I'm not trying to say that these people lied to you- I'm sure they were telling you what they experienced. But you're taking what THEY experienced and applying it to your own already-fear-driven understanding and perception.To go a step further -- in college at UNCW, my roommates for 3 years were marines from Camp LeJune...I was in college during 9/11, so following that event, all of my roommates were deployed to Iraq / Afghanistan. The stories you hear are just beyond horrific. How anyone would openly accept even the risk that those individuals ever set foot on our soil is completely beyond me.
But, forgetting that, they all said that what you and I get to hear reported on the news here is COMPLETELY different from the realities they faced there. You are buying into a false narrative and don't even know it.
I completely understand why you feel that way. While I've never experienced what you have and it is absolutely horrible to just know you went through it, I have other things that happened in my life that resulted in me handling things differently from others, so I get it.Look, I know I come across as a fear-mongering asshole, but I don't GAF. I've seen a lot of sh*t, and rather than cower in fear, I have chosen to not put up with it. I would rather protect my family and piss off people than the reciprocal of that.
I'm not trying to say that these people lied to you- I'm sure they were telling you what they experienced. But you're taking what THEY experienced and applying it to your own already-fear-driven understanding and perception.
You're petrified of, basically, anything Muslim now. Their accounts of what THEY saw, and your experiences above, don't make for a very objective understanding. You're wracked in a fear of them.
I'm really glad you shared all of this above. Seriously, thank you.
I completely understand why you feel that way. While I've never experienced what you have and it is absolutely horrible to just know you went through it, I have other things that happened in my life that resulted in me handling things differently from others, so I get it.
You really are a strong man to have endured that. I too would be fearful I think. All I can say is always try to keep more love in your life and in your interactions and more and more will come. Love and peace to you.
I agree with this, but it's helpful to consider WHY they are hateful and vengeful. They aren't born that way.If you want my honest opinion, I think these terror cells do not give two shits about any religion or any nationality. They have an agenda to rise to power, and this is their method of doing it. Using "Islam" as a backbone to recruit is nothing more (IMO) than their propaganda tool. I truly do not think they give a damn about anything religious. I know this goes against what other Republicans say - even on here - but it's just my take. I think these are hateful individuals to their core.
From what you shared above, you describe someone who is very afraid. If you don't think you are, that's fine.I am not petrified of anything or anyone.
Not sure of the exact number of days, but it is temporary, with the exception of the Syrian refugee program which has stopped indefinitely. The issue that I and most others have is that the ban (or whatever you want to call it) applies to people who are already legal residents and have a green card.I'm hearing that this isnt a ban at all but rather an extra 90 days added to an already 120 day wait for visas from those countries. Is that correct?
I agree with this, but it's helpful to consider WHY they are hateful and vengeful. They aren't born that way.
From what you shared above, you describe someone who is very afraid. If you don't think you are, that's fine.
Sadly, this is very true but we will still have to listen to the idiots who support Trump sing his praises. Every time we get back what we have coming from doing these asinine, knee-jerk reactive things, they will be blaming Obama STILL. They cannot see what results will come from this, nor will they ever see it. If I truly believe there was a place to go to escape this madness we have allowed, I'd surely go, but I don't think the place exists here on earth.
So let me gets this straight...you believe that we should expect attacks and accept them because we are shutting down the borders? That we promoted the attacks on ourselves because we didn't let people into the country?
You're poasts have always been pretty moronic. But that's a whole new level of moronic, wrapped up with some anti-patriotism.
Thanks. From one moron to another, I do believe these sanctions will piss off the wrong group and they will come here hell or high water just to prove that they can. Call me a moron all you want, I do believe we will have repercussions from this.So let me gets this straight...you believe that we should expect attacks and accept them because we are shutting down the borders? That we promoted the attacks on ourselves because we didn't let people into the country?
Your poasts have always been pretty moronic. But that's a whole new level of moronic, wrapped up with some anti-patriotism.
Thanks. From one moron to another, I do believe these sanctions will piss off the wrong group and they will come here hell or high water just to prove that they can. Call me a moron all you want, I do believe we will have repercussions from this.
I believe the San Bernadino terrorists left the country, became radicalized, and killed most of their co-workers because they were having a Christmas party...What I don't understand is why those like the Professor from Clemson, whose story I pasted above, aren't allowed back in. People who are already here legally but go out of the country to the banned countries, are not allowed back in and that doesn't make sense.
What it does is it singles-out a religion. That religion happens to be Muslim, and the countries happen to be countries that have a high concentration of Muslims. That marginalization (or discrimination if you're a potential jihadist) makes it easier to recruit people into their terrorist organizations. The more they recruit, the harder it is to overcome.Just to clarify: Are you saying that the "evil doers" wouldn't want to come here if we had open borders, but if we have some restrictions, they'll come here as a result (to show they can)?
Guess who just couldn't help himself?
What it does is it singles-out a religion. That religion happens to be Muslim, and the countries happen to be countries that have a high concentration of Muslims. That marginalization (or discrimination if you're a potential jihadist) makes it easier to recruit people into their terrorist organizations. The more they recruit, the harder it is to overcome.
If the objective is to have fewer potential terrorists, this is not a good idea.
This is a surprise to no one. What's also not a surprise is Obama basically whoopin' it up with his praise for the protesters. Sure, he's not technically inciting riots. But you know these liberal goons. When Obama stated he's behind the protesters, what they heard was, "whoo-hoo, I got a free pass from Mybama to go out and wreck shit."
I told you all, this guy is like herpes - impossible to get rid of.
as far as sticking around, i'm pretty confident you appreciated bush and cheney sticking around...i'll let you characterize their virus.
Not sure how reliable wikipedia is, but it seems like right after the Obama inauguration he left DC and went back to Texas. I also don't remember him chiming in with his opinion on any Obama initiatives in his first week in office
Not sure how reliable wikipedia is, but it seems like right after the Obama inauguration he left DC and went back to Texas. I also don't remember him chiming in with his opinion on any Obama initiatives in his first week in office
Me either.
so you guys don't recall cheney on fox news every weekend?...or the piece on bush at his ranch?...i recall them being asked and commenting multiple times on withdrawal vs occupancy.
i didn't care then and i don't care now as far it being a large deal...i always appreciate past presidents when they are given a chance to comment.
Before you accuse bleeding hearts of not caring about those people suffering like that here, go look up WHY they are not helped. Look up how Congress voted on bills to help them, then tell me who didn't care enough to help.http://nchv.org/index.php/news/media/background_and_statistics/
Since not one of the bleeding hearts on this board addressed my comments...I will just share this here! So we have just shy of 40,000 homeless veterans in our country. We have over 500,000 people homeless in this country. We have close to 500,000 kids in foster care in this country. We can't take care of our own but the bleeding hearts are pissed because of a temporary ban on allowing immigrants come in? Just how much more ass backwards can this country become? I can promise you 100% that those idiot protesters drove by a homeless person on their way to protest the immigration issue...what a bunch of %&^*ing idiots!
The border status isn't really going to deter someone who is determined to commit an act of terror, if they want to bad enough.Would potential terrorists not want to come here if there were completely open borders, and they only want to come here because there are now restrictions that they want to show they can get past as was alluded to in Chicks poast?
The objective from a USA point of view (which is the point of view of this legislation) is to have fewer terrorists enacting damage in the USA. The objective is not to have fewer potential terrorists worldwide (although if they happen to be correlated, great). To simplify it, I think many would agree Americans are better off if there are 100 terrorists in the world, but none of them can get into the USA - than there being 20 terrorists in the world, but all of them can get into the USA.
I thought we already established that helping people who are homeless only makes them dependent on you. It was almost unanimous that giving panhandlers money was merely enabling their scam. I am guilty of enabling their scam because I do give them money.http://nchv.org/index.php/news/media/background_and_statistics/
Since not one of the bleeding hearts on this board addressed my comments...I will just share this here! So we have just shy of 40,000 homeless veterans in our country. We have over 500,000 people homeless in this country. We have close to 500,000 kids in foster care in this country. We can't take care of our own but the bleeding hearts are pissed because of a temporary ban on allowing immigrants come in? Just how much more ass backwards can this country become? I can promise you 100% that those idiot protesters drove by a homeless person on their way to protest the immigration issue...what a bunch of %&^*ing idiots!
Obama's feelings are hurt. His entire legacy is being dismantled in front of his very eyes in the first couple of weeks of Trump's presidency. He must really be hurting. Poor little Obama, maybe he'll step up to microphone and start crying...
Nope, it's everything he ever work for, demagogued for, wasted every one's time for. He never bothered to work with Congress on anything and opted to use a pen and a phone instead of codifying his legacy in sustainable, lasting legislation crafted on a bi-partisan basis... He will know that everything that spawned from his empty-suit administration will die very quickly.if by legacy you mean the aca, perhaps...i hope everyone can benefit from a plan.
You sure as hell aren't the one who is "inconvenienced", so fvck'em.So, let's see... We inconvenienced 109 people out of 325K people who came into the USA this past weekend (<1%, OBTW...) as just one measure taken to safeguard the lives of 350 MILLION AMERICANS... I'll take that once a minute every day and every 30 seconds on Sunday.
If they are really so hot to trot to come here and live peacefully then they should be more than willing to take one for the team, don't you think?You sure as hell aren't the one who is "inconvenienced", so fvck'em.
I never referred to "they" in my response to you.If they are really so hot to trot to come here and live peacefully then they should be more than willing to take one for the team, don't you think?
Nope, it's everything he ever work for, demagogued for, wasted every one's time for. He never bothered to work with Congress on anything and opted to use a pen and a phone instead of codifying his legacy in sustainable, lasting legislation crafted on a bi-partisan basis... He will know that everything that spawned from his empty-suit administration will die very quickly.