB and a successful FB program brings to the overall university. At a minimum, they need to stay in their lanes and let the adults run the university. What they don't understand is that no one is raising or donating millions for their stupid little departments and that money isn't coming, at all, without football, bball, etc. They simply don't get that the world doesn't exist on their blackboards/power points and isn't theoretical. Reality has a nasty habit of getting in the way of theory.