Here's a better answer to that question than I could ever hope to give. About :30 in some guy asks Hitch basically the exact same question.
We're not debating "Hitch". We were discussing this with you. If I wanted to know what "Hitch' thought, I'd be arguing with him on a different message board. For someone that often chastises others for being brainwashed, it's ironic that you point to someone else's testimony to express your views.
But for argument's sake, let's say you and this Hitch fellow are on the exact same page and you just wanted others to know that there are select few that believe what you believe. He still didn't even really answer the question. Why does it matter to you what other people believe in? Sure, religion can sometimes create conflict and can promote division. But it also promotes living your life in a way to serve others and to do what's right and gives people a moral compass. Any particular piece of life has its pros and cons. Technology has created lots of problems in human interaction. But the positive impact it's had on humanity far outweighs the negative. That's why there aren't that many people trying to rid the earth of technological advances. You're choosing to see the negative side of religion versus seeing the positive side to religion. Furthermore, on an individual basis, religion hardly does any harm at all and only gives people hope. Who the f**k are you to come and attempt to ruin that for them?
I know for me, my spirituality and religious affiliation works for me. I don't take the Bible literally. I see the lessons as metaphors for how one should live. And if you have a kind heart, those metaphors are going to translate into positive messages and a positive way of life. If you're not of kind heart, then yeah, you can probably interpret the teachings of all religions to say what you want. But can't you do that with any teachings - secular or religious?
Look, if you view yourself as more intellectually evolved and superior to those that subscribe to a religion, then fine. Live your life without religion. But don't go f**king it up for those of us that are clearly not on your level. We idiots can't wrap our brain around the depth of your thinking. Therefore, we need something else to hold on to. Our faith gives us that. So you take your intellectual superiority and live your life and we'll take our faith and live ours. Being that both are unprovable (can't prove or disprove that any higher being exists), your way is no more right than mine. But understand that you are the minority. Your thinking is the one that deviates from the norm. It's usually the oddballs that are the ones that have to just eat it. That means, I'm not forcing religion on you. I don't give a f**k about you. You can live without faith all you want. But being the oddball, you should sit quietly and enjoy your intellectual superiority. We religious folks, being the majority, have the luxury of sharing our commonality with others. If that bothers you, then sit there and take it.