Random / Weird News Stories

Interesting bio for the writer of that article.

Michael Majchrowicz is a reporter covering crime and public safety. A Hoosier native, he graduated from Indiana University with a degree in journalism, where he never imagined he'd report on stories dealing with feces being sprayed in supermarkets.
Interesting bio for the writer of that article.

Michael Majchrowicz is a reporter covering crime and public safety. A Hoosier native, he graduated from Indiana University with a degree in journalism, where he never imagined he'd report on stories dealing with feces being sprayed in supermarkets.
I can relate. I have covered way more poo/sewer system stories than I'd ever have dreamed (can you use nightmare as a verb?)
This probably isn't the right thread for this, but I think it's interesting.
It is. There are several things about it that are a little strange. It mentions them being unable to sail because a part of the mast broke; another version of the story I saw said it was one of the spreaders, but both of them appear intact in the rescue photo. Either way, the rig as a whole looks intact enough that any damage that is there shouldn't have prevented them from sailing in some capacity or jury-rigging a repair.

The marine growth halfway up the topsides is unusual as well. I don't see how that happened without the whole boat being half full of water for at least a couple of weeks, which you'd think they might have mentioned in their list of hardships, since it would have been unbearably unpleasant at best, and utterly terrifying in anything but the calmest conditions.

Finally, have you ever heard of sharks attacking by slapping something with their tails, especially the bottom of a boat? WTH?

Regardless, very glad they're safe and don't mean to take anything away from what they've been through. It's just ... the accounts available leave me with more questions than answers.
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22 Dead Bodies Discovered In Flint River Found To Be The Source Of Water Contamination

Authorities say roughly 11 million liters of state purchased water have been distributed to Flint residents since the emergency was declared in January over the cities tainted drinking water.

However, a grisly discovery was made on Friday morning when surveyors discovered 22 bodies at the bottom of the lake weighed down by concrete blocks and chains. Three retired Michigan state employees are being questioned in connection with the disposal of the dead bodies that led to the contamination of Flint’s municipal water system. The corners office is currently trying to identify the victims.

“There’s a lot of discussion between the detectives and the coroner’s office that one of these bodies just might be the remains of Jimmy Hoffa,” said Lieut. Milton Cramer. “If it is, we will have cracked one of the most mysterious disappearance cases in American history.” Cramer is referring to James Riddle “Jimmy” Hoffa, an American labor union leader, who disappeared on July 30, 1975. Hoffa was last seen outside the Machus Red Fox, a suburban Detroit restaurant, just 68 miles from where these 22 bodies were discovered. Hoffa was declared legally dead in 1982.

Authorities believe that four of the bodies had been there for at least 40 years or more. The other 18, they suggest, had been dumped there over the last 18 months. The coroner’s office said it could take months before any of the bodies are identified.
As a longtime heavy drinker of coffee, I am always encouraged some when I see these reports . .

Another Study Suggests Coffee Is Really Great for Your Heart.

Still unsure if Arabica beans are nature’s way of saying humans are supposed to live forever? Well, in addition to maybe preventing liver disease, cancer, and erectile dysfunction, scientists say there’s exciting new proof coffee might make your heart healthier. In findings presented to the American Heart Association yesterday, University of Colorado researchers say they essentially stumbled upon this great news by digging through an important, very-long-running data set on American eating patterns and cardiovascular health.

The plan was to find dietary habits that help mitigate the risk of heart disease — and, according to Time, “one stood out after the analysis.” Per their findings, drinking coffee daily was linked to less heart failure, less stroke, and less coronary heart disease. Subjects who consumed an eight-ounce cup every day lowered their risk of each by 8 percent, 7 percent, and 5 percent, respectively. Moreover, the reduction repeated again with every new cup — all the way up to six.