Roy gets political

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You mean science like a person with male sexual organs is male and one with female sexual organs is female? Or do you mean making global warming a thing based on about 100 years of weather history and making millions of dollars by doing it??

Perhaps he means how conservatives still glorify a sky daddy and base almost all of their party's opinions on it's teachings.
For the record Orangeness lost the popular vote by some 3 million votes, his electoral totals were not impressive, take a look back at say #43's or #44's, but you keep on living in the new "alternative" world.

His electoral totals were fairly impressive, especially given the odds pollsters gave him of making it close, never mind winning. He won 304 electoral votes to 227, or said another way, he got 34% more electoral votes than Hillary.

His 304 number is greater than both of George W.'s in his wins in 2000 and 2004 (I can only assume you meant George W. as "#43" and that you couldn't possibly be stupid enough to count Obama's two wins as him being the #43 and #44 president).

Now that we've cleared things up as to supporters of the right wing...when is the pussy grabbing party? Or do your Christian values support all that hate the burnt cheeto/bannon offer? Love all the cute remarks above though.

The party's over on OOTB. Why don't you take a step over there so that the rest of your uniformed garbage can be corrected/ridiculed properly, without further needing to veer off course in a basketball forum.
Truths like "if you like your doctor you cane keep him"? or like this "truth".."We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care," Obama said. "Families will save on their premiums; businesses that will see their costs rise if we do nothing will save money now and in the future. This plan will strengthen Medicare and extend the life of that program. And because it gets rid of the waste and inefficiencies in our health care system, this will be the largest deficit reduction plan in over a decade.


20 million more Americans now have access to health care
The rate of increase of health care spending has been reduced
The deficit - well you can find plenty of articles pro and con as to it's effects so it's whatever you choose to believe.

To be fair, what did he say that was wrong? Our president tweets as much as a highschool gossiping chick
Yes, and if you read my other posts in this thread you'll see that I agree with Roy's point - Trump does use Twitter to say some things he shouldnt (but to be clear, I love the fact that he bypasses the liberal lying press to get info out there .. dont blame him one bit). I just dont like that Roy said that in a postgame press conference - stupid thing to say in that setting. We all have an opinion, this is mine. GO HEELS
Like or not, first amendment rights just like you using your avatar. Quit whining. A lot people do not like Trumps tweets just like they don't like your avatar. I come here to talk sports not politics and prefer not to see your political avatars.
Look away ... or use ignore. Also, you probably shouldnt say "quit whining" then whine yourself. It's unbecoming :D

20 million more Americans now have access to health care
The rate of increase of health care spending has been reduced
The deficit - well you can find plenty of articles pro and con as to it's effects so it's whatever you choose to believe.

Look kids, one of the half dozen dinosaurs left on earth who will actually make an effort to defend Obamacare. HILARIOUS.
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I think Obummer would trip him, throw an elbow, snap his head back and then demand that he "pay his fair share" as Mr 304 falls to the ground ;)
I think you meant Ted Cruz not Obama.

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Roy's comments were in no way shape or form political. No commentary on fiscal policy, foreign policy, marriage equality, gun laws or any of the hundreds of issues you'd call political.... he made an off-the-cuff remark about the president tweeting!
Storm in a teacup stuff.
I tend to agree. I think Roy's remark was more of a personal insult than political insight.

Give 'em hell, Roy! Screw the naysayers!
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I guess it's impossible to live in Chapel Hill and work at UNC without succumbing to the liberal mindset that is all our so prevalent at almost all our major universities.
Long live the intelligentsia! Eat cake, peasants!
To be fair, what did he say that was wrong? Our president tweets as much as a highschool gossiping chick
Interesting comment. Roy simply calls a spade a spade, and in fact, by leaving it at merely "bullshit" he took it easy on ol' prez. Meanwhile, the leader of the free world spews twitter diarrhea daily and these conservative numnuts fall to their knees in praise like a mosque full of Muslims paying homage to Allah.

[EDIT: I apologize in advance if this post offends any Muslims. It is not intended to. All offense is intended toward conservatives, as it should be.]
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Let me try to throw out another view. I have worked in collegiate athletics in various roles. During the last decade or even longer a major issue with student athletes is their use of social media. Many departments have sessions on what's appropriate or not. Some have designated people to monitor social media and some ban their athletes from it. There are numerous examples of how athletes or teams have shot themselves in the foot with an inappropriate tweet or post (heck we can look back at Marvin Austin). Then when you have the leader of the free world flying off the handle on Twitter, it doesn't help the social media lesson trying to be taught.

Many missed it but coach K referenced Trump's tweets after he banned the team from the locker room weeks ago and the incident was leaked on twitter, "when one thing happens, that's the story. It's a good thing leaders don't lead that way. I hope they don't. I know one who uses Twitter alot".

Regardless of political parties these comments from these 2 coaches have to be more about social media use and leadership skills than making a political comment.
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My first post in years just to say THANK YOU COACH!!! We need more people to talk truth to power. I stopped posting years ago because of the mouth breathers on this board, just check in from time to time to enjoy the Tar Heel Tracker...this thread caught my eye and I had to read....just to see that not much has changed around here...time to log back out and enjoy some hoops...and as always GO TO HELL DOOK!
I think Obummer would trip him, throw an elbow, snap his head back . . . as [Trump] falls to the ground ;)
I would prefer seeing that any day over Obama merely putting up hesitation, ankle-breaking, crossover dribbles, pump fakes, and teardrop threes over the Donald.
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What a terrible thread this has turned into. We are killing each other in here. Hell we even have some arguing the merit of the affordable care act which is downright stupid. As a healthcare provider, I can tell you 100% the ONLY benefits in the existing structure is the increase in dependent healthcare coverage to age 26 and the elimination of pre-existing conditions. Some yahoo on here claimed a decrease in healthcare spending which is about the dumbest metric you can use in healthcare. Of course spending is down! It's too expensive for folks to use their existing coverage so they defer preventative and routine healthcare maintenance which is bad in itself. Toss is a terrible reimbursement system and a sliding scale of payment driven by insurance companies who are getting there money, let's be clear on that. Who picks up the tab? Ding ding ding. Us providers aren't Going to decrease our cut with the liability cost we have to account for along with student debt that takes years to repay. There is no tangible metric that can be used to argue the point of The " affordable" care act as a success in making healthcare affordable. Let's just stop the stupid and end this thread.

Go to hell Dook! Let's win this thing tonight.
I love him as our Head Coach, but it stops there --- and I've felt that way for a long time, not just after these comments. I know Dean would get political from time to time but I'm really disappointed that Roy would say something like this. And I'll give you 10 to 1 that, at some point, he says he's sorry for what he said.

Oh, and I would love for Trump to Tweet something about Roy at this point ... would be TOO funny.

Oh well... Another one who's drunk the koolaid. I'll wait the few months it will take for the other shoe to drop and the joke to play out further. Trump is a sociopathic leech who feeds on ignorance and fear mongering and he used it to win the white house albeit losing by nearly 3 million votes. He takes responsibility for absolutely no portion of the epic mistakes and screw ups these last 2 months. He throws up fake smoke screens and tries to divert the attentions of the feeble minds he still influences. He is a scar on the office. Oh... Go heels... And go Roy. Im glad Dean never had to see this obscene affront to democracy and you know full well he'd speak out just as if not stronger against this characterless buffoon that is Trump than Roy did. Oh yeah... Basketball, heels, go.
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1. If he would have said something in support of Trump, many would not have minded...because it would have been in support of Trump.

2. Just because Williams makes a comment about something other than basketball doesn't mean he needs to focus on basketball--it really just means he said something some people didn't like. If you're a Supreme Court Justice, you can make a comment about how Frostys are better than milkshakes and still be focused on your job.

2a. Like when some people over here had a problem with Obama doing his televised brackets. Face it; there was nothing wrong with that--the truth was that a lot of people just didn't like the man. Bush could go on vacation and ride horses, but if Obama filled out a bracket...oh heck naw.

3. Coaches, celebrities, athletes--they are all entitled to give their political opinion. We can give ours (see the Barack-o-tology example) but they can't give theirs? Oh, that's right--they can't if we don't agree with it.

4. I like Michael Jordan, and I don't care if he compliments Trump or criticizes him--he has that right, and so do I. Remember when Williams commented on Jordan's "ceiling is the roof" comment? I don't recall anyone saying Williams needed to focus on coaching then.

It's just funny how if Williams would have said people need to stop the rioting, or people need to come together as a nation and support the president, or people need to look at the truth in some of Trump's tweets, I'm not so sure some people would have had a problem with what Williams said.
Now that we've cleared things up as to supporters of the right wing...when is the pussy grabbing party? Or do your Christian values support all that hate the burnt cheeto/bannon offer? Love all the cute remarks above though.
Bill Clinton will be at the head of any puzzy grabbing party.

20 million more Americans now have access to health care
The rate of increase of health care spending has been reduced
The deficit - well you can find plenty of articles pro and con as to it's effects so it's whatever you choose to believe.

The rate of health care spending has been reduced??? Yeah people can't afford to go to the doctor. Health care premiums continue to soar along with the deficit. Maybe you should stick to Canadian politics,
It's just funny how if Williams would have said people need to stop the rioting, or people need to come together as a nation and support the president, or people need to look at the truth in some of Trump's tweets, I'm not so sure some people would have had a problem with what Williams said.

Yes people would certainly have had a problem with what Williams said if he said that. It just would have been all the ones in this thread that don't have a problem with what he said this time...
Yes people would certainly have had a problem with what Williams said if he said that. It just would have been all the ones in this thread that don't have a problem with what he said this time...
"All the ones". Not at all--I didn't have a problem with what he said this time, and I wouldn't have had a problem if he said that (what I said from my post you quoted). Williams can "get political" all he wants, and we shouldn't hold him to this standard that some of us pulled out of thin air; a standard that says we can talk politics but he shouldn't--except if he says something with which we agree. My whole thing is that he can say something I agree with as well as something I don't; I don't need my favorite coach to have the same political views as I do. And your post kind of agrees with the point I was making in the first place anyway.
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It's just funny how if Williams would have said people need to stop the rioting, or people need to come together as a nation and support the president, or people need to look at the truth in some of Trump's tweets, I'm not so sure some people would have had a problem with what Williams said.
Your total post was excellent, but I felt the need to comment on this last point.

There has been truth in some of Trump's tweets? Probably just an example of a broken clock being right twice a day. ;)
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The rate of health care spending has been reduced??? Yeah people can't afford to go to the doctor. Health care premiums continue to soar along with the deficit. Maybe you should stick to Canadian politics,

The "checkbook economics" (don't spend more than you make) crap you've been fed really doesn't apply. Healthcare, like the economy, is a big and complex system. More like a train. You can't instantaneously reverse direction. You have to slow down first.

Listen, nobody should be saying that the ACA is perfect. It's just better than nothing which has been the alternative plan for that last 8 years.

Compare it to the AHCA which will insure less at an even higher cost. You think that is a better plan?

Canadian politics is too boring - both sides are rational and intelligent.

If Roy knew how to manipulate the refs the way that Trump leads the half wits in the MSM around by the nose with tweets , then he might get a few more call go his way against the dookies. Trump knows how to win. Trump sets the agenda. K sets the tone on how a game is going to be called. Roy not so much.
If Roy knew how to manipulate the refs the way that Trump leads the half wits in the MSM around by the nose with tweets , then he might get a few more call go his way against the dookies. Trump knows how to win. Trump sets the agenda. K sets the tone on how a game is going to be called. Roy not so much.

Give it a rest. We are a 1 seed, your man crush K isnt.
The "checkbook economics" (don't spend more than you make) crap you've been fed really doesn't apply. Healthcare, like the economy, is a big and complex system. More like a train. You can't instantaneously reverse direction. You have to slow down first.

Listen, nobody should be saying that the ACA is perfect. It's just better than nothing which has been the alternative plan for that last 8 years.

Compare it to the AHCA which will insure less at an even higher cost. You think that is a better plan?

Canadian politics is too boring - both sides are rational and intelligent.

You don't know what the AHCA is going to cost , so don't act like you do. We have to pass it to see what's in it..............LMFAO UCA better than nothing? No it is worse than nothing. My premiums didn't go up 250% when there was nothing.
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