It is not that those of us who want to find ways to leave peacefully among people with which we differ believe there is no evil and by being nice suddenly every d*ckhead is going to just pause and say "you know, you're right, we need to change our evil ways..." I am saying by choosing how to react different CAN make a difference. Perfect example is those beautiful people in Charleston and how they reacted to that horrible tragedy they endured. They did not riot and retaliate by wanting to blow up every dumbass, flag toting redneck spewing hate and kill them in return, they chose to forgive and live in peace and pray for we as human beings find a way to live together in love and peace, something most of you twits obviously don't understand.
I KNOW there are going to be a bunch of idiots that are all too happy to blow us up, shoot up people they are afraid of or disagree with and honestly, I am not afraid to die, so if they choose to do that, fine. I will die knowing I tried to make a difference and show others how to love anyway. I get irritated as crap at the way some of you think, but I still want the absolute best for you and your families and love you regardless of how warped I think your mind is sometimes. I care about you too! If you don't like me for trying to be a good person and show how I believe we need to love one another, then that is your choice. I am fine with it.