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Update on Molly the missing baby python.

Apparently a male student has contacted the female owner and says he found Molly. He offered to return the snake in return for a reward. Not a monetary reward, but umm ... favors.

So far we have not gotten confirmation on whether this character actually has Molly or is making epically inappropriate and public use of the double entendre.
Oh yeah, for those wondering, Molly the python has been found and returned to her owner. She was located in a stairwell in the classroom building over the weekend. It's possible that she was in the building the whole time, or that someone had her and dropped her back off.

No further updates on the attempted extortionist.
10-year-old girl fights off alligator that attacked her

She was sitting in water roughly 2 feet deep when the 8-feet-9-inch gator bit her on her knee and calf.

The girl poked the alligator in its nostril, advice she remembered hearing at Gatorland, in order to wriggle free, WFTV reported. The girl told the station that she also pried the gator's mouth open to free her leg.
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Nearly 7,000 bodies reportedly buried under University of Mississippi Medical Center campus

Officials estimate the bodies of nearly 7,000 former patients treated by Mississippi's first psychiatric institution are buried across a 20-acre stretch of land that now belongs to the Jackson-based University of Mississippi Medical Center, according to The Clarion-Ledger.

Officials surveyed the land with an underground radar in preparation for potential construction before discovering the coffins.
No no no no no no no no no. You know how you have a snake thing? I have a mental hospital thing? Movies/ghost shows about 19th century mental hospitals and insane asylums scare. the. shit. out of me.
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No no no no no no no no no. You know how you have a snake thing? I have a mental hospital thing? Movies/ghost shows about 19th century mental hospitals and insane asylums scare. the. shit. out of me.

Maybe I'm a sick bastard, but I kinda enjoy learning about that stuff. Season 2 of American Horror Story was great.
Maybe I'm a sick bastard, but I kinda enjoy learning about that stuff. Season 2 of American Horror Story was great.
Oh I like learning about it, but it's still grotesque and terrifying. It's fukked up how they treated the mentally ill (and not so mentally ill) back then, but it's all they knew.

The horror movies and ghost shows based in old insane asylums scare the hell out off me.
So the story itself isn't that weird here, it's apparently a domestic homicide: wife shoots husband. But the guy owned and ran the Serpentarium in Wilmington and was a semi-famous snake expert. We toured the place last fall with some friends of ours to get the kids out of the beach house on a rainy day. @Raising Heel would've loved it.
I was trimming the grass along the side of my house yesterday when I had an encounter with a 4-foot black snake. It tried to get away, but of course the damn thing ran (?) directly into my back yard, which is entirely enclosed by a six-foot-high panel fence except for the open gate it went through.

I made the harrowing decision to abandon my trimmer in favor of a rake. Didn't want to kill the thing, but it needed to get the hell outta my back yard. I managed to keep the thing "cornered" near the open gate so it wouldn't be on the loose in my yard. I was basically playing goalie using the rake.

After several failed attempts to climb the fence (duh) the stupid thing finally decided to go back out the gate it came in through. Only took it about 3 minutes to figure that out. When it finally exited my back yard I let out a Braveheart-esque cry of freedom.

Spent the next two hours mowing my yard and repeatedly thinking the same two things. 1) Is that a snake? Is that a snake? Is that a snake? And 2) Somehow this is OOTB's fault. Dammit I hate snakes.

/cool story bro

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