Shame on E-SEC/DOOK-PN!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
May 10, 2005
These clowns have Texas A&M @ Arkansas over our game vs State!!!!!! Are you kidding Me??
For one I am so glad!!..these dookie analysts are driving me crazy!!..Jay Williams just lost his mind when Seth Greenberg said that we had a chance to make the final four..these dookies have been so biased here lately and it's sickening to listen to...ESPN is a joke!!
This may shock y'all but.....there are like 300 other college programs in the country besides UNC.

Occasionally, ESPN likes to show other teams (they do show the Heels quite a lot, ya know). Man we are a spoiled fanbase
When we see a fellow conference team playing a lesser team on espn or espn2 it frosts me. Earlier in the season particularly. Not every cable package offers espn, espn2, espnu and espn3. Most only offer espn and espn2...glad to see the acc nwetwork stepping up. makes me wish for sailing with the Pilot...
^^ Hey y'all, don't blame ESPN.....

Blame Moo!!!! If they were worth a damn, this game would be on ESPN. In fact.....if they were worth a damn over the last 30 years, ESPN would've created "Carolina-Duke-esque" hype for the UNC-Moo game as well. You don't think ESPN would've loved for a 3-way hardcore rivalry with Moo thrown in with Duke and Carolina???

But they couldn't, because Moo sucked at the time ESPN really got into showing college basketball...........and Moo continued to suck, and suck, and suck, and here we are today
No one wants to see the peckers play. They r nobody outside of rawleigh. Heels in a blowout 91to79.If UNC was playing any other team it would be nationwide.
Can the dang wolpfies get on the dang bus and get them on over to Chapel Hill? Or do we need a snow plow and police escort...they are after all, the Wolpfies!
Perhaps their coach gilbert gotfried can get a delay like kay...

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