It's definitely a process. And, I can totally understand why they recoil at a man like Donald Trump as their president.
I tell ya... I have a few close friends (chick knows them, too) who are VERY hardcore feminists... big time. A mother and a daughter, specifically. I love them both. They know it. Now, I try, on occasion, to offer some things for them to consider when they include me in a venting/rant session. I don't embody the "chauvinist pig" male to them, so that's good. I like that, actually. I'm not pretending either... just being me. But, I do try to balance the scales a little, just so I'm sure that they know (or are at least considering) that having a penis doesn't equal wants-to-oppress-those-that-don't. I think, deep-down, they know that. But, on the surface, especially in the wake of this election, it's still a fresh wound. Trump is an amalgam of every shitty ex-husband they ever had, or knew about.
If you can pull yourself away from how you're personally invested in the present-day situation, and look at the evolution of women's rights and women's acceptance into a male-dominated society (which there's no denying that), in this country, then I gotta believe you can see how there was a time, not so long ago, when these people couldn't even vote. They feel very offended by the words and actions of a guy like Trump. And, the country's acceptance of someone who has shown such disrespect (in their eyes) for the female of the species.